I'm a 24 year old user, and there is a qt 15 year old pursuing me.
Seeing as this may be my last chance to bed an adolescent that young...
>what do Sup Forums?
I'm a 24 year old user, and there is a qt 15 year old pursuing me
dont commit rapes
fuck her and stay on good terms when she is 18 post all her shit she has done with u
Is it legal in your country? If so, do it, no question
Never go full retard
Fucking run user. She will get attached and eventually tell someone if you fuck her. Only goes down hill from there b/rother
Year below age of consent.
Fuck her and end up marrying her
t. someone who met their partner at 23 and they were 14
I will add that we only fucked once she hit 18 though, to avoid this
Have you ever banged a 15 year old?
It's like driving a new car off the lot. It's as good as it gets.
You know the rules user, post pics then we'll give you legit info.
Fellow UKfag? Personally I like mature women who aren't dumb childish idiots full of mind games and tricks, but fuck away. Providing she's legal of course.
I have. First ltr was with a 14 year old at age 17.
Popped a 15yo cheery at 19.
Also, hookers in thailand were below that even.
In this case tease her, get her to want you badly
Tell her what you plan on doing to her
How hot you find her
Do none of this directly, only hit at it
Basically give her signs youre interested too and imply that youre basically just waiting
You will drive her crazy as fuck
Hang out with her, get to know her
And when she hits 16 fuck the shit out her
Crofag. Yeah I like 'em at 30-45 too but fresh is fresh.
If you're in the US check your state's laws to see if you're in a state where you can bang 16 year olds.
If so, give her a birthday surprise
Be a fucking civilized human being and don't fuck her
I suppose it is true that civilization is all about ignoring basic biological facts and natural instincts
>says someone who never saw a naked 15yo
OP, smash.
>last chance to bed an adolescent that young
Don't be stupid op, first off it will not be your last chance because 15 year olds are quite stupid. speaking as a 38 yo I still get girls that young and dumb wanting something from an older man. Word of the wise do.not.do.it , not worth the jailtime because they always talk to someone about it and become attached and will make a big deal if you break it off.
If you are OP, and you've had an underage girl at one point, I wouldn't risk it. You know what it's about.
That said, I'd risk it. Nothing like placing your mark on a young woman's memory for years to come. If you're any good in bed she'll compare everyone else to you and probably come back at some point in your life.
Just don't knock her up, you'll be done for.
Don't do it. It is better to regret never getting adolescent pussy when you hit your 30s. Feels good man.
Don't even think about it op.
>15 years old
>Mind games
What, like hop scotch?
If you get outplayed by at 15 year old you deserve everything that's coming to you.
This is inaccurate.
I had girlfriends all through high school, I'd fucking hate it if I never had that experience. I still remember how fresh and sweet they were inside and out. Nothing can compare to it. Anons will tell you different - they obviously don't know.
>Willing, able and eager young woman decides what she wants and persues it without cohersion
Wew lad
15 is legal in many places
I'm sure the judge will consider that argument.
>I still get girls that young and dumb
Tell us your secrets
Is that a serious question? Girls that young just want attention. If you give them it, it really doesn't matter who they get it from they will consider sex with you. It's not rocket science.
17 is legal in my state and that's too young for me tbh, I prefer 21 and older.
It's kind of cute. She always glances at me from across the room the flinches back as if I wouldn't notice.
>tfw she probably has this romanticized idea of you in her mind's eye, completely oblivious of how dead inside you really are