Drug thread?
Drug thread. What is Sup Forums indulging in today?
>about to snort half an oxy 80, just took 1 mg lorazepam.
Drug thread?
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im so bored that i just might snort some ketamine
15mg 2-cb, and 0.1mg mdma crystals. Body orgasm train
Where the hell can you still get real OC 80. I used to do 5 or 6 80s a day to the point I had to wake up and do more to be able to sleep all night. This is back when u could get the big 160s. Now the OCs are the wax filled bullshit. The originals felt like the sun setting in your soul. Where are they now
You can still do the new OPs, you just can't crush them. You have to sand them down with something and take off the coating first obviously
Tried that. Actually used a Dremel. Not even close to the original OC. I guess roxy is close, but still bullshit
Ever try throwing em in cola for a few hours and then drinking it? Works very well.
A mix of speed and cocaine
4 hits of acid and a gel cap with psilocybin powder
Damn y'all making me jelly, wish i had some pills
just have some nug
OK Terry L. Rhodes. Don't leave your house. We are on the way. Don't snort this until your hear sirens near your house.
See you soon.
>Terry L. Rhodes
nothing but I wish I had some coke
kys niggers
only weed unfortunately but its better than nothing
I'm just about to smoke two lil bowls. p chill day famalam
Tfw supplier who had fantastic molly just got caught by the popo
Tfw I live with 3 students who threaten to tell the landlord on me just for having ritalin/weed in my room
Tfw they call me a stoner and a junkie for smoking less than once a week, meanwhile they drink every weekend, sometimes in the weekdays too.
Tfw I need to find a new job before I can move the fuck out of this shithole
Tfw can't buy any drugs with a clear conscience until I get myself steady income
Life is suffering, but reading what other people on tonight makes it a little easier.
Terry l Rhodes
the Jig is up Terry
whisky and weed
Smokin dope, Canadian Classics cigarettes, drinking Golden Wedding whiskey w/ pepsi, and snorting and swallowing speed! Weooo!
Took a 60mg vyvanse this morning, shit did nothing for me. I have two rolls in my cabinet, but don't wanna roll tonight, so booze it is unless I can get my hands on some more stims.