hey Sup Forums, i have a problem with my housemate. she fucking pisses me off and I want to piss her off really bad and drive her crazy slowly. but I want to do it secretly, I don't have any idea what to do so I'm open to ANY suggestions.
>ITT we drive my roommate crazy slowly and secretly, anything goes.
Hey Sup Forums, i have a problem with my housemate...
Other urls found in this thread:
Move her stuff 5 cm to one direction everyday.
Anal rape
Piss on the toilet seat and leave it up, play vidya games with headset and talk in a borderline telling voice, have obnoxious sounds coming from your room like trump news or some shit. Crop dust the living room.
Telling...yelling stupid auto correct.
seperate bathrooms, shes used to obnoxious sound already as she is a fucking weirdo with dreadlocks. I honestly don't want to get cought but I realy, REALLY want her to go crazy and fail at school and shit.
She smoke? If she smokes, replace some of the tobacco in her cigarettes with tea. It won't harm her in any meaningful way, it will just make her sick as fuck for a good 12 hours.
jerk off and let her see you do it, but not obviously
Put animal shit in her box spring, or somewhere she will have a hard time finding like the air vent to her room
You tech savvy? A thing I used to do to a fucking annoying ass roommate I had was fuck with the firewall settings on the router. Block common random websites that she uses for school, and claim you have no idea how to fix it. Also, if you can get access to her computer just get a few viruses every chance you get.
here's what you do OP.
>go to your local fruit market.
>buy twenty pineapples.
>wait till she's in bed.
>go out to her car (if she has one)
>dice them into rings and super glue them to her car
>once her car is covered, go back inside
>go to bed, wake up early, and watch shenanigans ensue
>glue a diced pineapple
Set your alarm clock to go off at random times during the day, all day
Wasn't there once a greentext story of someone who drove someone insane with pineapples?
switch the furniture around just in her room after she leaves then dont come back until late when shes for sure there.
Develop a bunch of annoying personality quirks such as asking why a lot. Or better yet, stop making direct contact with her, and start only using notes or having someone else tell her things
Kinda funny, but actually not.
There was. I don't have it though, I'm on mobile. Someone should post it so OP can be inspired
Find the old thread about the exploding apple juice
Found it.
Everytime she uses the bathroom, go in after her and flush it immediately. Do it 5 times and then tell her to flush after using it.
She will start thinking that she's losing her mind.
"DO EPIC SHIT", he stenciled onto the parking garage wall.
nice dubs btw
wut r u sayin m8
anyone have that green text with the fermented piss?
piss in ziplock bag
put straw inside of it and zip it up
duct tape it up
stick straw under door when she's sleeping and stomp on the bag
piss will ferment and smell like shit
sneak a tobacco patch on her after she goes to sleep. Remove it before she wakes. Then after a few months, stop doing it. Then select a desired behavior, and only sneak it on her when she performs the desired behavior.
good luck