Tfw daughter raped when she was 9

>tfw daughter raped when she was 9
>tfw doctors tell you what happened and that she will forever have herpes and scaring
>tfw having to refill your 10 year old little girl's valtrex
>tfw she cries all the time and has cut herself

is it wrong to wish he had used a condom?

this just kills me

>pic unrelated


Fuck I hope you're lying.

Where do you think we are user?

>Fuck I hope you're lying.


Dude. Feel for u man. If I were you, I would get her high on MDMA and when she is in the midst of the high, explain to her that it is OK, and tell her that she is the most intelligent person of her age that has ever lived. Trust me, it will make her feel like never cutting again, and it will last. Then after 1 week, get her high on acid and spend the time with her alone, relecting on the mdma experience, telling her that she is a leaf on the breeze, and nothing but an acorn dropping from the great tree of eternity; and therefore, compared to her, the herpes is just a scratch on this acorn, and a scratch on an acorn will hold nothing over the acorn, and will make her strong, and expecting of the horrors of the world. She is a strong and rightful stallion, and will be the conqueror of her own destiny.

Tell her this and I guarentee that she will never fell sad again. Trust me, from my experience with drugs, and from my reflection of the emotional impact of influential experiences that occured while still in my developing years (such as being 10), She will become 10 times the person she was before, and this will make her a radiant and admirable person.

I wish someone had done that to me at least.

herpes is ok, there are really a lot of people who have it

>Dude. Feel for u man. If I were you, I would get her high on MDMA and when she is in the midst of the high, explain to her that it is OK, and tell her that she is the most intelligent person of her age that has ever lived.

for a kid that young, come on

did you kill the guy?

Dude, when someone is molested at that age, it puts things into perspective for them. It makes them think of things with the mind of an adult, but with the experience of a child. It essentially makes everything an adult says to them seem as if it were on an intelectual level and level of trust-worthyness: insignificant. This is because they know that they are a child, yet they know that the things they have experienced are adult, and it confuses their childish minds. I speek from experience, as i was molested when i was 6. You must understand that the only way to influence her at this stage is by opening her mind, as she will have (because her mind is closed to adult intervention or as just explained) a form of PTSD. You must open her mind using these chemicals. they change a person perminently, and with her father there to mold her mind, she will be mended again, and will emerge brighter and wiser than she ever could before.

get her into therapy

you're her father, it's your responsibility to take care of her

Remember dude, I only implore you to do this. I mean not to instruct out of honour.

fuck off worthless druggie

therapy is bullshit

the brain chemistry of children is different than adults, they are not just small grown ups

you could seriously hurt her with drugs like that

that's because you've only gone to talk therapy like a retard

cognitive behavioral therapy is useful

I could dissect you. Im not the average joe. i put work into what ive done to naturally assure people that the job of a shrink or a therapist is always the key to the success of the jobline i might choose to persue.

what the fuck are you saying you ESL retard

>cognitive behavioral therapy is useful


Therapy is invasive, was gunna say rape, but less intrusive. Might bring up bad memories that one should probably choose to forget. Judgmental . Then They'll categorize you put you under some umbrella term for a pill that pulls you through some numb picture. Things happen. Weather for reasons or not. They happen. Shes got enough judgement on her mind. Past her parents.

I can fap to this.

identifies fucked up thought processes and trains you to stop doing them

for example, depressed people have thoughts that don't make sense. someone denies their offer for a stick of gum and they think "wow this person hates me, i'm useless," and so on

you learn to recognize when you're assuming the worse, and stop doing it

DBT is also useful but i've never done that

Wait. What age did she get raped and where were you? At that age she should've been right at your side.

Reading for an ESL student. Just reiterating what you chose to respond.

Probably should have thought about the consequences before you fucked her, OP

old pasta is stale as fuck.

>for example, depressed people have thoughts that don't make sense. someone denies their offer for a stick of gum and they think "wow this person hates me, i'm useless," and so on

so you just tell people they are wrong about the way they feel?

that's fucked up

Checked and underrated

are you saying that wanting to commit suicide over someone rejecting a stick of gum is rational? and should be validated?

But what if they are wrong

>But what if they are wrong

how would you know, some people are literally losers with low IQs who will never amount to much, what if they are depressed about that?

that's not what i said, and that girl looks like a tranny

>that's not what i said, and that girl looks like a tranny

yes you set up a story where the person is wrong, but what if a person is depressed for legit reasons, they can't all be wrong

Answer this

>Answer this

9 and I was on a business trip my ex was watching her and her scumbag drug addict brother came around...

Why did you rape your 9 year old daughter you edgelord?


>Why did you rape your 9 year old daughter you edgelord?

i didn't fucknut

not him, but how did it happen no specifics at all just a vague recall

>not him, but how did it happen no specifics at all just a vague recall

I was on a business trip my ex was watching her and her scumbag drug addict brother came around...

Did ya hurt him? I had a cousin who was raped, 12 yrs old. The guys found him, took him to the barn and broke his legs arms and hands, in multiple places. He cannot walk anymore.

Yeah that's what I'd say if I'd raped my 9 year old daughter too.

Should have at least worn a condom, faggot.

fuck me mate, i would have tortured him to death real talk I would have got a sentence to make that happen

Did those guys go to prison for crippling the pedo?

>Did ya hurt him? I had a cousin who was raped, 12 yrs old. The guys found him, took him to the barn and broke his legs arms and hands, in multiple places. He cannot walk anymore.

i want to but don't have the balls, i cant go to jail right now

>Did ya hurt him? I had a cousin who was raped, 12 yrs old. The guys found him, took him to the barn and broke his legs arms and hands, in multiple places. He cannot walk anymore.

did they get caught


you dont have the balls to go put your hands on him? its what a man should fucking do, mother fuck the consequences you pussy

>you dont have the balls to go put your hands on him? its what a man should fucking do, mother fuck the consequences you pussy

the consequences are me being away from my daughter for years, my ex raising her, probably her getting fucked more by her druggy friends and me losing my house and career

Don't listen to that fag, man. You wouldn't be wrong to fuck the abuser up, but your head is where it should be logically.

>Don't listen to that fag, man. You wouldn't be wrong to fuck the abuser up, but your head is where it should be logically.

thanks user, it's not that I don't want to but logically it's not wise

what happened to the guy that did it?
did he get what was coming?

Ahh! The cringe, I had to go afk and walk around red faced embrrased with what felt like little needles in my face.


If you did not find the guy that did it and destroyed him then you failed as a father.

>pics or it didn't happen

ribbed for his pleasure

maybe he caught late in life cancer causing HPV from her. In fact let's say he did. Feel better OP?

Kek Jesus user...

how would HE have caught it from HER

Warts are literally caused by HPV. Ever see a nasty as fuck kid with warts and skin tags. You were most likely one too.

This is absolute garbage advice but it comes from the heart.

Dont feed your kid drugs, children have much different brain chemistry than we do and it could cause serious developmental disabilities.

already covered

I had a daughter just this Valentine's Day. I don't give a fuck the age, the rule goes for any motherfucker. Whatever you do to harm her, imma do to you twice as bad.
Rape her? Get ready to be my fucking bitch. I'd beat and rape the cunt every minute I can until they manage to have enough police there to stop me.
of course I'd make sure the cunt is dead before I get hauled off. Or will die shortly after no matter what.
Then again I feel as if I'd rip a mans arm off and beat him mercilessly with it if they even slightly harmed her in any way.
If this is true, OP, I feel for you. But only a pussy would just allow it. Reguardless of how much control you had over it happening, make sure the fucker never does it again, to your daughter or anybody's. It's what any sane man would do in the moment.


Okay, it's getting late, shouldn't you be eating dinner and sleeping for school soon? Don't forget your homework

>Okay, it's getting late, shouldn't you be eating dinner and sleeping for school soon? Don't forget your homework


It sounds like you just want an excuse to rape a man. You can hurt him in infinitely more ways. Assholes heal, spinal cords don't.

If you know who he is kill him.make him pay.

Love can help her . I hope that time helps you brother

>It sounds like you just want an excuse to rape a man.

this tbh fam

>can't think of witty response
>I know! I'll just repeat what he said and act like I didn't understand!
>haha showed him!

Maybe I do. Maybe I don't.
Maybe I just fucking love cocaine and hurting people
I don't know. Don't fuck with my shit, I probably AM just looking for an excuse

what are you even talking about

stick your dick in any men lately?

"for your daughter" right?

Keep going I'm about to cum

>I don't know. Don't fuck with my shit, I probably AM just looking for an excuse

kinda gay bro

Yeah, but only because your dad paid me to fuck him.

>Yeah, but only because your dad paid me to fuck him.

good post

This is copypasta.

Please don't respond to it.

This is the shit that fucking pedofags cant or are unwilling to understand.

The pain.

They are divisional thinking that kids want to have sex if only society would stop saying it was wrong.

they use arguments like
>their vaginas are biology sexually mature during their preteen years so why not?
>hundreds of years ago preteens were married off and had children

They dont even realize the harm, scaring, and emotional bullshit not only she has to go through but her own father, mother and family.

Their sick depraved minds cant even grasp the concept.

Im so sorry Op, im expecting my first child soon and its changed me into a guardian, id die before something were to harm it, and its not even born yet.

best of luck man.

>They are divisional thinking that kids want to have sex if only society would stop saying it was wrong.

some kids do

only after they have been molested/raped and think that is their only value from then on.

This goes for prescription drugs like Ritalin and shit too. Set the teacher-wanna-be-shrinks on fire when they suggest drugging your child into submission.

>only after they have been molested/raped and think that is their only value from then on.

what's wrong with that

All shrinks should be burned at the stake.

There's more science in palmistry.

at least she didn't get HIV like I did

thank God for small mercies and all that

Do you live near any mosques?

>All shrinks should be burned at the stake
Sounds to me like you might have something to gain from talking to a shrink, user.