Alright Sup Forums i live with my x gf and i need subtle ways of fucking wither head so she moves the fuck out trips decides what do
Alright Sup Forums i live with my x gf and i need subtle ways of fucking wither head so she moves the fuck out trips...
Rape her.
get her into a social communication site, and make it seem casual. then make a fake account and find hers, then talk thru it as a randy ass new person. slowly and surly get her to like this guy more than you, then call her on her bullshit.
close enuf trips for me
Why the fuck are you living with your ex
IIT: We react as thou this is a true triples post
nigga nice trips
Put a needle in her dildo
Keep inviting black guys back home and have loud messy sex with them so she can hear it all through the house
i can see why were pretending those trips count. thats a surefire way to fuck anyones day
Just do this op
Convince her your place is haunted. Infrasounds, especially 17Hz frequencies can mess with peoples heads
Any tips? You sound experienced.
Rolling for this
Cayenne pepper all of her underwear and fuck sticks.
Treat her as a nonperson and pretend she isn't there. Ignore her entirely.
Subtle shit? Bleach bomb the washing machine, pretty much get a very thin water balloon and fill it with bleach. Attach it to the underside of the drum and wait for her to have to buy lots of new clothes.
Never tried it but seems okay in my head
Were on b, dont be a pussy about it.
Tell her you want to break up and for her to leave. Boy, will it ever fuck "wither" head!
Rolling for this
If it's your name on the lease, tell her to beat it.
If it's her name on the lease, be a man and move on.
You're embarrassing men everywhere with this passive aggressive shit.
Bring new chick home and make sure she knows she can be as loud as she wants
Already done this
make the house seem haunted. think of ingenious ways to scare her. become the scare master.
> on b
> wasnt embarrasing mankind before this?
Go home, your a fag.
Man up and tell her to leave, you faggot.
Personally I'm glad that he's socially retarded enough to try to pull off some George Costanza maneuver rather than just tell the truth.
heavy metal poisoning
You are welcome
Laxatives in everything
Get cum from a std ridden hooker and wipe it on her underwear
Just fucking ask her to move out.
Or move out yourself.
Works everytime
This is HARDLY George Costanza worthy.....
George would have the plan already in action and talking about it with Jerry and Kramer in the coffee shop..... He wouldn't be on the Internet looking for advice like a 2 bit cuck.
Keep em coming folks
Make sure the next woman you bring home is both insecure, and things the relationship has potential. Then make a point of telling her all about your ex, and just wait for the jealousy to kick in.
Women are a lot better at fucking with each other in passive-aggressive ways than any man, so outsource the problem.
Ide say don't clean a goddamn thing. Leave seat up. Also there is that movie with Jennifer Aniston and that tall guy from wedding crashers you should watch. Have parties and tell everyone to ignore her completely. Wait untill 4 am to cook with loud music and clang around every pot and pan in the kitchen
Yeah but I've already pictured an episode where George lies and says his apartment is haunted to deter his girlfriend from moving in with him.
He goes really amateur with it after taking advice from Kramer who told him ghosts actually look like bedsheets and thats why you never see them.
So he throws on his bedsheet goes and goes to give her a scare by climbing through the bedroom window at night only to be seen in his KKK-esque attire by his neighbours returning from a BLM protest.
Op, here. If trips happens, ill also post a pic of her yeast custard covered vibrator.
say "im breaking up with you, get out" it will kill two birds with one stone.
Thats a gewd idea, i never thunkd of that
we don't want to see the vibrator, but you can make cl add and arrival media site with her number and noods. Invite guys and you can suck them yourself
Dont die on me!