

Fuck off im tired of seeing your shitty "tests" just fucking kill yourself

Wrong board brony faggot.

>wrong board

It once was random, until it manifested into a self aware and replicating fanbase and began to spawn multiple dedicated posts.
Such cancerous faggotry could not be cured.
That is why it was quarantined in another sector none but the brave or insane will enter known as /mlp/.
Outbreaks like these are rare and must be cleansed immediately.
it got out.


....icular cancer

here is a map that shows you where to go

Did I pass?

And yeah, Applejack is best pony.

weird way to spell rarity

Fuck you faggot.
Applejack is a dyke ass bitch that only cares about money and apples. She's a fucking jew.
Fluttershy is best pony.

quiet shit? and not the multicoloured cunt
Dash best pone


Go back to your containment board you ultracancer niggers.

This post should be at the top of Sup Forums for eternity.


yes/b/ is for TRAPS and FAGGOTS now, cant deprive btards of their many fuckin trap threads



Sup Forums may be Sup Forums but it's no fucking >>/mlp/ or >>/trash/ garbage