Has anyone encountered something supernatural?
Has anyone encountered something supernatural?
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street lights turn off an unusually high amount of times in my life as ive walked or driven by
Why do you ask?
I've been reading Catholic wikipedia pages for like a half hour. They should make this shit into a tv series.
I have seen UFOs twice, one I had two other witnessess with me
I have also been possessed by a friends grandpa once
Thats only personal experience
I found a leprechaun once. Gave me a wish. Wished for a buzz lightyear toy..
And i had one the next day!!!!!!
Come on user, you wouldn't lie on the internet, would you?
I've seen 3 UFOs on seperate occasions....most recent was last week.
Tried debunking it but only thing I could come up with for the 4 red light just chilling in the sky and slowly disappearing was.....
>Flair in the distance released by some kind of military aircraft far enough away and high enough in the sky they didn't appear to descend
>Space debris reflecting off the sun in orbit
Just 4 red lights not in any particular pattern just chilling in the sky. I believe the clouds covered them up after about 5 mins.
One I was in London and looked up at the moon smoking a ciggy with a chick....we both saw some kind vehicle moving and rotating in the moon the light.
pretty sure that one couldn't really be debunked easily.
pic related for what the 2nd one looked like.
this....everytime it happens I saw fuck off satan.
Would someone really do that though?... Just go on the internet and tell lies?...
Once I smelled my own fart. It was pretty "supernatural".
I, for one, don't believe that people would just callously do stuff like that.
Just sharing my experiences, no lies
I do realize the initial reaction is of disbelief, so what can I do?
Tell us about the UFO's. It's not like we've got anything better to do.
>living in yokohama, japan in 2002
>i'm 5 years old
>having a snack in the kitchen in the middle of the night
>i take a glance out of the window
>i notice the roof ornament on the old house next door kinda looks like a face in some weird way
>i keep looking at it as i'm eating
>suddenly it starts glowing like red hot metal
>it materializes a body that also lights up red, like the whole figure is lit up from the inside
>in one smooth motion, it rises up on two feet and looks at me, and leaps off the roof
Sleep paralysis
I know it's just supposed to be your brain fucking your shit up, but after experiencing it myself, I can't entirely believe that explanation.
Well, what happened?
No, nobody has encountered anything supernatural. Supernatural shit doesn't exist.
you think theres anything to it or just random.
i dont think its random.
I've had this happen before. It's definitely quite terrifying for the brief time it lasts, but it didn't seem in any way supernatural to me. Why do you say this?
I have seen a green light cross the sky followed by helicopters crossing through the clouds.
>about eight years ago
>I'm 15 at the time
>I'm on my way to high school
>blink 182 is blasting through my headphones
>basically i'm going through daily routine
>i'm about to cross the street
>felt cold in my back and froze up
>a second later a bus flies by full speed
>literally almost piss my pants
I could have ended up like minced meat, but something held me from crossing the street that day.
>in my dream I was walking in a dark park at night
>saw someone I know sitting under a tree, I walked there and sat next to her
>suddenly I felt something powerful and sinister approaching
>at the same time I somehow realized that I'm safe inside the dream, but I shouldn't wake up
>I struggled to "stay inside", even grabbed the ground, but eventually I got "sucked out of my dream" (can't really explain that feel)
>before waking up, I went through a few seconds of Out-of-body experience, hovering and twisting over my own sleeping body, then I got "back into myself"
>I woke up, couldn't move, and felt the presence of that evil force behind me, at the other side of the room
>it slowly got closer and closer, and I struggled to move, but nothing happened
>it finally reached the bed, and I stopped struggling
>I felt the touch of a cold, damp fingertip on the back of my neck, and immediately woke up for real
Even today I get shivers just by thinking of that night
I have an unusual amount of deja vus, almost feel like im reliving my life again and everything is already planned out.
Idk man. Honestly. Say its is demons or some shit. Ok well they're so powerful right...so powerful they just turn off lights? Come on. lame.
If its chance then imagine the odds life would exist. Not only exist but flourished. So would be so far fetched to think its just coincidence?
Either way when it happens I always think something is out to get me.....but I'm kind of paranoid.
No. And neither has anyone else.
Same Here.
Then you didn't feel the presence of anything I guess
It happened to me more than once after that, and those occasions were much shorter, and I just got annoyed, and kinda shrugged it off
The first one was a horrible experience though
The Hatman
>"it's a psychological thing"
>"you never actually lived this moment before"
People /thread there own stuff now? Gross.
Me too. Countless times I've realized I'm doing something that I've already done in the distant past, even though it's impossible.
I can remember people /threading their own posts as far back as '07 when I started browsing here, but it was gay back then too.
I seen someone being raped before. don't know if that's Supernatural.
Ask /x/ this. This is/ b/. Please leave.
No, it isn't, and you should probably look up the definition of supernatural, but I'm curious to hear this story anyway.
>Le me, 16 yo
>Germanfag, you probalbly know we are on first place about green technologys like Wind-Turbines (pic related)
>I was walking with doggo
>Its 10pm
>Those turbines got blinking red lights on top so dumbass pilots can see them
Thats the background.
I cont.
I've experienced a nightmare, not the word we use for bad dreams, but the actual mythological creature.
I didn't know about them before I saw one in my sleep and looked them up.
It basically started as a dream about a emaciated cronelike owl/woman hybrid, with big yellow eyes and hundreds of icepick like teeth.
She was sitting on my chest, stripping pieces of skin off of my body with fingers with too many joints on them and long sharp nails.
I could feel the pain of every stripped piece and it bothered me quite a bit every time I saw her eat them.
After a while of pain and pure terror, I willed myself to wake up, only to see her still sitting on my chest, looking down at me.
I forcibly rolled over, heard her go bump on the floor and ran to the light switch.
Once the light was on she was gone, so I went back to bed and spent the next hour calming down until I fell to sleep.
using the dark side of the force can lead to many abilities some concider to be...unnatural.
Random board is random....I can tell you weren't here when creepy threads were a thing.
I was forgetting the pic like newfag. I apologize.
According to some theories, the universe will end in another Big Bang, and everything can happen the exact same way again
Fun fact, the lights are mostly so dumbass birds can see them.
It is happening in my life as long as I remember.
But I always light'em up.
I also need some melancholy in thoughts, and I'm doing this unwittingly.
Otay mountain in san diego, i saw something that looked looked like bigfoot. Read online that the kummeyay had tales of some sort of interdenominational time travelling Sasquatch that lives in the area
Sounds like a typical sleep paralysis case
Ah yes, because the porn, anime, rate, webm, political threads that plague Sup Forums wouldn't fit on any other boards.
I've never had a sleep paralysis episode start in a nightmare though. Could just be me.
Yeah I can't discount that as a possibility.
But I can personally debunk the notion of being unable to feel pain in dreams.
>Sooo.... Walkin around and just wait my doggo take shit
>He starts barking to the air
>"Was' los Alf?"
>He barking towards wind-park
>Looking to windpark
A fucking red blinking light of those turbines is slowly flying higher
>No sound of a fucking Plane or helicopter
>Light goes really fast higher, like a rocket
Went home like usually and wasnt giving shit, there must be a logical reason
>Next day, newspaper says 20 other people hav seen strange things same night, like flying lights and fog which was in the villages for a couple of seconds, and disappered
Something that happened to me as a kid.
>16 years old, out fishing/camping at night.
>About 3 hours from home by foot. Deep into the forest.
>Sometime after 2 in the morning I felt like I was being watched.
>Was night fishing and standing by a lake shore, something moved on the other side of the lake (200 yards across maybe)
>Couldn't make out what it was but it kept moving around the lake towards my side.
>Suddenly starts hearing loud sounds, like screaming. Realize everything else has gone silent.
>Thing is still moving towards me, can barely make out a shadow, movement looks extremely fucking strange.
>Freak out totally, grab my backpack, leave the tent and grab my axe. Run like hell.
>Find the trail leading to the dirt road where my moped is parked. Run along it, 5 minutes later I'm at the dirt road, look back.
>Almost have a heart attack, same thing is about half way down the trail.
>Get on my moped, start it and rides off as fast as I can, 30km/h top speed, maxing out.
Ride for a while, make it to the "main" dirt road.
>Keeps riding home, starting to relax, still freaked though.
After a maybe 15 minutes I stop to check my gear, stand there for a while then look back just by accident.
>FUCK. It's there. Dark fucking road, forest around and the same figure moving towards me.
>Keep riding all the way home to my grandparents who lived the closest.
>Drop my bike, bang on their door in panic.
>One they had let me in and gotten me to breath a little I told them what happened.
>Never seen people turn that pale before.
>They knew what it was, 100% knew it.
>Old Scandinavian folk lore creature known as the Skogsvrå.
>They guard forests against intruders and can look in many different ways.
>The forest where I was has had old stories about a really bad one, a true monster.
Worst part is it wasn't some made up story.
This shit has given me problems far into adulthood. Still on meds..
read the fucking thread, moron
> I have seen UFOs twice in the night.
> Once I was washing dishes and i felt like a giant cold hand touched my shoulder.
> Once in the middle of night I woke up for no reason and I saw a shadow that was like a tall man sitting next to my bed, I couldn't scream or move and I was just looking at that shadow for 2 minutes, then i close my eyes strongly and the shadow was gone. Start crying after that.
What was odd to me was that an entity I hadn't heard of before starred in my dream in some detail that was very similar how they've been portrayed in books and art in earlier ages.
Most of the times it's a witch or a shadowy person.
That's one of the reasons I can't accept the official explanation. Why don't different people hallucinate different entities? It's always the same, no matter what person we're talking about.
Says the christian/catolic fag
Nice trips, but they lie. I'm an atheist. *tips fedora*
>woke up around 1 or 3 am
>opened my eyes (I sleep towards in front of my closet, has no doors)
>I end up seeing a white women with a white torn up dress trying to reach out for me
>I end up looking at it for a while (maybe for seconds) trying to process what I'm seeing
>ends up fading away
>kinda want to blame it was a reflection or some sort of white tee I had
Last one is something you have shared with millions. Has happened to me as well. Sleep disorder they say it is. Basically a semi awake nightmare.
Well I do have some ideas about how that could come to pass.
You could argue about archetypes of fear being prevalent in different cultures. Think of aliens for example, people didn't really complain about being abducted by aliens at night before they became a popular antagonist in books and radio plays.
A witch or a shadow person would be scary in and of themselves, the witch for her unknown powers of influence and shadow people ofr being the unknown personified. They have also been part of our folklore for ages.
People of previous ages were haunted by demons, many current people are haunted by aliens.
It could just be a psychological archetype, that we instinctually fear and thus similarities occur.
I still think it is weird that I saw a nightmare before knowing of them though.
>be me
>shitting in the toilet
>clean butt
>no shit on paper
>get off the toilet
>look inside the toilet
>no poop
Futurama isn't a theory
Do you even understand What random means, retard?
I wake up still dreaming sometimes...no control over wat is front of me when i wake up....sometimes its horrifying....last night i had it again and was like a jedi just doing flips n shxt reflecting blaster bolts.
Its just a sleep disorder.
I get sleep paralysis as well quite often...its not scary if you dong freak out.
Its just like "welp. This is kind of trippy. Best way to snap outta it is trying opening a book and reading in your dream. Normally thst shit snaps me awake quick.
Aah the terrible ghost poop.
Dropped a massive one once, felt it smash into the water, even heard it. Wipe = clean.
Bowl - empty. Da fuck?
Ghost poop.
Yeah I considered that too, but shouldn't people hallucinate, let's say, giant spiders or other insects, too? We've been afraid of them for ages. Or any dangerous animal for that matter, like a bear or a wolf. It's always a humanoid, and seemingly sentient being though.
fuck off, reddit
I called an old woman on the phone by mistake once and she turned out to be a ghost.
I was eating popcorn once and got up to go to the bathroom. When I got back the bowl was across the room and completely empty. My dog was asleep so it couldn't have been her.
Nigger ghost ate your popcorn
I think people are more afraid of something sentient and malevolent than something that is only a predator.
I mean I've had running nightmares where something horrible is chasing me, but never an actual real life animal. It has always been some sort of amalgamation of horns, claws, teeth and eyes. With too many of all of them.
We've been afraid of the animals you mention for ages, but we've also had ways of dealing with them for ages. Each animal has a different response from us.
But something sentient, that shouldn't really exist by all accounts of our experiences is way scarier. Because there is no definite instinctual response to it, just pure deer caught in the headlights terror.
I lived in a house where there were loads of supposed supernatural shit going on.
Other people saw things, I saw things, voices, felling of being watched etc.
When we had a major extension to the house we knocked down some original walls and immediately all the weird shit stopped, which led me to discover the Stone Tape Theory.
I don't discount the supernatural, but I think the most of it is explainable.
I was 16, had just been at my best mates' house where we watched Signs. Creeped the fuck out, I went home through a small forest and it was very dark. I've always been semi scared of the dark, especially in forests. When I'm home safe outside my house a green very bright light shines on all of the landscape around me and I am scared shitless and feel like I'm going to get abducted by aliens.
But then I realise it was just a comet. Must've been. Ain't no aliens up in here.
Weren't the writers all scientists with doctorates and shit?
>Must've been. Ain't no aliens up in here.
Yeah because we are alone in this unfathomably huge universe...
Is there a chance they have motion sensors to save energy maybe?
Nothing suggests that we aren't.
Are you from Mazatlan?
Look before crossing you stupid nigger. How the fuck did you not hear a loud ass bus approaching a few yards away
The person who's gunna "Give it to ya" is where you should be....faggot...
The redditors do. Makes it easier to spot them.
No, pretty much as far away as you can get. Wales, at the time.
The wow signal, the musical asteroid, the Nasca lines, the astronaut from palenque, yada yada blah blah
">" 2007 when I type Sup Forums on my keyboard, it was a supernatural experiance
Fair enough. I still find it odd that it's always these same two archetypes though, no matter where or when it happens.
Like, the word for 'witch' in my language came from the word for 'push', and I guess the connection between them is quite obvious.
I believe aliums exist.
Devils advocate though....the universe is suppose to have all this life and we havent found anything yet.
Its called the Fermi Paradox.
Simple answer is they are here and just still kept a secret for what ever reason. I believe its because they have some kind of deal to eep thier presence unknown not for our benefit but because they probably arent suppose to interact with us and they still trading tech for playstations n shit.
If the universe is infinite, there are infinite possibilities for life to evolve
I get this... a lot...just gets annoying as shit. I feel shit around my neck and hear rushing air and wispy noises.
Sorry, it's just the exact same thing happened on my grandma's house, old wall and all
The scale and numbers alone suggest we are far from alone. That and the thousands, if not millions of reports of sighted UFO's dating back 5000 years before christ. Religions based on "sky people" coming down in fire etc etc.
There is too much to ignore.
>be me
>be 11
>me and my Cousins lived near these woods
>Old world war one field trainning place also
>We go up, with flashlights and your basic shit
>Walk up To get a good view
>Old runout house to the north east
>Cleared out trees to the North west
>Take the south east as we're gayboys
>walking down to the clearing, And look around
>old grassy ditch, And some low hedges
>We go in the ditch, And take out golfclubs
(We used golfclubs as they looked like SMLE/Bolt action rifles. gay af, i know.)
>Sitting, As 'germans come out the woods'
>I See in the bushes, About 10 Feet from me
>A Horse, Giant, black, And standing still.
>Without a noise, it slowly slides on the ground
>I Stop, and stare at this Creature
>i point it out to them, And they look
>then at full fucking speed, the horse runs us
>we sprint, screaming our 11 year old hearts out
>We drop our bags, and golfclubs
>sprint to the top of the hill
>horse is standing in the clearing, staring at us
>never went there in 5 years
>dont plan to go back in the next 5
Sorry, ment north west.
Aliens r gay
Everyone took the piss outta Ancient Aliums but it presents its evidence in a pretty intriguing way.
Logically it could make sense....but then you also have to account for all the ancient crazys,assholes,or just liars.
> we havent found anything yet
Well imagine it like this. You dip a single eye in the ocean. A half blind and closed eye even. You don't see any fish. Conclusion = the sea is empty?
The tiny, extremely tiny fraction of the universe we have "looked" at is not enough to even begin make any kind of judgement.
There could be a million nations of alien creatures out there, traveling through space.
Still the chance of any of them coming across us is so low it's almost impossible. The universe is that big.
No need to apologize! But yeah, I used to strongly believe, but the Stone Tape Theory makes sense.
Infrasound has been proven to create feeling of unease/hallucinations etc. It's thought that even voices could be recorded into the fabric of buildings if conditions are right, and then played back.
What happened in your place?
Pics with timestapm faggot