Ask a (very) rich fag anything. I'm 40

Ask a (very) rich fag anything. I'm 40.

pro tip: bang as many of these dumb sluts as you can. however you can. pic related.

what industry

Can I have some money. I need a couple grand.

Send me money on PayPal for proof

Entertainment Lawyer

When Marty returns to 1985, why didn't George and Lorraine McFly recognize that their son looked exactly like a former highschooler they knew 30 years earlier named Calvin Klein?

do you know much about property investment?
i would like to buy a second property but i still owe a LOT on my first.

what country? what kind of clients do you have and what do you do for them? do you work for a law firm? If not, how much do you charge per hour?

because they had just seen him for a few days.
Hell, I don't recognize half of my classmates from 15 years ago

PLEASE send me money on paypal 50$ means SO MUCH to me... shit, 10$ means a lot to me... My paypal is [email protected]

Thank you so much if you donate even a dollar... You have no idea how desperate I am.

USA. All kinds of clients in Music. Sports. .Film. Partner in firm. We charge 5% of all income.

If you're a fag, why are you banging a chick?

You don't recognize classmates, because they have aged 15 years. Marty would look identical to how he did in 1955.

Granted they had only known him for a couple of days, but he helped George break out of his shell, he was a major factor in getting the two of them together, and he was also present the day George saved Lorraine from a potential rape. (which makes me wonder why Biff was even involved with their family again in 1985) Surely they would remember him.

[email protected] paypal

i dont want your money. i want to make my own. starting from scratch. 60k income but most goes to mortgage. any advice for me very rich fag?

Who are you banging in the photo?

>Ask a (very) rich fag anything. I'm 40
You're too dumb to be rich unless it was a trust fund

Does money really make you happy? I mean obviously being poor sucks, but if you have enough to get by, is there any reason to have more?

have u ever fucked a guy?

How can I get a girlfriend?

I banged a bunch of sluts at the age of 33. Like 30 in a year but then I got herpes (HSV2) despite using condoms. Just my fucking luck


They just watched him grow up over the years. The change was gradual.

can you buy me cod bo 2 for steam ty

asking the wrong question

the right question would be

how can marty and jennifer see themselves in the future? they both skipped ahead 30 years and aging

e e even if they're fat?

Are you saying that by leaving 1985 and going to 2015, they didn't exist in those in between years, hence there would be no old Marty and old Jennifer for them to observe?


when einstein jumped one minute into the future during the test, there wasn't two einstiens.

this always bugged me

they should've used Flight of the Navigator rules.


I think you just blew my mind, user.

agreed. and thanks for reminding me of this movie, I am going to get it and watch with my kids this weekend. Thanks so much! they are going to LOVE it!

Enjoy your aids if you bang as many like that.

since when lawyers charge "from income"?

I'm a lawyer too. Lawyers charge by hour. The whole point of the legal services industry, that you get cash for being sort of an intellectual middleman. Your interest is not to participate in business ventures, that might end in profit. You earn via commission motherfucker.

so what kind of lawyering do yo offer, m8?


do you still work

what are you addicted to

holy shit. thanks for ruining my favorite movie

You gave yourself away. Lawyer/% of income... Riiiiiiiight

Lying on the internet.

So the second they leave 1985,it's like an Unsolved Mysteries episode, right? Three people disappeared without leaving a trace. Everyone would assume they ran off or were killed. They'd spend the next 30 years assuming that. Then, pow, Doc, Marty, and Jennifer appear out of thin air without aging a day. The future they arrive in is a future where they were MIA for 30 years, and everybody else moved on. They'd have no property to their names, and would be legally deceased or missing.

Fuck, man, that makes a ton of sense.

nah, they both have returned to 1985 and aged.

But Einstein never went back in time to the point at which he leapt forward. He just continued living from that point. Marty did go back in time to 1985 so he would continue living from that point.

This. My solicitor charges in 6 minute blocks.

This guy gets it.

I think that means op is a liar. or a dumbass

ok so we're assuming they go back in time and age. buuut we know that marty never crashed his truck and his future is different.

there's never a point where marty grows old and is a loser after the crash. because
1. he either skips ahead 30 years and misses that day
B. he never races flea

Right, they do return and age, and will see a different future than the one they saw (the future where they didn't exist for 30 years)

>You earn via commission motherfucker.


So the real future would still be pretty similar though, right? Like the Cubs would still win in 2015 because Doc, Marty, and Jennifer's existence had no effect on the development of that team forming and winning.

can i has money?

prove it or fuck off

>fiction and falsehood

are you a faggot

Because Einstein made a single trip, he did not came back to the past. They waited for him to emerge 5 minutes later. If einstein went 24 hours in the future then came back to the past, there would have been a point in time where there's 2 Einstein.