Pewdiepie on Sup Forums
How do you feel knowing he's on this website?
Do you think he's too much of a normie?
Pewdiepie on Sup Forums
How do you feel knowing he's on this website?
Do you think he's too much of a normie?
Other urls found in this thread:
He is corrupted, probs thanks to us
thanks 4chanarino.
hes on /wsg/ or /gif/ not b so idgaf
what will happen
Well he is a nazis. so he goes well in Sup Forums
Xd bro I am le pewds
I am a real memer now
Sup Forums isn't special it's a shithole where everyone can go.
Nobody cares.
Stop.making this shit thread
Too much of a normie, for the most normie website on the internet. Wewlad
Does a faggot visiting a normie site make him a normie?
He paid some kids online to hold up a sign saying gas the Jews. Alot of people got pissed
Sorry ;-;
Sup Forums isn't a secret club anymore faggot
Newfag detected
you're so fucking worng
Kkk eae men bem interessante seu post aí
como vc pode ver provocou varias risadas entre o pessoal
desse grupo mais eu venho lhe trazer um ultimato
aqui que me foi dito e parece que esse seu meme aí
é um kibe da south america memes mano n queria falar
assim mas olha foi a informação que me passaram né
então se eu fosse você eu apagava porque o
pessoal da south america memes é brabo
He's always browsed Sup Forums you retards, he used to post his vids on Sup Forums back in the day. Anyone that still browses Sup Forums regularly more than other boards is the real normie.
Pewdiepie is a GOD
I think your a normie for watching his videos
hi you can just not post it nigger
Fuck. I hope newfags don't flood in now.
fuck off
Dear pewdiepie fans, if you wanna know the truth go to
Fukk off
Newfags detected
it's not Sup Forums that's clear from the post numbers. It's very likely /gif/, because yotsuba and postnumbers match.
So you guys know what that means.
PEWDS HAD TO WADE THROUGH A SWAMP OF TRAP- INTERRACIAL- AND CUCK-PORN to find the occasional ylyl thread there.
hope you die
This is the thread
We need to meme him into becoming a breeder
well and this (pic realated) is the average day on /gif/.
Find the ylyl thread.
Pwediepie had to do the same.
fug :v xDxxdxddd
Gif is proof of the hive mind. Always reliably the same mix of shit with a thread or two for really outlandish shit like balloon porn.
Sooo, if pewdiepie, having 50.000.000 12-yo subscribers on youtube, openly browses Sup Forums, showing everybody the fun stuff you can see here...
...will this cause the huge and final wave of cancer that brings this place down for good?
cool story bruh
You can see something else. Since the tumblr wars there's a little and dedicated group that spams /gif/, Sup Forums and other boards with this gender-bender trap and interracial cuck shit.
Wasn't there before, then we went to war with tumblr, and then there where these daily black-dick and become-a-faggot threads.
The truck
He's a Sup Forumstant as far as I know but he could also be a Sup Forumsro
I think that reply to this post or you will never have a girlfried should be the one to fight reply to this post or you mother will die in her sleep tonight
He often says "bro" so it's kind of obvious
Lurk more
Son, no public figure in their right mind would openly admit browsing Sup Forums.
What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums.
....that shit happened in 2010.
You know how we know that Sup Forums is truely dead.
EFG hast been here and brought us on an awesome adventure in literally 4 years.
Every week he use to show up and blow our fucking minds how hard he failed...
Now...not even EFG would show his face here.
Not a big surprise.
Well atleast the new generation isnt going to be faggot redditors/sjw
Pewdiepie might just have saved the internet
I read someone made a video where he applaudes Hitler
its because everyone started calling him a nazi
so he gave them what they want
From a historical stand point why isnt Hitler praised more?
I mean the dude rallied a hopeless nation on the back of fear mongering and is a warning to all people of the world blah blah blah.....
Still quite the accomplishment.
i mean hes becoming more edgy
I want to know how the fuck he got sound
Hes also like 30 or some shit right?
Im sure he knows how to rally his followers.
Maybe expanding his demographic.
Webms have sound on /gif/, fucking newfag.
Makes me very moist.
No lol
He used to post his videos on Sup Forums a long ass time ago, before he got "popular".
That's not Pewdiepie. I know that cock guzzler Milo when I see him.
besides the 1 trap thread, 1 interracial thread and 1 cuck thread its pretty regular porn and pretty regular fetish stuff not really that weird
Oh, so OP was wrong about it being on Sup Forums
and now im fapping in the animated thread
Hope your mother gets blacked, here's your (You)
i cant fap atm so blow a load for me user
gee golly I wonder why Disney fired a valuable performer they paid a lot of money to bring aboard in the first place because of a single jew joke?
bro i dont care if kikes run disney now Aladdin is the shit
Pewdiepie is the youtube version of varg.
oh no he had to look at thumbnails or use the ctrl+f function. What a spectacular ruse. We sure got him.
Fuck you
This time lace has been nothing but normie a since they started reporting on it so no it does not surprise me. Thanks Oprah
Or he could just type Sup and it finds all the ylyl threads automatically...
By the way I didn't mean the green text bit. That was a miss click
that doesn't look like 200 cantaloupes.
nice derail
I think those were african tribesman
our king
He's probably not that much of a normie but his audience is full of em and he's pulling em
since 2010 Sup Forums is normie page so nothing special
>pro tip: basement dwellers moved to another chan long time ago where you can still have fun a place without homo and show your gf normie trash threads
He fucking started out on Sup Forums you massive newfags, used to stream for Sup Forums back in the day before his youtube career was even a thing.
Serious Question
Is he OUR GUY now?
It's /gif/ you fucking retard.
Jesus christ you newfags are such a disease.
This is probably one of the better ones of these I've seen