The Earth is Flat you Monkeys

The Earth is Flat you Monkeys

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So why nobody felt from the edge of the World yet?

dude evolution takes millions of years monkeys dont live that long its impossible for things to just evolve

antarctica is the ice barrier and if we could go past it we might find other worlds anons we jsut need to make an expiditionary force

why do they hide it from us?

cause then the government wont be able to embezzle money into nasa for there pockets

the whole thing must cost tons of money I mean this whole business of hiding the real shape of the earth

>what is the bremuda triangle
>what is a right angle
>what are 4 corners of the earth

Oo oo ee ee.

Bermuda triangle is still there , 90 degrees and the outside is a continuous expansion of ice known as Antarctica. its too expensive to travel through the ice it costs to much and so they lied and dont have to worry until now

just imagine how much money the 'government' must be paying to the millions of scientists all over the world to keep their secret

plus its the jews who keep it all in line they are in charge of the banks and pushed the theories of the worlds shape

>its too expensive to travel through the ice
actually it's not so expensive

>pushed the theories of the worlds shape
what for? would they be poorer if we knew the truth? would we be richer?

they would be poorer cause they can embelsle money through there various organizations of space travel and we would benefit from the cutting of these taxes

>world's flat
>we're monkeys
pick one

nice source

both you sheeple

while we're on the topic of flat earth, question.
so, as the year progresses, we go once around the sun, correct?
then why is it we see the same constellations all year round?

>pic related

we don't go around the sun
don't believe in what they say in the books
watch more you tube videos bro

This kills the flat-earther:

it's all staged and fake

i have a legitimate question. if there are no poles, then what causes the aurora Borealis?

If the earth is flat, then why are you a retarded faggot?

Explain how gravity works in flat Earth.
>You can't

Probably because flat earthers are dumber than inner city Detroit niggers.

there are special planes that spread some sort of gas which is responsible for aurora

OK if the sun flies around us.. How come the sun doesnt get bigger when it gets closer to us (lets say high noon) and then shrink as it goes off to the distance(sunset)? it stays the same size.

The amount of retard in this response gave me cancer.

Thank you for that. I literally am now dying of brain cancer.

Flat-tards don't believe in gravity. They babble about density, having no clue what they're saying.

there is no gravity. we are atrracted to the earth by some magnetic forces

These retards need to understand a very basic and simple principle of life.

>Just because you want or believe something to be true
>Doesn't make it so

>Magnetic forces
So we are all robots?

Gravity is not real density is the culpret for why things fall and rise a magnet can overcome this force of gravity its not real

I don't know but it desnt change the fact that the earth is flat

Wait, are some people here serious?

There are actually retards that believe the earth is flat?

thats retarded you dont know what youre talking about dukmb moneky nigger

You can't even spell attracted.

Yup. Your elementary understanding of the English language represents you clearly for what you are.

A retard. Stop spreading this filth and idiocy as if it were true. Holy fuck.

Liberals piss me off all the time but this kind of scumbags just need to be removed from the planet.

Trust the guy who can't spell attracted over Galileo, Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and a slew of other brilliant men.

Flat-tards cannot explain how GPS systems work on a flat Earth.

Flat-tards cannot explain why NO ONE has flown near this "Antarctic ice wall" to prove their... stuff.

Flat-tards cannot explain why we cannot see the Sun all the time, since...well... the Earth's flat and all and it would always be visible.

Flat-tards cannot explain the optical mirrors we placed on the moon that ~ANYONE~ can bounce a laser off of and measure the distance.

Flat-tards cannot explain WHY this "conspiracy" even exists other than "to keep you in the dark".

Flat-tards blame NASA for science that evolved centuries ago (NASA was created in the late 1950s).

the path of the sun and moon spirits sprtead an ionized gas as they travel around

You're retarded for feeding the obvious fucking troll. A lot sure goes over your head, don't it?

user has down syndrome the people who made nasa are the same people who created these lies and "theories"

>Galileo, Einstein, Stephen Hawking
they were all paid by governments to keep the scret of flat earth
there are still biblion of bilions of money paid every single day to the the so-called scientists all over the world to keep their mouths shut

stupid when an object comes closer to you it gets bigger and then as it moves away from you it gets smaller... if the sun flies around the earth the same principal would apply retard.. the sun would come and go there for when it flies over to you lets say high noon it should look really big .. then when it flies in the sunset it should look small. but this effect doesnt happen the sun stays the same size through out the day you retard.

And, not ONE SINGLE independent scientist in the WHOLE WORLD who'll just launch up a balloon with a camera near Antarctica. Because, you know, NASA got to them all.

the earth is falt accept the truth @ anons

>NASA got to them al
you got it right

Obvious troll or not, this kind of retarded shit makes me want to throw up.

You and the flat-earthers all need to not breed. Fuckin retarded faggots like you deserve a terrible life and an untimely death.

when theres summer the sun is bigger, isn't it

The sun is so fucking far away that the different distances created between you and the Sun from the Earth's rotation wouldn't make a significant change. Why do you think the moon appears to stay in the same place in the sky when you drive?

Please go.
watch that child then you will learn the truth

> embezzle money into nasa

when did Ferdinand Magellan start work for NASA?

Can I belive, that earth is flat and hollow at the same time?

>how does Alaska have 6 months of day and 6 months of night

Worst bait in history. Unoriginal, uninspired, would rate 0/10

there were some secret organizations back then too.

you know, I sometimes wonder, we should start campaigning Donald Trump to investigate the Flat Earth by twitter, see how long till he talks about it in a speech.


Because governments, who can't even deliver my fucking mail on time, are secretly lying to the world about the Earth being flat, because, get this....they want you to not know!

If it were for money, you might even have a point. But you are saying the governments are shelling out trillions of dollars, for literally the luls.

I'm not convinced. And neither is anyone with a brain. You call us sheep, yet you have watched some videos on YouTube, so I guess you're the fuckin expert.

Make this a thing let's go

Side Note: My theory that pretty much applies to ALL conspiracy theorists. They live these dull, boring lives. They look out the windows of their trailers or apartments and think "This can't be all there is to life." Then they hear about some batshit crazy theory... flat Earth, chemtrails, lizard shape-shifters, etc... and they grab onto it and go all-in. They now think they're in on a Great Secret. They're part of the enlightened ones and not possibly some nobody who works 50 hours a week just to pay their bills. They KNOW.

~or~ They're autistic. Autards, by nature, connect random, unrelated things to each other and see patterns where none exist. This is also true for schizophrenics.

~or~ a happy combination of both.

yea okay fucking sheep monkey nigger enjoy eating the jews feces

explain why the sun goes under the horizon during sunset

cause due to perspective it disapears by size

Sadly, this is a real issue. OP may be baiting, but the flat earth society really does exist and there are a bunch of flattard youtubers putting out videos.

It's both.
Paranoid people love thinking that there is a giant global/universal/4th-dimensional enemy because now there's a valid reason why their life sucks. On top of that it makes them feel more important, like you said.

Jesus, are you really this stupid? Flat-tards think the Sun just moves around ABOVE the "flat Earth". At a constant height. Therefore, it cannot "set". It would simply stay high in the sky and get smaller.,d.eWE&psig=AFQjCNE7YLlZQgQ4LTynAX_f7u866rKLcA&ust=1487548344710584

I live in Australia.

Melbourne > cairns 3000km
Melbourne > Perth 3500km



nope, the apparent angular size of the sun remains the same all day from sunrise, through noon, and past sunset. Anyway with a solar filter or welders goggles can check this.

sorry, try again..

would be wonderful to watch trump start talking about a flat earth.

>The sun is so fucking far away that the different distances created between you and the Sun from the Earth's rotation wouldn't make a significant change. Why do you think the moon appears to stay in the same place in the sky when you drive?

Please go.

So how is it you accept a photo showing a rounded Earth is faked, but the one you post isn't?

Because you are choosing to believe one or the other. You do not let evidence guide you.

It must be painful, living in fear of your god.

Trump would agree the earth is flat hes a brilliant man and he is at the top of the chain and will reveal all to us go ahead and @ him on twitter he will comply

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You're kidding, right?

Of source. Duh. It is a flat disk and go fuck yourself.

for the fags and /anons/ i whipped this up for you

this map shows the earth as flat, you cannot make flights routes on it, simply because the earth is not flat, it's not how it works
and your map sucks

And could it possibly be those flight routes do not exist because 1: you do not understand that flight routes are not straight lines but Great Circles (which on a round globe are in fact shorter), and 2: because an aurcraft flying 6,000+ miles over the antarctic where there is no radar coverage, no flight control, no medium-range radio reception in case of emergency, and most importantly, not one single airport capable of being diverted to in event of emergency is a FUCKING STUPID idea?

its the same reason that there are almost no flights across the pacific from the US to India, instead they go the "long" way round, over russia and down to india east-wards, because there's hundreds of airports, radar coverage, etc. for the niggers and sheeple in my thread #getoutniggers or learn

try and rewrite that nigger


aircrafts cannot fly over the antarctic because theres a ice wall there
some researchers on you tube have proved that fact long time ago

get that nigger off my fucking thread

than how come possible bright dailight at friend in india when i have knight?

we skyp

Jesus Christ it must be a big ass fuckin` wall!

dont tell Trump. he'll feel inadequate.

fucking trump

why, feeling inadequate around him?

>No Gravity exists like newton and some oder sciencefags proved
>Some magnetic forces (very proffesionel)

Since when does something have to be fucking round to have gravity?

Rocks looking like a turd floating through space have gravity.

Flat earth is real

Nice MS Paint shit you got there

>Implying flat sun and flat moon isnt real like ur pic shows


Nasa tricked u, ignorant fool

UN mocks us with a flat earth map as their symbol, rubbing the truth right in our faces.

Mountains. Checkmate atheists.
