Trap/CD/Femboy thread?

Trap/CD/Femboy thread?



you faggots are gross



who is?

It seems like all traps are either complete bottom bitches that only want their asses filled, or are on the opposite end of the spectrum of dominant and pitching. If I were to ever meet up with a trap, all I would wanna do is jerk them off and watch them squirm under my touch as they lost themself to orgasm. I wouldn't keep them in chastity or do any bullshit orgasm denial, I wouldn't even fuck them. I would just use my hands and vibrators to make them cum over and over for my amusement. I would, however, demand equally loving hand-service in return, preferrably while being held down.

>tfw no qt trap to fulfill my ahaego fetish


Not a femboy in the slightest, but add me, d.dimmer (snapchat)


lets see that dick




is that you?

My dream guy right there


It's me! I go by CDIsabel

jesus christ you're fucking hot

no, it's an user named Assbro; I lost the link but somewhere there's a download with hundreds of pics and webms with sound of him. too lazy to find it myself atm, but will dump some of my favorite pics

Thanks a bunch :D






im saving pretty much anything you are posting, goddamn.

t-this is an mental ill thread, right?




Hey, isabel. Perry lurking before I try and sleep off this cold.



hell yeah



more of it



how is that even possible


would grope/10

done dumping, rip thread


Good good! Look me up on tumblr for more


Per! How did things go with the person you met earlier?


Where's that godlike german trap with .webm ?

That sexy ass blonde chick?

Went nowhere. Asked if there was some way to talk to them outside of here, they suggested Skype which I don't use. I asked if they wanted to use email or kik and got no response. Think it's about time I gave up.


thanks for posting, your as would be perfect to slide into and pound until it was filled with hot cum :)

Oh that's a shame. Still, you'll always have the pics I made for you ;)

You're very welcome

Been looking for her all week

Yep, just want to fuck her right now


>tfw no cutie french trap gf

True, you never let me down. Gonna call it a night, heads thumping and staring at my phone in the dark isn't helping. I'll no doubt catch you in another thread later ;)

Celle là te plait pas ? Elle ressemble à Norman

You're gorgeous!
Too bad you probably live half the world away.

Goodnight Perry!

Bristol, UK


he said cutie

wow bristol ... ummm im from bristol

Found this on your tumblr. Is this you? So fucking hot I almost came just looking at it.

"cutie" mon ami, pas "horriblement mal foutu"
A ce stade la, autant être gay, ce sera toujours plus simple que de chercher une abomination pareille

>Bristol, UK
Excuse me while I book a flight from Norway

I wonder if my face would fit in there. You?

Indirectement, je disais que j'étais d'accord avec toi, jamais vu de FR potable sur un tram thread, dommage

hon hon hon

Oh okay, my bad, now I get it.
En effet, c'est clairement honteux que la France soit si pauvre en trans de qualité. Les seuls traps que l'on peut trouver en France et qui sont bien foutues sont à 99% des prostitués venant des pays de l'est. Le reste, que des traps dégueulasses, du genre Gérard conducteur de camion

Can you please explain how you manage to ejacualte using only your nipples as stimulation? What is the technique?

La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas, hon hon, baguette, prostitués, l’habit ne fait pas le moine

Chacun voit midi à sa porte, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir!

hon hon, traps


omelette du fromage

My bet is that to achieve this, you just jack it off the regular way until you are about to cum, then stop, then fap again, stop before cum and so on, in order to have a lot of sensitivity. Then, you fap until you are about to cum, stop touching it and right away start using your nipples to achieve orgasm. Also, drugs might help, and being a tranny too ("woman" sensitivity and shit)

I like this post.

kek, nice french there mate


nice, more of this

help a Sup Forumsro out, link for a trap from a previous thread, name was Anya but can't remember surname, my dick was diamonds

the sad part is i actually am almost fluent in french, studied it for 10+ years, lived in qc, but if you speak french w/ ppl from Paris they hella fuckin' rude

they've brought the muslim apocalypse upon themselves. la ila ila ila, allahu akbar, praise jesus.

well, based on that name mebbe eastern european, so my dick is also already diamonds

bunch of faggots

Cool, but I don't do meets unfortunately :(


Yeah that's me. I have that pic in higher resolution if you want it

I hadn't jerked off in months and I had a toy in my butt ;)

Wow. You're so observant.

bend over & i'll show you who's a faggot m8

looks good

^this guy wants a taste

Don't bother with those retards from Paris. Lot of them make fun from foreigners having shit accent when speaking french, but none of these asses are even able to speak english and make a correct sentence.
Thanks fuck, not everybody is like this, just like not everyone is a piece of fat lard in the USA.
German and leftist brought this apocalypse. But let's focus on traps, this is getting Sup Forums tier.
Pic related, a russian trap living in france

I just set this as my desktop background.
If I lived in the UK and you'd have I'd marry you in a heartbeat.

as in life and politics, as in European traps, the Russians have to save the West


cheers Sup Forumsro

pls help


That's awesome! I like being desktop backgrounds!

more? sry, for the thirst

This is me

I remember this one
was at grandparents house so no toys

So not only they are rude to people who don't speak their language they also are rude to people who speak it but with an accent?

No wonder everyone hates the French.

i think this thread will be the best to ask:
I want to buy a butt plug, will 4,5cm diameter be a good choice?

Thanks for answering my question.

Are you on hormones? If so does it make your orgasm feel better?

Just as I said, it happens, but not always. You will find some fine and friendly people there that will appreciate your effort.
Pretty sure if I went to burgerland or UK and started to speak english, some might make fun of me and my french accent (which means : a SHITTY accent)


No I'm not on any hormone pills or anything. I just have regular ol' orgasms

who is this?!