If this new Naked Chicken Chalupa isnt the most goddamn delicious thing in the world I dont know what is

If this new Naked Chicken Chalupa isnt the most goddamn delicious thing in the world I dont know what is.
You couldn't name one thing better than this

I thought it was pretty flavorless to be honest
Didn't taste the "shell" until the very last bite.

Those are awful. And I love most of taco bells creations. I got one and they forgot the tomatoes, so it was just a chicken patty and some warm lettuce and melted cheese. No rice beans or anything else that normally goes in tacos. It was fucking terrible. 0/10

I give it 5/10. They should have put meat on the inside.

Also: fuck you, taco shill.

I've bought three naked chicken boxes so far and I've got to say... Its not very appealing when your not drunk....I think it'll be another fleeting moment for the glorious taco bell....its just another gimmick....

you guys must have been abused as children
this is the best creation gods ever made

It reminded me of Wendy's crispy chicken.
This Chalupa doesn't have anything different on it except for the cheese.
It's small and not filling.
I enjoyed it but I won't buy it again.

I like the idea of a chicken shell, but THERE'S NOTHING INSIDE. Even the 99¢ tacos have more in them.

Samefag probably lives in a place that doesn't have them. These this were legit. Only change I made was no avacado ranch and add some refried beans. Bretty Gud

the hint of spicynes it has? its fucking delicious

Made becuse a massive chicken nugget doesn't have beef in it...holy fuck how fat are you?

>Paying $3 for a single chicken nugget and some lettuce

then put a goddamn shell over it if it makes you feel better
we need to agree nothing is better than this

I agree with you

You know thst you can add pretty much anything you want to this right? If your lard asses wanted meat then add it. Hell the taco bell app let's you fully customize anything to the point of ridiculousness.

They are talking about the price.
Adding meat will raise it another dollar.

I was suprised at how much I liked it. Not even really a taco bell fan.

>taco bell app
fuck this fucking society

i haven't eaten at taco bell since i was in high school. tacos cost 59¢ back then.

If they can't afford to eat it the way they want it then they should stay at home. Spending 4 dollars on an indulgence is literally pocket change to any body not living below the poverty line.

trips have spoken
its god tier now do not debate me

Sponsored by Taco Bell™

I'll spend it on a quesarito instead

Yeah, customizing an order, paying, and then spending zero time waiting is deplorable.

>sandwich has been our for like 3 weeks
>I've bought three naked chicken boxes
>Its not very appealing

My god, what does your week look like. Is it just a furious blur of grease? No to mention the decision making process.
>This calorie laden sandwich is terrible
>let's try again just incase

Your life is spiraling our of control. We are here to help.

and im not a Taco shill
i ate 6 of these and i'm convinced god made this just for me

Ordered one of these a few days ago, and I had no idea until right now that it was chicken on the outside...

That's fine, I will concede that to you. But if their grievance was about the meat, then make it the way you want it, try it, and if it doesn't fit the bill, don't get it again.

Taco Bell is something that should only be eaten when you are so drunk you are going to be sick anyway. Its not food, its hot garbage.

If you eat it often enough to need a goddamn app, you are a failure as a human being.

You will become a shill once they discontinue it.
Then you will see why everyone complains about the item they loved gone forever.

everyones going to want to try it, so it's a goldmine no matter how much of a piece of shit it is.

get ur fuckin life together m8

i have never read a post that i can agree with more. people are so fucking lazy these days it's disgusting.

I concur

this item will never be discontinued
not this one
not this time

I only eat it sonwtimes when I'm drunk, just don't like the regular "wait in the god awful drive through line" that happens when I randomly want it. Having an app simply removes me from that experience and if you can't fathom why that is better i imagine we will have to leave the discussion at that.

This is what taco bell promotions department pays you for? Posting on the chon and reporting the positive response ...hiding the real response...??

Yes I could, properly made homemade mexican food will beat that every day.

>eat it when i'm drunk

>drive thru

Living past 30

Going to taco bell for mexican food is like going to dominos for authentic Italian. If that is the equivalence you imagine then you don't know why people go to fast food places.

I already said I don't work for taco bell
this sandwich needs to known to all people its literally a gift from god

The long line gives you one last chance to come to your senses and not make such a terrible mistake.

im 34

It is called preparation. Get what you will crave beforehand. I cant be the only person that does this can I?

No one cares what you and I think enough to pay people to come here. You are not important, get over yourself.

WHO the hell puts rice inside of a taco? And who but a dumbass thinks tacos have hard shells, anyway? Taco Bell tacos are just folded over tostadas. A REAL taco is highly seasoned meat of whatever variety you like (including bugs), onions, cilantro, and even more salsa. Don't know who dreamed up putting salad inside. Fools.


NO BEEF!?!!?!??!?!!!


Fat enough to eat TACO BELL you fucking lardass

nice try shit bell,

your food sucks dick and stop trying to act hip with your shitty app n terrible marketing go SuK A DIcKk

This again? If you want chicken stuffed with beef, just add it. Cheap fatass.

Not clever. A regular patron such as myself has very limited options when faced with hunger and only had 30 minutes for lunch ...see perhaps you don't know what its like to work and have a lunch break, see I don't have a mommy to prepare my lunch or my dads credit card to buy a starbucks protein lunchbox so Im forced to make drastic decisions when it comes to what I consume for the energy I need while I continue my position as a productive citizen of this great fuckin country called Murica!....

It's a chicken sandwich without the bread.


Nothing can beat the Double Down from KFC. Taco Bell is a joke.

Steak is levels above anything Taco Bell puts out

I really don't though, as i've gotten older I've gotten less fond of fast food. It's bland, salty and greasy.
It makes me queasy when I eat it and I basically view it as emergency "food" if I really can't anything better.

If I really can't get*

Makes you feel good about yourself minimalizing others ...makes you feel intelligent, etc..

I've ordered it with beef. Was delicious.

I didn't know you could do that, i'll feel a little embarrassed but it will be worth it


It looks like steak. It kinda tastes like steak. But it's not really steak. It's more like the rectangular chunks of "meat" you find in wet cat food. It's by product - like hotdog meat. It's all that extra shit that's left over after animals are butchered. It's ground into a paste and extruded into those shapes. It's given a darker color and some seasoning, and then they call it "steak" at taco bell.

Finally, an adult that decided they wanted it with beef so they ordered it that way. Congrats on having the ability to think and speak. Try not to blow all the kiddos minds with your crazy talk.


user, I believe this post was about actually eating real steak. Not TB steak. Congrats on the thesis though.