Hey b,
What is the weirdest or creepiest thread you have experienced while on here? Did it turn out to be true? Did OP deliver?
Hey b,
What is the weirdest or creepiest thread you have experienced while on here? Did it turn out to be true? Did OP deliver?
These sick dubz
oh shit nigga
I was in the thread Adam Lanza started the night before he shot up Sandy Hook. I didn't believe anything was actually going to happen but I heard about the shit at school and freaked out internally.
I remember about a month ago this guy made a thread saying if we got dubs he would open a freezer, We got dubs and he opened the freezer with a timestamp and some sort of decomposed body. The next day i made a thread asking if anyone screencaped that thread and no one replied.
These sick trips
was in a livestream of this guy sticking a needle in his balls. Sup Forums approved
these fockin dubs m8o
Yo check out this sick roll
more than a handful of times cp would be up for over an hour.
dude shitting on a baby
Some weird loli shit
Or just straight cheese pizza
once i was lurking a gore thread, and people started posting crush videos, one of them of a guy tapping a dog mouth with ductape and then cutting his legs with a machete. really sickening
in the full video, after he shitted in the baby´s belly, he pissed in the baby´s face and then faps till cumming over the baby´s ass
Was lurking in a thread some guy made in a port-a-potty after he stuck his face in some kids crotch at a park and had to hide from the police.
The thread just kind of ended when he got an Uber to drive him home and he posted a pic of himself having a laugh and a beer.
Would like to know if he got caught eventually.
>pic of himself
Well, not of himself, but of his house or whatever. Taking a picture of your face after something like that would be as derp as calling an Uber to drive you home.
another livestream that started as a thread about this guy offing himself. some s-jay-dubyas contacted his mom after he took like 2 bottles of some steroids his mom had laying in the fucking cupboard probably. stream ended after she came in screaming. 7.5/10 would encourage again
one time i came into this loli thread and there was nothing but........spiderman.......spiderman everywhere......
did u say lolishit?
bump for interest
What did he sy?
He said he fucked your mom
A few years ago teen threads used to be almost exclusively cp.
I was here when that dude strangled his gf and posted pics in the thread then said he was gonna suicide by cops. He ended up turning himself in though. You can google the story. Anyway, other than that just a bunch of edgy fuckin twelve year olds and suicidal people pitying themselves. I'm sure there are a bunch of 'killing myself tonight' threads that were real but OPs never livestream shit or post their personal info so 99.999% of the time no one knows whats real here or not. you can pretty much always just assume bullshit though.
i miss the old Sup Forums. but hey we still have
and google reverse image search
Does anyone have screencaps of Adam Lanza's thread?
Oh shit thats right i was there. Never put 2 and 2 together.
Shit what other shit have i missed. Been browsing daily since 2004 jist numb to it all now
Someone confirmed something that happened to me as a kid.
Simply put how I got followed by something out on the tundra at night when I was 14 and out hunting. Never been so scared. And this motherfucker knew every detail before I told him about it because the same shit happened to him during similar circumstances.
Was a few years ago. Still feel bad thinking about it. Means I didn't imagine it back then.
hey m8, are you a pedo?
That poor girl who hung herself.
Some gore shit in rekt threads.
The girl broke my heart though.
>not expecting pedos on Sup Forums
hello newfriend
Care to tell us your story?
> Be me, guy named Jed
> Poor mountaineer, barely keep family fed
> One day, out shooting for food
> Up from the ground comes bubbling crude
> Oil, that is
> Black gold, Texas tea
Next thing you know Jed's getting rich.