So I'm waiting to hear the wonderful articulate and great speech Trump will make. I am sitting here just waiting to hear the tears of liberals, fags, women, niggers and mexicans as they cry everyday because our wonderful white leader won. Then it hits me...WTF. TRUMP is using the same Muslim Prayer Rug Obama used!!!! WTF, is the GOP going to stand for this!?!?
So I'm waiting to hear the wonderful articulate and great speech Trump will make...
Other urls found in this thread:
> is the GOP going to stand for this!?!?
Of course. They'd be fine if trump ordered their mothers chained in a dungeon and fucked daily by a gorilla.
> because hurr durr muh clinton
Get upset about a piece of cloth that isn't even the flag? Aw, hell, he sent SEAL Team 6 to murder women and children – some were even US citizens – and not even a peep from the so-called news media.
kek, Trump and republicans don't use division politics. That's a democrat thing.
>pot calling the kettle black
project much?
he still moving in. Going to take a little while to redecorate
>murder women and children - some were even US citizens
proove it
So it was prophesied this day will come.
The democrats try to make every single issue into a race or gender issue. They do this to divide people, and so that they can have a villain to unite around. Watch this hand, while the other hand is doing something else. They know that if the people started talking and realizing that they have a lot in common, and generally all want many of the same things, that they would be held accountable, and we certainly can't have that.
Politicians on both sides genearlly don't care about jack shit. They don't care about you, they don't care about me, they don't care about equality, or race or any other "pet issue of the day". They only care about how to convince the majority of the voting base to elect them, that is all that they really care about. Both sides do this, politics and government has become very corrupt.
...and therefore you find this information out by...
Oh wait, you didn't. You're just making shit up and blowing it out of your ass.
>Watch this hand, while the other hand is doing something else.
You just described Trump
Wake up! It's every politician. Take off the right vs left blinders. Until you do, you are under their control because they are making you believe that the other side is the cause of all of your problems.
>hur: trump's not a racist and a liar.
fuck off trump fag
>implying that conservatism and hard right worldviews aren't the cause of most of the problems in the world
>being this retarded
Hillary's loss was biblical prophecy.
i cant imagine being arrogant enough to say this
Thought you got arrested faggot...lolz
Lol sad losers flooding my Sup Forums with their Trump hate... About 75% of the anti Trump post are hasbara jidf post anyways.
he's too busy with other things to be concerned about drapery. give it time, he'll change that stupid curtain soon enough