General drug thread

general drug thread
btw alcohol is shit-tier

Alcoholic reporting in.

i feel so bad for people like him. that stage of alcoholism is the worst hell i could imagine.

speaking as someone with two DUIS, three trips to rehab, and just got out of medical detox. had 6 beers yesterday trying to stay at 6 today or even lower.

but the withdrawals and mental illness an alcoholic like that experiences are just incredibly horrific

How old are you user?



I am similar, user.. Vodka though..half gallon at a time...sober 4 days


shit dude, good luck on staying clean

Thank fuck for that, I'm 27. I still have nearly 10 years to save myself.

10 years is literally a blink when you're consuming large amounts of alcohol like that

nice job. try and switch to beer. best advice i ever got

if you cant quit that is

Good advice.

Now for the bad advice.
Did you know the Dutch make an 8.5%?
They call it Oranjeboom
And yes it does boom.

Beer tears up my stomach..i'm 48

See ya in a blink then nigga!
Ner, TBH I'm proud of been a functional alcy and I can feel the fact my finger is been removed from the pulse. I want to stay active, so I'm at the crossroads as we speak.

thats closer to wine

>im only gonna haave 10 beers tonight hehe

10 beers and you're mashed.
Guuuuuud shit.


I can save a thread.


Currently testing some new X that got in. One half in & still chill. Watching Rampage 2017 live stream.

Any user up for a chat?

[email protected]
I'm here for you user.
Create a tinychat or something, I can't reply.