How it's like to have a gf?

how it's like to have a gf?

I wouldn't know

A pain in the ass when it comes to what she wants to do. But when she's in the mood for a dickpounding, fucking sweet.

99% annoying
1% sex

(if ur lucky)

I don't know but I'm about to aquire one and I'm pretty excited. I beat you op. Go on with the life of wizardry without me.

Better than having a wife. Not as good as being single, if you're attractive.

while you have her, you dont appreciate her and once its over you realise what you had

it's trying to solve problems 24/7

Here comes OP with his "Stupid Question #12"

OP, why not just fuck off for a month, or so, and stop asking this fucking question?


Fuck relationships, women are crazy

that's marriage bud, gf ain't that bad.

>that 11/10 pussy

Summed up pretty well.

Took a vacation with the gf last week, a 5 hour drive. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open so she gave me some top notch road head. Was fairly difficult because I drive a standard but I love cruise control



Some deep shit there, user.

Like someone is judging you everytime

like having an annoying dependancy who never wants to fuck

It's like you're broke all week and you're a driver/handyman for free in exchange for 10 mins of pleasure every other saturday

youve got some shitty girlfriends

pretty alright when you are a teen but most of them get more annoying the older you get

really depends on your girl. if you're desperate and resort to just any girl, the chances of her being a cunt are pretty big. but if you're patient enough to get to know a lot about her and what kind of person she is, it can be pretty tight.

Good for a time until you either get bored of each other and drift apart or one of you cheats and crushes the other
The latter happened to me
>confused as to why I haven't An heroed yet
>won't be much longer

just pay for a hooker

It's infinitely cheaper to pay for hookers then pay for a spouse


Absolutely perfect when you get to see her everyday, but sometimes you wish you didn't have her, it is really hard to stick with one person when you're used to just hook around...

Good at the start.. frequent sex.. then it dies off slightly..
But the hair clips and bobby pins everywhere...

That sank right into the feels.
I'd also add this:
>it's a lesson you are doomed to forget every time


Feels for them dubs Sup Forumsro

You attract a woman, then you commit to a level that is comfortable for both of you, then you gain status and semi-ready access to sex, then she passively-aggressively removes the elements of your personality and lifestyle that she found attractive, then you lose the ready access to sex, then you find yourself being bitched out for folding a towel wrong.

The correct phrasing is "What is it like...".

How is it like 'to have a girlfriend' makes no sense.

How is (what).. akin to have a girlfriend?

This is pretty accurate

Fuck yeah they are!

it's like balancing your balls on a rottweilers nose
at any moment it could all go horribly wrong

a big fucking nuisance

And this is why you don't have a gf.

Overrated. You might want cuddles and a good lay every now and then but what happens inbetween those times is what drives you crazy and empties your wallet.

GF's coming over right now so we can go to the drag racing track, I got lucky with this one. Honestly once you get a girlfriend thats actually hot you just want to fuck her. Then you'll start to get annoyed with shit she does.

It's good.

Someone who you hang out with and like being around.

Someone that misses you when you're away, and asks for your input on things she doesn't get.

It's nice to be horny and have someone to cum with. Sex is a mutually-beneficial stress-relief that brings more pleasure than any other activity on Earth (to me at least).

Unfortunately, you ARE dealing with another human being. There are times you're a jerk, and so is she.

It's best not to be pissed together so you don't take it out on each other. In the end, it's the pros largely outweigh the cons.

First kiss, love, girlfriend, etc at 23yo (a year ago), felt amazing. The feeling of real love and being loved is so great, better than sex. But about the sex... It started off with a lot of sex (she had a few guys before me), lots of times a week. Now it's like once a week and as a guy you want more, you know? And you see all these attractive women all the time, and you want them... I never really tried to get someone in bed but now it's pretty much a permanent thought in my head. The monogamy should be right for you because if it isn't, you're better of just hooking up with different girls.

Know what you're looking for before you find it.

I got a bit carried away there.
As for the rest, it's great. Having someone else to do fun stuff with, things you like or they like, going on trips and holidays together has more meaning.
I'm a bit of a loner like a lot of Sup Forumsros but when you've got a girlfriend that really fits you, it does actually make things way better.
But when you're annoyed at each other it does feel like it's unnecessary trouble.

That's just your 20's man. Don't settle down until at least 25 I would even say 30. In my 20's sex was all I could think about with a girlfriend. my first girl I would fuck 4-5 times a night and she was ok with that. As time has gone one I've become a better lover, but don't have those cravings like I did. As it is now I'm in my late 30's and my wife wants sex more than I do. I'm good with 1-2 times a week, and she would be ok with hourly.

Like bags of sand, with periods

Just nice. You just feel comfortable when you are together.

Yeah, I'm definitely not settling down anytime soon, we both agree in that sense too. I agree with that it's my younger age and sex seems way more important, I can already totally understand thatll get less and I will want a life partner instead of sex partner, but the sexual compatibility just sucks between my girlfriend and me right now, even though it seemed to be matched in the beginning. That was just the "madly in love" part I guess.
Thanks for your post man. And eh, give your wife my number ;)

i don't know....

Eh she's not really into other guys. I just do it for her, but making her wait makes her want it even more. Please I like to tease her throughout the week to get her really pent up. She actually requested it in her ass the other night so I fucked her ass for like 20 minutes straight. We're compatible I'm just ok with jerking off occasionally to relieve tension, that just gets her even more worked up.

My ex was the same way but I just ended up hating her towards the end so I never wanted to fuck her at all.

It's nice because I can type words like "grenade", "fantastic", and "faggot."

Without those keys the words would look silly.

When you find the right one, it's amazing
My gf and I have been together for 11 years
She's one of the most easygoing people I've ever met
>doesn't want kids
>would abort if she gets pregnant
>never wants to get married
>pays for pretty much everything
I genuinely don't know why she stays with me
I'm just patiently waiting for her to realize what a waste of a person I am so I can just off myself

Pretty cool we play vidya and she makes me coffee

With mine it's 50% sex 50% fun


do yourself a favor and stay single, keep lots of girls as friends and fuck whoever you want, whenever you want and try to be up front and keep no commitments.

trust me on this, there is no benefit other than it being easier to fuck that person whenever you want. sometimes, it helps make rent cheaper, that's also a positive.

this is the word of god right here.

I love my girlfriend but damn can it be annoying. Women can be very emotional and it comes out of nowhere, quite frustrating. We have very different points of view on the world and lets say politics. I'm quite right-wing on most issues and she is basically a full on lefty, She at least understands that the gender pay gap is a myth but thats about it, it can be frustrating but when you love someone you choose to ignore that stuff and she still loves me although i am quite set on my beliefs. Having someone who truly loves you despite your shortcomings is a beautiful thing, heck if i came out and said i was a full on Nazi (which im not) she'd still love me. And that is amazing. Just try and not get a girlfriend who likes a drink...because girls who truly love you get so emotional once they're drunk and it becomes frustrating. Try and find someone with alot of shared interests and if like me you don't at least find someone who's willing to try it anyway. And as for sex? It's fucking brilliant to be able to live out your fantasy's with one another, find yourself a dirty girl and you'll be set for life.

that sounds amazing. i'm hoping to find a perfect childfree woman like that in the future too.
the random looking on tinder for 35yo+ women does make me a bit hopeless though, I fucking NEVER want to date a single mom. fuck her, sure, but nothing serious. but so many women on tinder and random dating websites are single moms, ugh.

Well of course your sex life is gonna seem better when you're well past your prime. You could have sex when you wanted it but sticking with your girlfriend ruined your shots at it.

still gotta acquire one...

My ex was a crazy manipulative bitch. My current SO is not a crazy manipulative bitch, and she's hot. Things are pretty fucking swell. Find yourself a gf who's self aware and grounded. It'll change your fucking life.

But dem MILF tittays.

Good. .. sex whenever you want


Fuck, someone needs to slow that down. Want to enjoy the sight of her cunt gripping that cock.

How's it like to have a friend?
