Just for the sake of discussion...

Just for the sake of discussion, what's the best way to brutally harm a large crowd that are armed with close quarters weapons?

No guns or explosives allowed. Gases are nice.

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sound cannon

so basically you're limiting it to gasses.
chemical warfare is dangerous.
so many guys got killed just making that kind of bomb.

>so basically you're limiting it to gasses.
I guess if you aren't creative, I am.

fuck off artillery is always an option

Nuclear weapons.

thats explosive




Gas, flamethrower, water cannon (+electricity),

The water cannon idea is a classic, but I don't know how one would go about electrifying the stream of water effectively and without shocking them self.

Boiling water cannon.

I love it

napalm? technically not explosive

gases in an open enviroments wouldnt be very effective

good lord your evilness is delicious

if the water was merely boiling it would cool down as it travels through the air. The range is limited by the amount of water you are putting through the system. You would need a LOT of water to disable a crowd this way.

Try a steam cannon. Same (short) range but superheated steam can do a LOT of damage. And less mass/more direct heating than just water. With a heavy steam cannon you could melt people.

flame thrower is OP in closed spaces

Maybe an 'enraging' agent?
Make the crowd tear itself apart.

You can use boiling oil instead, then.

Yeah... good idea, idiot...
How about a "suicide agent", now we got started...

Easy. I'd just use my superior sowrd skills to cut them all down one at a time.

Try harder next time OP, haha.

Text me 6789373475

shit what the hell does no explosives allowed means? you want like white weapons like swords and shit?cause cannons can be considered guns and almost all gases and biological weapons are spark triggered. does a frag granade counts?

Text me :D 6789373475

An EMP. Watch how the masses lose their minds without electricity.

women, got that right user, those cunts can destroy civilizations

yea something, you just need a much higher specific heat than water. And to heat all that water would be a nightmare. It would be a firehose to a hydrant with a few boilers in the line, not a backpack system.

Steam could be a backpack system to take out a room. (need nuclear to heat it that quick, or battery array for 2 mins of use, chemical for 5 - 10 mins use)

just pull down Op's pants, his faggot ass is so cockhungry it would suck everything in miles

Drop spiders from the ceiling, then when everyone is in full panic mode, release the tigers

you can just put on a boombox one of Hillary's speeches and watch all of them commit suicide

Hoses and electricity

OP here
gases are out, is right.

Steam is an interesting idea, I like that.

you dont get it
you get it

horses and electability

have a MRI machine in the middle of the room and turn it on. It would pull the weapons towards it and kill anyone close by.

someone has never been crowd controlled with tear gas.

I have, and thats exactly why I said its not effective, disperses too fast to do serius damage alone, and people can just move, thats why its effective do DISPERSE and not kill, you moron, go get tear gassed in the face before talking shit

How much set-up do you have OP, what kinds of preparation do you have? Do you get to create the area or just what you can take in with you?

Use a radiation trap

bulldozer or a combine

and who are we killing? just women? just blacks? just muslins? all kinds of "people"?

Prep work can be anything.

It could take all day to prep, it could take all night.

You stupid piece of shit.
Maybe if they wanted to kill they would use the kill-gas (look up WWI for some real world OUTDOOR examples) and not the please-go-home-now-gas?

Lol, like dropping an uranium bar in the middle of the crowd? he's trying to be effective, and spending years so they slowly die of radiation poisoning isn't very effective, you know, since speed is a key factor on effectiveness

You're all taking this way too seriously.

I just wanted to know of funny ways to fuck with protesters. And yes I find gassing those crowds funny.

you know why they were used on WWI??? because of fucking trenches you stupid cunt, they gassed trenches, again, it would not be effective on open enviroments, one fucking wrong gush of wind and puuf the mustard gas is on your face

this is Sup Forums, you do not imply you're gonna kill people and expect not to be taken seriously

go to taco bell. eat three pounds of re fried beans. crowded area. LET IT RIP. of course u would walk out fine. everyone loves their own stench

Technically the FAT MAN bomb was an implosion bomb.


water hose, hydrochloric acid (available at your pool shop)

Broken glass everywhere, gallons of that stink bomb crap, pop packets on the ground (step activate POP POP POP panic), ammonia and bleach in plastic bags, super soaker with bleach ("my protesting clothes got ruined" lol),
2-inch caltrops ftw
accuse other crowd members of things and get them beaten up, anything that can cause a panic or stampede, act violent/break things, then leave and tell the cops the protest is violent.

most damage? caltrops. Drop them randomly in a thick crowd and someone WILL fuck their foot up.


implosion primed nuclear explosion.


Still counts as either.

so smoke would blow away in the "open air" but not a 4 foot by 6 foot trench in open air? You are literally so dumb i cant even.

Unless there is a strong wind a few gas canisters with arsnic or mustard gas would kill. Especially in an urban setting. No question moron.

>no guns or explosives
Fucking tough
Biological warfare, radiation poisoning, fucking them all to death

no, it does not. the 500 meter diameter ball of nuclear hellfire was not caused by an implosion lol.

by your logic a gun is an explosive weapon and not a projectile because it is caused by an explosion. god u r dum.

if you think there was as much ventilation in a trench as there is in open fields, there's not much I can do for you anymore, i could even try to star explaining that it has a lot to do with area of effect and dispersion and wind but it's not woth it

fucking just take a look at fluid mechanics

and that's what videogames teach

Ok, even if you have that little of an understanding of aerodynamics, even if I am completely wrong (i'm not) and making everything up:

Then why would they use gas attack WHEN THE ENEMY WAS CHARGING across the trenches?
They would gas when the guys were out in the open charging.

Or let me guess, every top general and scientist from WWI is wrong and obviously does not have your in depth understanding of "area of effect" and "wind". By the way did you learn about airflow from the college of vidya games? "area of effect" as if gas canisters were an area effect spell HAHAHAHHAHA. just stop idiot. People are gassed outside all the time. hahah

When did I say kill?
>brutally harm

fucking read

With 20 years of dedicated and efficient martial Arts training relating to fighting multiple armed opponents.
Also, a physically healthy and fit body.

Also a flamethrower

follow up,
look at these videos of real life gas in outdoor situations. There is even wind in the first and second one and you can see that the video game logic does not apply to your "area of effect" dispersion

Gas grenades have worked well in the. Past for nonlethals.

Who's to say you don't have a massive volume of gas underground, released from the floor when the crowd is over it?

and that's why I said there was nothing I could do for you, and yes they were stupid, their chemical weapons were proven highly innefective, dependind on climate conditions to work and killing usually on both sides, thus actually not having any importancy other than beeing cruel and beeing banned, pick any history book and they will tell you this

actually your videos demonstrate my point, ir desperses really quickly, policemen have to constantly keep throwing granades to have little effect

but i will cut you a break here because the density of tear gas is lower than like mustard and other really harmfull gasses

not having any importance? Now i know 100% that you are just making shit up, typing autistic works of fiction and falsehoods on the internet.

They banned chemical weapons BECAUSE they killed so many people in such inhumane ways. Entire hospital wards were filled with people dying from mustard gas inhalation. You could make an entire army die slowly over decades which was what made it illegal.

also look and the FUCKING video evidence i posted you fucking basement dwelling autistist. It works very well even in light wind and people use it every day.

>climate conditions

Go get gassed again idiot, maybe it will help unretard you. Maybe then you can learn to argue instead of trying to highroad someone much smarter than you. Unless you can learn to do that, it's you who there is no helping. Go take a shower cheeto breath, and wash the dumb out of your mouth lol.

They cleared a hundred foot area you inbred fuck.

also please tell me what the density of mustard gas is as an absolute and ratio to tear gas. By the way mr. scientist are you sure that was tear gas? maybe using your knowledge of "area of effect" spells and wind dispersion you can determine it and let us know, genius.

Hello Antifa

good lord you're good at swearing, im too lazy to look up a better souce for you, but that will do en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_weapons_in_World_War_I#Casualties

read it and see if they were so important, and the true reason why they were banned (would like to point that banning a weapon because it kills too much its stupid, weapons are banned because they are excessively cruel or cause too much post war damage)

fbi tested its own audio stun gun devices

it's writen in the fucking name of the video you idiot

sincerely did not understand the question about the density of mustard gas

Cause no on ever lies, exaggerates or is misinformed on the internet right?

>this poster gobbles cocks
there you go! proof you are a gigantic cock gobbler.

it cleared the area because everyone who saw it runs like hell, not because they all were affected, again go get tear gassed in the face and you'll see

yes, when arguments fail, insults till no one can stand being around you,than its almost like you were right and won and mommy loves you again

he (you?) was trying to leave the argument by claiming the problem was a simple misunderstanding about the difference between gas densities so I turned that ploy around and made it seem like the core argument of this discussion was centered SOLELY on the question of gas densities as a form of attacking the point by absurdity or by disproportionality.

oh oks, thanks for clearing it

thanks, also cause nukes aren't banned right? It was banned because the people exposed to the gas would not die right then, but be maimed for life. Which is unsportsmanlike and unnecessarily cruel.

But this line of thinking does infer that people were being exposed to gas in trench warfare conditions (however great 1940 gas warfare effectiveness was).



>gas isnt effective at crowd dispersal because it works, it's effective because people just leave the area when the cops use it

A Black Hole

OP here
Ending the thread
God damn
Got high and watched a Berkley riot video and wanted to think of funny ways to punish protesters.
Black hole wins
Fucking ruin someone else's thread you angry fucks

your thread way dead anyway faggot.

also, drop caltrops (think really angry tacks on the floor)

>thermonuclear holocaust
>moon's destruction

yep it was a really shitty thread, better part of it was arguing with someone about efficiency of chemical warfare on WWI

also rip thread

yea that was a lot of fun, thanks user!

Drop a boulder like how Wile E. Coyote did. :D

Previous guy talking... just realized threads done :(

I'm lonely:((

boiling oil cannon

Tell that to ww1