I'm 18. I live at home with my mum and sister and I'm a nudist. AMA

I'm 18. I live at home with my mum and sister and I'm a nudist. AMA.


are they nudists too?
boi or grill? it really makes a difference in this case

Are they nudists too, or do you just like walking around the house naked?

If you don't have any pics to post then you can just Fuck off

timestamp or fake

We are all nudists although we have to wear clothes to college and work (obviously). I'm male.

We are all nudists, ask anything.

Get fucked. Read the title. It's ask anything not show and tell.

Have you ever fucked em?

Why haven't you posted pics of your mom and sister yet?

Do you fuck, ass wagon?

I haven't fucked them but I have masterbated in front of them before.

No but we have all masterbated in front of each other at some point in time.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What did they do? More detail piss drinker.

I'll get round to it but they won't be nude pictures.

Oh dope.

nudes or gtfo

Bitch why not?

Can you write that a bit better please. I'm not having a go I just can't understand it.

pretty fake tbh

Thats not acceptable. I want pics of both of them bent over with spread assholes. Delivar fgt

Name of this girl?

I said has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Answer me now motherfucker.

It's just a casual thing in my house so they just watched the TV or whatever they were doing at the time. My mom did teach us about sex ed by using us as examples to each other though.


that's not a sentence retard

I still don't really understand but I'll answer what I think you're saying. No no one has suggested that we fuck. The furthest any of us have gone and probably ever go is wanking me off.

Like taught you how to fuck?

time stamped titties, please.

We didn't fuck but she showed us on each others bodies how and what sex involves.

Lurk more newfag



So where your dad during all of this? They get divorced?

Say I bought a new phone and it shipped with a gutless 550mA charger, does it damage the battery at all if I charge it with my other 1.5A charger?

What the fuck, kek.


fuck niggers

My mom and dad split before my sister was born. We only really see him on our birthdays.


Does he know about everything that goes on in your house?

And your dad raped all of you right? Like made you his prime bitch fucked you more than the others and your not proud enough to admit it?

how convenient, so user, why exactly are you trying to impress strangers on an ANONYMOUS imageboard?

you claim to be in a nudist household yet you have never taking a picture, i call bullshit, faggot.

everything you're saying comes straight out of some 13year old's horny mind, gtfo faggot go get real friends.

oh wait you're too autistic for that sorry.

The rest of us use the microwave on high for 30 seconds, perfect full fucking charge every time.


Yeah. He's fine with it. He himself is a nudist.

It's a no from me.

Nice try at baiting pictures out of me, faggot.


I understand "has anyone want to do more, look more. "

meaning: do you haver very physical contact or vaginal sex? what's the limit?

any details about when you first jacked off in front of them?

not trying to get pictures because there are non, faggot, seriously how fucking sad is your life that you try to impress STRANGER ON AN ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD, jesus christ i'm glad i'm not you.

Physical contact, yes. Like I said I've been wanked off. Sex will never happen.

You said you've all seen each other masturbate, have any of you seen one of you guys fuck? Maybe not eachother, but like you mom or sister with a bf? Or you with a gf?


How fat are all of you?

>My mom did teach us about sex ed by using us as examples to each other though.


You need to be more verbose when you say shit like this


How did it become "normal" to jack off in front of eachother?

it didn't i'm faking it all because i have no friends and i need attention.

It was the sex ed that my mum was giving. She told me about masturbating and said when I get hard I should jerk my penis to relieve the pressure. So one time I was in the living room and I got a random boner. She saw it and said remember what I told you. I then masterbated. When I finished she told me to clean it up and that was that.

by your mom or your sister? also, what are the ages of everyone in your family?

I personally haven't seen my mom or sister getting actually fucked but I don't know if they've seen me do it. My ex was pretty fucking loud so I have a sneaking suspicion.

would any of you ever have sex with another (bf/gf) infront of the family?

kill me please.

there used to be a forum like topics where nudists would discuss their "lifestyle" all the time

from what I remember, the entire nudist lifestyle was RIFE with incest related activities and open casual sex with minors and adults

how accurate is that in relation to your family?

Do you find your mom or your sister attractive?
Have your sister ever masturbated in front of you?
Tell us something here OP, it's interesting.

how big is your wang

My mum is starting to get a bit chubby but me and my sister are in the physically fit range. That being said our metabolism has always been quite good.

any interesting/awkward stories?

guess what retard, that's all fake, it's all horny 14 year olds jerking off to the idea of someone jerking off to their fantasy.

you must have actual autism if you believe any of that shit, incest barely ever happens you fucking moron.

We view the releasing of pressure as a natural thing.

I'm 18 like I mentioned. My mum is 39 and my sister is 17.


Are you OP?
why so angry about it cockgobbler?

your mom had you when she was 21?

jesus christ she fucked up

those quints confirm that it was both at the same time

there are few things less sexy than nudism.

unless you are a fag.

Nah that would be crossing a boundary. Masturbating is seen as a natural release but having sex in front of them would be weird as that's seen as an intimate thing.

because if you actually believe that shit you should genuinly kill yourself, your iq must be rediculously low to actually believe ANY of those stories.

That's not OP.

So you haven't fucked either of them, would you if they were up for it?

Whys that? She was happy with where she was in life. I support her no matter what

How long is your dong?

I don't think so. Mostly because I wouldn't view them as family anymore and it would ruin the relationship.

yeah i'd hate to walk around by hot naked sister all day or watch my mom's tits bounce up and down all day, fuck that would be a nightmare, please user kill me if that ever happens oh gosh.

yeah i'm sure she was really happy raising some little fuck when she was still essentially a kid.

who gave you the handy tho? your mom or your sister?

It's 7" bone pressed but it's nothing special when flaccid ( about 3.5" ).

checked the dub dub quads

She's happy enough.

OP here, i give up, heres my mom

Right, because raging autistic intellectual such as yourself hold merit over everyone else on the internet.

Do yourself, your faggot family and the world a favor, Professor, and kill yourself you angry faggot.

One day you'll lose your virginity user, then you'll realize it actually is possible to see a naked girl without busting a nut in your pants every 2 seconds. It's called self control.

My mum. She was helping me this one time because my foreskin was feeling tight and hard to pull back. She helped me by doing it softly. I was only young so I was panicking.

lol what new kind of autism is this?

dude 21 is like literally the most normal age to have a kid. it's not like she was 15

>happy enough
that usually means she's not really happy at all

Not OP