Trump is doing a rally right now is Florida

Trump is doing a rally right now is Florida.

What the fuck is he doing? The election is over. Why is he doing this crap?

Get to work, asshole!

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It's for the people you jew basterd

>It's for the people
The people? what he needs to do is be a president, he already fucking won, get to work on what he said he'd do, not hold fucking rallies.

He's an egotistical joke of a man.

It's for trying to cram his bullshit lies into their brains, that's what it's for.

t. triggered antitrumpfag who hates him for everything he does.

what a waste of taxpayer's money

Just after he won the election, he was asking if he could still hold rallies as president.

I think he gets off on the ego-stroke of the crowd screaming and hanging on his every word.

He's not interested in being the president, he just wants attention,

make that nearly everyone ITT.

This. Exactly this.

>everything he does.
That's just the problem, he doesn't do shit, and holding a rally that accomplishes nothing isn't really proving me wrong.

I am really glad that "its her turn" didnt work out

but jesus
I think Gaddafi was more presidential
more respectable

He said something about laying the first stone on his wall

doesn't do shit. really? then why is everyone constantly whining about the stuff he does. Is he doing anything or not?

>Get to work, asshole!
Chill out lib tard, your great savior Obama campaigned to the very end. That was the only thing he was good at. He sure as fuck wasn't any good at governing. Trump's just having some fun. He's gotten a hell of a lot done already, considering that the dems have put on the big slow down with cabinet picks.

Who is everyone?

>He's gotten a hell of a lot done already

Please excuse me, but if memory serves correctly, Obama wasn't doing rallies only a month into his first term.

Wow that's deep

the media and libfags


and if he did you'd be damn sure nobody would give as much of a shit as all these antidrumpfers

Fuck you, shit eating clinton-kike!

Enjoy paying for his little ego trips. This is a violation of camping laws. This is a campaign rally. The government is footing the bill = illegal.

The media that is always giving fake news?

oh shit
did he just took credit from Trump?
we wont see that guy again

shit. Campaign*

It costs an exorbitant amount of money for the president to travel. Why should some of my taxes go to Trump so he can feed his ego at a completely pointless rally?

I never said that, but if that's what you think friend. All I'm saying is that you are delusional if you think he's "done nothing"

I just hope he isn't using my goddamned tax money for this little shit show of his.

Why do you retard redneck trumptards think progressives liked Obama? Obama was SHIIEET, Hillary IS SHIIIIEEEEET, TRUMP IS MAJOR SHIIIIEEEEAAAAIIITTT.

Bernie would have been good.

>implying he isn't footing the bill personally.

> whining.

It's been done

>Get to work, asshole!
All the "work" he has done so far has been objectively horrible. I'd rather he spends his time fucking about at rallies instead of creating more disasters.

No, everyone says it.
Do you see what a shit argument that is now?

Care to explain why, shitlib?

oh god
he has the same Chicago speech part

He is using your tax money.

Marine One helicopter, Air Force One 747. Motorcade. Secret Service.

Shit costs a fortune!

Trump blatantly hasn't done nothing. If you think that you are literally retarded/

>This is a violation of camping laws
when his tent falls down, he'll quit camping

Because he aspires to have the senate and house overthrown.

What has he done?

And if you believe he's actually a good president then your delusion is quite impressive.

He's interviewing for national security adviser apparently

And he's staying in his own house so it isn't costing that much at all

>hasn't done nothing
nice English, did you attend college?


I'm not a native english speaker. I'm pretty sure that sentence is correct though. I forgot to quote the "done nothing" part.

>And he's staying in his own house so it isn't costing that much at all

That saves a hotel suite.

ALL the other costs are there. Marine One. Air Force One ($200,000 an hour to run that plane.) Motorcade. Secret Service.

Glad that Donnie saved us the cost of a hotel room, though.

Good on him for that!

It can cost upwards of millions of dollars now that he is the president, what with the huge increase in security he now has.
Yeah, he didn't pay for shit, you are.

you got proof?

Don't worry about the lib tards, whining is their favorite activity. When they stop bitching and whining, that's when you have to worry.

Trump isn't paying for shit.

And keep in mind we pay $1,000,000 a DAY for Melania to stay in NYC, rather than living in the White House.

He has to campaign. Keep in mind he has already filed for reelection, his approval ratings are tanking, his party is beginning to turn on him, and our best and brightest intelligence officials are now in opposition to the man.

This is kinda like watching someone try and duct-tape the titanic back together

Proof of what? that he didn't pay for it? or that it can cost a shit ton of money to keep his orange ass "safe"?

oh shit that hadn't occurred to me. now that he's president, it isn't him and his campaign paying for this, it's taxpayers.

Defect, Defect, Defect

Leftist media won't report his accomplishments accurately. So he holds a rally to tell the people himself. Just like his press conference the other day. He has done more in 3 weeks than previous presidents in their entire term. But the left will always spin it to a negative. He tries to stop ILLEGAL immigration, hes a racist. He tries to make PEACE with Russia to avoid WW3, hes under Putins control. He defends his daughter who's business is being attacked by left wing crybabies, and they say he is using the presidency to promote his family business. He wants to keep out bad people who chop off heads in the name of their god, he is a bigot. He begins to repair relations with Israel almost immediately and Benjamin Netanyahu calls him a friend, but he hates Jews. He try's to set up a meeting with the CBC to discuss reducing gang violence in the inner cities, and they refuse to meet because they don't want to be seen talking to him, because he is racist. He calls the media out on all of their twists and lies. he is a dictator. I cannot wait to see how they spin his tax plan (paychecks for most will go up by about 20%). This is the first president in a very long time that is genuinely trying to help our country. Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder.

Did he actually tweet that?

secret service gets paid regardless of whether he goes out or sits on his ass all day

>This is kinda like watching someone try and duct-tape the titanic back together

Very eloquent!


>Implying it's not entirely for his own ego and numbers after that shitshow presser

this guy knows what's up.

So broke he has to advertise on .gov

You better believe it. It's coming out of YOUR pocket, and MY pocket.

Thank God Obama didn't waste the taxpayer's money flying to Hawaii and to play golf all over the place.

Okay user. Lets change it:

He's not doing anything useful.

Okay? Are you happy now?


>Leftist media won't report his accomplishments accurately
well, maybe you can? or should I trust HIM to tell me his accomplishments accurately? he doesn't really have the greatest reputation when it comes to telling the truth.

Yea I heard Obama flew to Hawaii every weekend just like Trump flies to Florida....

The price isnt comparable.
Donald takes a vacation every weekend.

Dear friend, your delusion is beyond imagination.

Do me a favor and save your post somewhere. You can look back on it after The Donald has completely failed. You'll say to yourself, "Man, he really conned me"

Honestly, trump should just call in the army and execute all the faggot leftists in congress and in the courts.

A national curfew should be put into place and all antifa cocksuckers will be hunted down and flayed.

All illegals have 48 hours to depart the us or they will be interred in detention facilities to await extermination.

All protesters will be promptly shot on sight.

I'm really getting sick of the leniency he's showing when he could royally fuck these people so, so bad if choose to.

ITT triggered snowflake triggerlypuffs still sperging out after losing the election 3 MONTHS AGO



>implying he is

Are you this stupid everyday, or is today special?

you're not progressive if you liked Bernie, more like Socialist.

He needs to hold a rally before his weekend golf games.

You "heard"?

That's downright frightening.

The guy is so extremely insecure it's beyond belief!

or easily conned by controlled opposition


He was being sarcastic, dude.

Yea "VERY FAKE NEWS" reported it...

of course he is user. because he cares about you. why else would he be president?

I would love to see him try that. It would mean the immediate end to his presidency.

"MAGA baby!"

You cult members scare me.

you don't like my guy, and I sure as fuck didn't like yours

Thank God Obama got kicked tf out by Trump, our country was going down the shitter, FAST

I mean, if you haven't realized this yet, there's no making you see reason.

just go hide in your safe space

I'd like to think that you are being sarcastic, but I'm honestly not sure anymore...

Both are deplorable. Cuckservatives were whining then, so library's are whining now. Why are you so stupid you don't understand this?

You should too, Sup Forums is that way.

why does that bitch need to stay in NYC anyway?
get in the white house you old washed up sackashit

Obama dropped the deficit by half. He picked up his presidency in the beginning of a recession. Give that those numbers look great.

HEY, no alternative is perfect. But he was the closest there was. And honest, unlike Shillery, Obagobama and Donny Tiny Hands Drumpf.

No. I'll continue to exist in the real world.

Feel free to join it anytime.

But if your delusional mindset is more comfortable for you, then by all means stay there.

not that guy, but ill go to trumps safe place; the theater