My brother started to dress up like a girl 2 weeks ago and he wants people to start calling him "Ciara".
I mean like WTF
pic related
What should i do Sup Forums?
I don't want my brother to be a trans faggot.
My brother started to dress up like a girl 2 weeks ago and he wants people to start calling him "Ciara".
I mean like WTF
pic related
What should i do Sup Forums?
I don't want my brother to be a trans faggot.
Beat him up
If he wants to act like a girl, fuck him like a girl should be fucked and cum in him and when he gets pregnant and has to be a single mom he will wish he never fucking was. White power!!1
Fuck him.
Either he likes it and becomes your sissy slave, or he's humiliated and stops that shit.
Either way, you win.
beat him up
wtf kind of brother are you if youll just let him do it
kill the faggot!
It's your duty as the big bro. You're a faggot for not doing it straight away
Just let him be, you white trash.
have any of her nudes?
Your brother is cute.
9/10 would bang.
>Being 13
Yeah you should probably fuck him
Looks like ur gonna have to put em down
He's only your brother if he's not your sister...
Give him a hug for being brave enough to tell people this is the way he wants to be seen.
let her do as she pleases.
u r gay m8
fill that little Ciara cup full of semen
Fuck off you samefag fucking faggot.
His brother is basically about to throw his life away fro some attention, only a faggot would support this, its fucking haram m8
Just be polite & don't give a fuck what your tranbro does unless it involves you directly.
Get out of here you gay homosapien
your straight upo desperate to make it look like theres a bunch of you supporting this gay shit, when its obviously just you.
beat it out of him you fucking pussy.
this is bait
Same fag baitfag
try again.
im even namefag tripcodeing
stale pasta is stale
OP,you are a faggot and you should delet this.
23 replies/26 posters. Yeah I did allllllll those.
Beat his ass OP
your still a faggot though
Only queer fucks say that.
obviously just the 4 samefagging sjw posts you fucking retard.
Dude, leave him alone to do what he wants. If he gets hassled beat the fuck out of the hasslers. You can't choose your family but you have to look out for them no matter what. Yeah he's a fucking faggot but he's still your bro
no, literally everyone says that, you faggot.
You must be an SJW because your pretty detached from reality, faggot is hardly a word that only gays use.
Protect your bro man, he needs you more than anyone.
he will have to bear the shame of his brothers miguided identity experiments.
Also, this is obviously fake bait.
What even is this thread and why am I being cut with all this edge.
Have a loli to cheer things up.
its a mental illness, leave him to it. and fuck off back to tumblr
a pedo gives life advice
No thanks, kill yourself
your bother is mentally retarded. disown him
Sup Forums past 2015 in a nutshell.
>I'm not gay but I love sucking cocks
disown it
No faggot just a shit insult. Thinking you're so funny and original using it.
It's what mouth breathers do, requires little to no thinking.
>not a pedo, but loli is somehow acceptable
Just beat the shit out of him, he'll be fine.
I obviously have more sense than the rest of you newfags here, regardless of what I fap too.
Leave the kid be and go back to laughing at edgy stale memes kid.
It's cold as fuck outside but it sure feels like summer.
You call your brother Ciara, refer to him as her and your sister.
Or you leave him the fuck alone and go on with your life. Why does it seem so hard to mind your business and let people live as they want?
Because his brother wants to help him and not see him turning into a major faggot?
wew thats hot