Sup Forums fills in the rest

Thom Yorke, Matt Bellamy, and Chris Martin walk into a bar....

Other urls found in this thread:

Barman says "get out we only allow patrician music in here"


So Thom Yorke leaves

who's the most attractive out of these three fellas?


Thom, to be honest

Martin, he gets all of the pussy, probably the nicest guy of the three too.


The bartender says "so which one of you sang creep"

This guys gets it, Coldplay is patrician as fuck


Bellamy is indisputably the most talented musician of the three.

No, Chris is.

And Thom gets triggered and scream "CREEP IS A BAD SONG" while stabbing the barman with his pocket shiv

That's a cute duck

Thom because personality determines attractiveness

Being psychotic isn't an attractive personality trait

Lol keep telling yourself that landwhale

Thom misses the bar, Matt breaks his nose, Chris hangs from it like a monkey.


No, Thom because he's qt as fuck

Why is he dressed up like a faggot. He looks like one of my aunts.

Martin's got the most appealing personality anyway.

You must really like Putin

t. virgin


he's a swaggy don now


t. Thom Yorke


No, CHRIS MARTIN is the most talented

they're a laughing stock

*deletes radiohead and adds more talk talk*

and talk about how they wish that they where in U2

Bono the bartender says "You all cucked off our sound in some way. Get the hell out of here"