Rekt thread? Rekt Thread

Rekt thread? Rekt Thread.

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More like that



Shit quality



and he was just like. "Nope. i'm out."


Doesn't she have a seizure afterwards?

Pseudo-seizure, from knowing first hand what happens when you decide to swing fists at a male, like a man. Which reminds me, the whole "wrong to hit women no matter, especially if she's assaulting you" is such a crock of autistic shit.




fucking lost

Fucking retard.
At least he died instantly, some people ain't that lucky.

you never fail to make me giggle satan

didnt die, just ripped his chest open and dislocated a shoulder. Crazy fucking lucky

also, nice repeating digits

It didn't break his spine?
Do you have sauce?

you monster.


That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

ive seen sauce posted, just google image it

did he die?

can someone post dindus please

its very old

>doing this shit does fucking nothing
Then why are you so pissed.

>beverly hills kids
>neanderthaling out

Because the world as we know is not a fucking Disney cartoon, where it's singing and dancing around happily and smiling. Go outside and watch how the world cares less about one another. Also, nature's a cruel bitch that has no empathy towards what happens.

This gets posted every thread user, just scroll on past.

>google image a webm


no google image the first frame or thumbnail you fucking newfag

You know honestly, I don't feel great about it, but it does have some redeeming values.

The main thing is, really is usually so hidden from us. Most of the people in our lives try to sugar coat things from when we are young. Some people even deny that certain things go on in the world. Seeing these threads, I always think to myself, "well, I guess I should look twice before crossing the street", "I guess escalators and elevators can be dangerous", "I guess there are people out there beheading people". It makes me think twice in these situations. It makes me more confident when people start arguing whether it's dangerous to vacation in mexico and I want to throw in my two cents.

Seeing a kid fall off an escalator and die may seem morbid, but you can bet if I'm ever bringing kids up an escalator, after seeing a thread like this, I'll pay fucking attention to what those little monkeys are up to, and me viewing this shit may therefore save a life.

On top of that, watching how quickly and easily life can be struck out of someone makes me appreciate it that much more.

not the pupper


>jones looks jewish af in this pic

So you got no source and talking out of your ass gotcha famalam.

love me a nice big bowl of copy pasta and meatballs

it was a good try, but im not gonna do your work for you


This. Any woman who hits me will find out what it feels like to take a punch.



this video is good with sound

why though

Some days ago someone put a webm of a nigger electrocuted very nasty. Anyone have it?


Fucking cats just don't fucking listen.

wtf is happening here?


How many basic white bitches could you fight at once??

I can look at picture of people with their guts and brains smeared over the floor.
But when its a lil pupper i just die inside a little and cry

guy reaches arm into a running lathe? and gets sucked in and spat out. basic darwinism at play.

because you're a little bitch

how do we stop niggers??

i'm requesting the webm ofthe white guy getting stabbed to death my black guy, i want it posted to worldstar under a title like BLM vs trump supporter


....You Hard !!.


they need to be reminded how weak they are. They knock over so easily

>faggot can't even run a pub

nice trips bro

When you care for large reptiles they still need to eat and a puppy is cheaper than a tapir.

>why do i even try?

Lol she thinks she can hit a guy because "he won't hit back"

After the first couple swings, why did she just stand there? It's..... like she wanted to see where this goes.

A woman's place is getting beaten and on her back like a good bitch.

Bitches love belly rubs.

get a fucking rat...or five. not a puppy :(

It was unprovoked!

That's a Burmese python, they are way too big for rats. Unfortunately, they are purchased by shitty people who have no idea what they are getting themselves into. Buying rabbits at $20 a pop every week gets to be too much for them and they answer "free pet" ads on Craigslist and in FB swap/shops. That is why you always charge a re-homing fee when you are giving away cats or dogs.

How about we all shut up and just post more rekt?

Find some rekt videos where it shows dumbshits brake checking semis and they end up pancaking the faggot


didn't get brake checked, but the pancaking part, chek'd.


his only mistake was not running away faster.

You can't keep a wife...especially when they turn lesbian...

What happened to him? I don't understand the context of this video.

Does anyone one got any rekt gifs?

very true my friend.

equal rights. equal lefts


Nigger tried to steal copper from a power relay. Got fried.

he's coming out of his black cocoon and becoming a beautiful white man

yeah, he had eternal bleeding

Here u go

i hope that nigger gets sentenced to life in prison at some point in his worthless poor life.

you are a horrible person inside

>use this animal
>dont use this one!

you dont even know how much of a hypocritical fuckwit you are.

Gotta respect that will to survive though. His rat father's welcome him into Val halla

I like how women attack someone with no thought of the guy defending themselves and they just fall like a toddler.

look this:

god damn i love seeing women get hit

Male used bide!

youre one of those dumbasses that cries crocodile tears over a factory farming video on facebook, and then goes to taco bell exactly one hour later. go fuck yourself.

No different than eating chicken but not dogs.



This thread needs more blood

I have a lot of electrocuted niggers
