you kek you lose. Keep the bananas to ylyl threads
Other urls found in this thread:
2112 faggot ghost Wonka bitch.
Lost so soon.
youre so fucking gay I wish I had a folder full of banana pictures just to spite you right now.
>Wtf is this?
V for Virginia
What's shadman?
What's google?
Millennial Resume
>Joseph Redmon
lol no
"They coined the term in 1987, around the time children born in 1982 were entering preschool, and the media were first identifying their prospective link to the new millennium as the high school graduating class of 2000.[2] They wrote about the cohort in their books Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 (1991)[3] and Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000)"
>found on /gif/
>no one knows the backstory
>mfw I was there
No-one gives a shit.
>draw rapiers
Fucking kek'd
The fucked up thing is that this wouldn't be a joke 3 years ago. Today, virtually every thread consists of literal faggots.
They're just so horrendously bad.
The worst fucking part is that he has super fucking good credentials.
Holy shit, what the fuck.
would you really want to fuck a skeletal, shit smelling paki kid though?
true love has no boundaries
I wanna get cucked by Mr. Bean, I want him to fuck my girlfriend.
is this a fucking joke
Stolen from norm macdonald.
Black fellow, I am not going to read your post simply because there are too many words
What is this? I want hentai of the girl.
>my girlfriend
>Sup Forums
Get one first m8
lost again
Fucking love this
This isn't even true. The age of consent in most states is 17, 16 in some, and the federal law says 13.
Yeah right.
are you being sarcastic? If so a quick google search will show you how wrong you are.
If only that was true but not for the US. Lowest you'd reach is sixteen
Sure man. Just ignore all American media ever demanding girls are 18+.
i am strangely aroused
That's what I said. State law outweighs federal law. All states have a minimum age of 16 but if they didn't they would have to follow federal law which still says 13. My point was everyone assumes it's 18 in the whole country for some reason but it's actually 16-17 in more states than it is 18.
First time I ever reply to this shit, fuck you
Lookup the mother that shot some 30+ year old dude she found in bed with her 16 year old daughter in arkansas...the age of consent in arkansas is 16 so that mother is going to prison.
also I'm sorry I took your bait implying that the media makes laws.
Last I checked I think it was Vegas and Hawaii that go down to 16.. most states are 18.. It's sad that Spain and other shitty countries get 12-13 without it being blocked since they only got ugly girls
FOOled me you fucker
lol. this is even better than the chicken
>shaking like a jelliy donut
There is none because sex outside of marriage is illegal, and the legal age for marriage is 16, fuck you user
The age of consent is 18 for 11 of the 50 states. It is 16 or 17 for the other 39, most of which it's actually 16.
This is why creepy dudes don't get any.
Why not post what you got on our Sup Forums discord?
gel i y, thats who you read it faggot