Danielle Bregoli Thread

Danielle Bregoli Thread





Patiently waiting for her to have nudes eventually.

Patiently waiting for the sex tape

You will be waiting a while she is 13.

>new meme

The stupid ass way she talk turns me on a lot.

Is that weird?

Just a matter of time. It will happen, this bitch can't wait.

Well in a couple weeks when she loses popularity to some new shit she'll fall lower and lower to get attention. Then she'll do something drastic like fuck some coon and post the video, just to stir up controversy.

Yeah, but she's 13, so that can't really go public so how will we know?

what's her insta and snap? I've seeing too many fakes to be sure

This is Sup Forums, we'll know...


MUH SIKRIT kLUB no's all

Jesus FUUUUUCK, man.
I think she may be the hottest child of all time.
Pervey I know but, I calls em like I sees em.

That dumb cunt has a fucking Rolls Royce and she doesn't even have her licence yet


No she doesn't.
Kek'd hard.

>you can be a millionaire just by create videos online
Hell of a time to be alive. God bless 'em.

can you pussies just fucking xray her?

Bra + Wearing black. Not really...

She has a thick ass bra in every picture.


somebody explain the phenomenom?
niggers act like this EVERYDAAY!

no your a nigger


Because she's white.

because she is cute

Is calling her 13 a meme? Because she isnt 13.

nvm it's

realbhadbhabie for both

Double Triple for the win.

Double triple triple

double quad double. Holy nigger.

Ya except She is a broke ass lil wig.

betchu diddun aspek dat nigger

Praise holy kek

Why do you faggots like this wannabe nigger thats a nigger lover. This thread is cancer, kys u piece of faggot shit!!! Im triggered.

all the newer shit on her IG, you can see a couple big ole hickeys on her neck