Sup Forums girlfriend has serious mental health issues

Sup Forums girlfriend has serious mental health issues.

anorexia, depression, self harm, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, and more.

I've been trying to help her as much as i can for over a year now. got her into therapy, and counselling, all kinds of support.

I love her so much, but she isn't improving and having to try and cope with her lurching from having one mental or emotional crisis/ breakdown to another every few days is destroying me. I feel like im on the verge of losing my shit.

If i break up with her I'm convinced she will try and kill herself.

What do?

is this battle toads

I've always wanted to bed a depressed chick.

any reason ?

Do you like being fed upon by the toxic person who gives you a boner. Perhaps a succubus would be more beneficial. You like being manipulated and drained like a fucktard cause you have a boner

not really

If she wants to die let her die. You're a selfish fuck for forcing her to live in misery. Let her live how she wants and if she doesnt want to live you should respect that. Stop forcing your bubbaly boobaly shit quality life on her.

Do what is best for yourself and bail. She is not family. She is not your wife.

does she self harm her legs please let me know i need to for research

bubbaly boobaly life ? hahaha wtf is that ?

Try whipping her bare ass with a belt until she's a sobbing mess. The endorphins will help her depression.

op - she does

just her legs or arms as well?

Question: How many of these disorders are self-diagnosed?


Have you tried knocking some sense into her? Like have a sit down and tell her that you love her and your trying everything you can but she has to put her part and try to make herself change. You can only do so much but she needs to know that she has the power to change herself.

Does she want help?

because if she doesn't there isn't a whole lot you can do.

I bet she's awesome in bed though

op - all diagnosed by doctors / psychiatrists


The more you try to help her, the worse it'll get. Been with a girl like that when I was younger.. they want the attention. They want people to worry about them. Youre probably making it worse and enabling her without realizing it. She needs professional help and if I were you, I'd get out while you can

i genuinely have, she wants to change, but hates herself so much she doesnt think she deserves to be happy or get better.

its really fucked up


she is getting professional help with both the eating disorder and BPD

Oh, that's rough OP. I don't know, if it's really effecting your life that much then you have to do what's you feel is best for you. It's not a good situation. Just know that if she does succeed, it's not your fault.

BPD is a chronic condition with very little hope for improvement. Long term DBT therapy may help but she needs to want to change (cliche I know.) A lot of those with BPD want to stay sick because it gives them an excuse for their behavior. Your wasting your time trying to help her. She may "try" to kill herself but will do so in a way that she knows it won't work. I would bail. Unless the tail is 10/10.

Source: I'm a therapist at a psych hospital.

Why is she so fucked in the head. Obviously there has to be some sort of trauma. Was she molested?

You won't want to hear it but the best thing you could do is leave. Really mentally ill people leave a trail of misery and broken lives behind them. It might not be her fault, but she will neber get better

stop being such a beta fag and stop posting stale pasta...that'll show her.


I used to be in an exact situation for years. Leave her, you will be happier and she will date one of your best friends

nebba ebba

Tying to get off in a thread like this? Oh you little scoundrel you!

op - the current psycho therapist she is seeing is doing DBT with her.

she wants to get better, i really do believe her when she says that. im aware its a chronic condition but is there hope she can improve to a point where she can deal better with everyday life ?

Yea I hear ya, I'm going through the same thing myself. But she has to try. She's never going to improve like that.

Do you guys have a pet? I feel like that tends to help. I have a dog and having my dog around helps me get out of the house on walks.

Take her to an industrial area with train tracks. Wait until you can feel a train coming, and then tell her to stand on the tracks.

When she moves, wait until it has passed, and ask her why she moved. Whatever she says, lead her towards the idea that she has some semblance of hope.
Help her to understand that the trick to life is to basically find a tolerable way to spend the time when waiting for the happy moments to come. Insist that she does know that she can have those moments again, and that is why she moved.

And then slit her throat for disobeying you.


Shut it, you autist

Was an honest question. Im fucked up, not that fucked up.

we dont have a pet, we live in the centre of the city in a rented house and i work long hours. so i wouldnt want to have a dog as i wouldnt be able to walk it and allow it into the countryside like dogs deserve. and we arent allowed pets in our lease unfortunalty.

I have read that having a pet can help. Its something im looking into even its maybe a rabbit or something for her that wouldnt cause any damage and the landlord wouldnt need to know about

> inb4 she goes on the tracks

no major childhood trauma, although she didnt have the best child hood in general and has had some pretty rough stuff happen to her

Like what? I mean shes got a laundry list of issues. They have to come from somewhere. Whats her relationship with her parents like?

my girlfriend also has all of these things mentioned, i know what its like OP, its not easy, but ask yourself

Do you truly love her, and if so, are u willing to help her through anything and everything?

When you get a day off, maybe take her to the petstore. Even a little hamster can help.

You mentioned you work long hours right? What does she do when you are at work? Does she work or does she stay home alone? Does she have friends to distract her and hang out with?

That's the goal of the therapy to get her to a point to where she can function in day to day life. She'll likely never thrive ( good job, education, ect). If the highest her potential will take her is minimally functional, and be happy she's not in a group home or a hospital, is that somebody you want to invest your time and effort into?

Also, ignore the ED. 90% of the time it's a manifestation of the BPD. If the BPD clears well so will the ED

relationship with parents is actually very good.

she was horrendously bullied as a child. has some quite bad health issues but nothing deadly.

i really dont know where alot of the issues come from and i dont think she does either

Don't be with someone that makes you feel this way and they're too selfish to change themselves for the better.

It's a waste of your time and the longer you're humoring her the harder it'll be to eventually let go.

Perhaps if she was a self reliant, self directed adult she would not need a parental caregiver to suck off

That is her problem. It may sound harsh but you are not responsible for her emotions. That's how you end up in abusive relationships.

It's called wanting attention. Take her to a psychologist if she's really that messed up and they can pump her full of drugs if IF there's actually an chemical imbalance.

Usually figuring out what is bothering her helps. I recently found out that throughout my childhood. I was being manipulated by my parents. I never realized it until my spouse pointed it out to me and I realized it for myself. It lifted a huge emotional weight on me. Now i know why I used to hate myself so much.

Sooo shes had a kinda rough childhood and had some rough stuff happen to her. Cool. Get in line. Life isnt all sunshine and rainbows. As bad as she thinks she has it, someone has had it worse. Tell her to stop being a self loathing asshat. Jesus. She seems to have no reason to be like that. Im guessing she doesnt work and has everything taken care of for her because of her issues. Shes playing you guys. She wont change cause she has it easy and doesnt see a need to.

yep i came to the same conclusion that the ED is a symptom of the BPD and gets far worse when she is in 'manic' periods. Im convinced that focusing on the BPD will sort the ED in the long term.

she actually has already got a high level of education. she got a first at university.

Its after uni that she seems to have collapsed somewhat.

i have just ended a relationship that pretty much exactly the same as what you have described. what you have to realise is that you cannot help her, youre acting as her crutch, youre enabling her to not get better, and if you think things will get better they may do for a few days but will revert back to shit.

when i broke up with my now ex, she trashed her whole room, glass everywhere, no one home. Then she slit her wrists, blood everywhere. I had to wrestle her down and call the ambulance.

If youre going to break up with her, gather all of your belongings, and make sure there are other people home so she can hurt herself, or let someone know about what she may be inclined to do.

Also after the break up will be hard, id reccommend cutting all contact immediately, cause she'll most likely try get you back and will fuck with your head. In my case, she told me she was pregnant, and was likely to kill herself etc etc

best of luck op

Are you fuckin stupid, yeah someone has had it worse but that doesn't mean that she can handle what she's got. Maybe if you actually took time to think instead of spewing shit from the whole most people speak with you'd see that. Who are you to judge suffering you cunt

Everyone wants to preach doom and gloom but DBT has a substantially higher success rate than traditional CTB or CTB12. Much of the current research shows nominal improvements in all patients and a remarkably high cure rate in over 80% of patients after two years. If I could find the paper I wrote over this topic while studying at TTU I would be a bit more clear with my sources.

I challenge the other poster to cite a source no older than 10 years that shows "very little hope" for people with BPD undergoing treatment with DBT.

If your girlfriend is not meditating everyday or constantly practicing mindfulness she won't get better. A little random TLC to incentivize these behaviors wouldn't hurt either.

Probably because in reality she's just being a drama queen. If she's got good parents, a nice boyfriend, food in her belly and a roof over her head she really does need to grow up and realize her life ain't shit.

Good on you for actually getting out of that relationship, so many people just let their partners walk all over them.

I've gradually been introducing meditation and mindfullness exercises to her, and she is doing it more regularly now. I think there is hope perhaps.

There's always hope. I won't lie, it's going to be a massive struggle. You'll give up before her, I promise you.

Ah, one last thing before I go drown broken self in alcohol. Always pay attention to the time between incidents. If she's practicing that time will get longer. Three days to four, four to a week, a week to two, and so on and so forth. Pay no attention to the intensity of the incidents.

thankyou your comments have actually really helpful

Glad we could help, you have many options, make the right one, god speed

Self harm you are saying is because she doesn't feel it. And the rest you say is faked? Either you are a troll or a cunt.

I don't get what you're saying, yes sometimes people will cut themselves because they want to draw attention to themselves. You see it all the time. Their lives are fine besides a few tiny issues that EVERYONE has to go through and they decide to make a massive deal about it.

Either she goes to a psychologist and it turns out to be legit (which true can happen) and it gets worked out with meds or more than likely she's just wants attention and is being a drama queen. It's not hard.

Never stick your dick in crazy.

>If i break up with her I'm convinced she will try and kill herself.
>What do?

Break up with her. If she kills herself, that's not on you. It's not your responsibility to "give her a reason to live" or whatever.

Source: lived with depressed g/f for 10+ years, finally left, she flipped, now she's with another guy and has a kid.

Best thing I ever did, was tired of having my entire life being worrying if she was going to do something drastic.

Self harm is a way of getting rid of thoughts you can't deal with. Either she actually has something to deal with or she cuts for attention because it doesn't hurt much.

Next everyone doesn't go through the problems we all face. Not everyone is aware enough for that. Many people go through life without realizing many of the horrors they might face, she may understand these things. Child birth for instance is something she might be thinking about... If you don't know why that's a problem for women I don't really want to waste any more time on you.

cutters = attention seekers.



>child birth

So you're saying... she might be cutting herself... because she's thinking about future child birth...


That hilarious, I've heard about people making excuses but good lord 10/10

She's obviously unstable as fuck is is in no way capable of maintaining a relationship. For fuck's sakes I thought I was bad when I only have depression. Leave now OP and never return.

Yeah um you're right having your body ripped open for more than a few hours isn't something you would try to forget. You're right, I'm wrong, I'm sorry.

The solution isn't to leave, it's to stop caring.

Crazy chicks are fun. They're wild in bed, do all kinds of entertaining shit. You just need to stop worrying about the person, and start being entertaining by the spiraling psycho degenerate riding your dick.

devil confirmed

If this really was an issue user, I think we'd have a lot more mothers walking around with wrist stripes. Sure it'd be a traumatic event but fuck me bro not everyone is as weak as you seem to think they are

He's right though

Giver the ol dickeroo so good it gives her a reason to live


Fucking emo !

Do you really think you are correct? I'm done explaining this shit to you. If you really don't get it I doubt you would unless you actually experienced it. I hope your next life is female and you have 4th degree tearing. You miserable excuse for a person.

probably this

Make her take meds for her anxiety and borderline. It takes time to findthe right ones. Also get her into CBT. That's whats been helping me.

still there, op?

quick question:

>first in uni

a first in what?

As I said it can be traumatic but shock and horror women deal with it. and on top of that, I doubt OPS gfs cunt essentially exploded from his love child so your example is redundant in this case.

Sorry if your baby nearly ripped out your insides or someone you loved, that really sucks and you should seek some psychological help

you seem to have missed previous' point... get the fuck out. It will ultimately do you both much more good. Stop letting your emotions rule your decision making process.

I left my BPD girl a year ago... Think one thing: are you staying because of the investment? I mean all the emotional efforts you have already done? If you don't want lose that investment, you'd better run away now because you will just have to risk much more if you stay. Does it make sense?

How did it go when you left? How did she react?

first in english lit and journalism

Projections and assumptions in mind, it would seem you are clearly a horrendous retard with cheetoh bits on his shirt.

It must be nice to be this dense and stupid sometimes kek

Troll face is troll
why do you even exist to troll people with severe emotional issues? what a fucking loser

>op fixes her
>his gf leaves him for some chad bc she's at a different point in her life now
literally just keep her there and let her stay crazy if you want your dick wet. true talk.

does your box have room for another cat? you might need another cat.

I know right, the fact everyone has emotional issues to deal with some worse than others but they actually have the mental capability to seek out help when it's needed rather than be a burden on not only the people they love but also themselves preventing them from moving forward in life and actually enjoy it.

Or there partners happen to be going through it and they care enough about the person to make them seek help and should they ultimately not want to them come to the realization that the person must not actually love them all that much in return if they're simply unwilling to at least try.

So stupid and dense.

tell her to kill herself

It's not trolling but hey if you really want to assume logic is trolling, you stay in that little world of yours. You already seem to want to cut yourself over imaginary issue.