Revving up a chocobo thread...
fluffy I mean.
Let the autistic and psychotics rejoice!
Revving up a chocobo thread
none of you are psychotic, just faggots.
there ya go faggot
you faggots are fucked in the head.
tbh hugbox >>>
Don't even mention that bird. Let it be forgotten so it never existed in history.
What did you expect from Sup Forums you little newfag?
talking about the faggots in this thread specifically, retard.
cute, only newfags use the word newfag in a serious way
You must be new if you believe that, also this site used to be known for much worse, are you SERIOUSLY offended by fictional characters getting hurt? Fuck itchy and scratchy must have really pissed you off.
never said i was offended.
>must be new
yeah because you can tell from 1 statement that i'm new, uhu, yeah sure user.
>this site is know for much worse hah kek i'm le edgelord
it's really not, it's always been the shithole of the internet, with the occasional thread going viral for either some cool or some fucked up shit, don't make it out to be bigger than it is.
now stop your autistic screeching, it's bedtime timmy!
Yeah, your original statement would leave one to believe you are passed off, and trying to pretend you aren't summer trash when using terms like edgelord ? Go back to 9gag
>lol le summerfag
the fact that this is still a thing is retarded, i came here 4 years ago and i don't give a shit when someone comes on here, because there is no community.
the fact that you feel like you're better than someone who joined last summer shows you likely haven't even been here for more than a year kek
The butt hurt can be felt from space.
your statement contained so much autism it might've actually infected me.
>4 years
Sure you did princess
you actually care how long someone's been here?
jesus christ you must be really fucking new.
>implying you weren't a raging sperg since your mom dropped you on your head at age 2
fuck off, this is a fluffy thread, not one for your fucking autistic shit fits.
argh, go away, autist! i don't want to get infected!
>can't think for myself, better recycle insults used against me.
>oh no, cooties!
>can't think for myself
yeah sure i can't think that you're new, huh.
being a newfag isn't that bad user, just embrace it, but keep your autism under control.
also stop using >'s the wrong way.
i'm out, i don't want to get infected by your autistic screeching.
>continues to recycle insults like a retarded parrot
is this supposed to be a micro fluffy?
>it's really not, it's always been the shithole of the internet, with the occasional thread going viral for either some cool or some fucked up shit, don't make it out to be bigger than it is.
you do realize their used to be daily CP threads untill we got shut down in 07 right?
pls user you're making my autism hurt.
>full of cp before 07
you're kind of overplaying it, but it was bad yeah
not the guy you were responding to though so fuck me i guess
sick sex bro
Yay, WetFluff got 'em.
alright sure, maybe not daily but it happened a lot. i remember coming on here on christmas and blowing my fragile little mind
Nah, that artist (foxhoarder? i forgot) just draws his flufs really small
Anyone know how Bozdo came to be? Logic behind it? How fluffies came to fear it?
Ho shit checked
What a waste of digits on you degenerate fluffy idiots
Praise kek
Don't be mean, friend. We're not idiots.
check m8
aight I got a green for you guys
>be fluffy
>watchin' FluffTV
>make bad poopies
>mummah notices
>what you want bitch
>You aren't supposed to shit on the carpet!
>I'm watchin' teebee
>Reginald you will stop watching tv right now and clean up your mess!
>puff out cheeks
>mummah recoils in shock
>she cleans the bad poopies
>mfw she makes me skettis later, no quibbles.
Oh for god's sake
I forgot this dumb shit was still a thing
fuck off
fuck off with your trips assfaggot
do you get upset at pokemon battles too?
what is this shit?
dust_collector takes inspiration from many sources. I think that one is a war hammer 40k reference
What? How dare you call me violent, I'm a fucking pacifist, if I ever find you I will beat the shit out of you!
hey faggot, just so you know, in the fluffy universe the fluffies are not classified as pets, there "biotoys"
i'm surprised there isn't more art of a bird just swooping down and taking a baby
Wouldn't they be too tired after hitting the dog to hit the girl?