behold the stick
Behold the stick
But can it beat a bunch of marines?
All of them
How could marines possibly take on the stick? I mean, come on. Get your head out of your ass
behold the dick
But the stick is practically invincible, not even your trips can disprove this fact
behold the brick
Are you making sure to speak softly?
, of forsaken fagness.
that stick isn't very big doh
In fact, my trips prove the invincibility of the stick
post a bigger stick I fucking dare you
Gentlemen! BEHOLD
When doesca stick become a log?
t e s t
Who invented the lawn?
Me so corny,
Me love you long time
Me sucky sucky
> C l e a r l y a t w i g .
Dat stick
use a chinese keyboard
that's not a stick. it's a miniature log
When a twig become a stick?
Whoever mowed a field first
behold my prick
not sure if stick or ya boy skinny penis
At last! The Stick has come for us!
Behold the
Behold my spick
beholdith my retarded cousin mick who is also a hick
Behold my pic
she thicc
John Deere?