Be me - choose one

be me - choose one

cocaine addiction vs no sex because of premature ejaculation

attached my snow

Uhh, ssri's, kratom, tramadol, opiates

You can combat premature ejac with lots of substances. Switch it up bub

Yesss! An opiate addiction instead of a cocaine addiction!

You mean you're extremely unhappy so you're hooked on coke.

Sweet bro been there done that.

I said switch it up

Rotate substances

What are you a retard or some kind of mega-retard?

try falling in love and getting really good at sex with one person instead of trying to be good at having sex with hoes

Shut up, Satan.

Not at all, I am quite the opposite.
Extremely happy.
Because of coke I can have sex.
Not yet addicted though.

Lel. OP is a coke addict and you expect him to use opiates responsibly.

Man, hey man...

You can prematurely ejaculate whenever you want.

I cant have really good sex without coke.

Did that, have been in relationship with hot girl for 3 years. Just premature ejaculating, lots of licking you know. So it made her happy.

>that's your opinion.

Ye any kind of dope is fine. I just went for coke..


Thats what i said

ah, it is sweet but slowly rekking

Instead of blow, try adderall. Much better. Increases my sexual performance, and drive, plus, it makes you roll balls for like 12 hours as opposed to coke's pathetic half hour buzz.

thats like ritalin or something right?
Thanks for the tip

Yeah, sort of. It's speed. So, its an SUPER focused high, and you feel euphoric as fuck. Ive done blow my fair share of times, and I like Amphetamines WAY more. Snort a 30 mg adderall, and youre fucking ripping it for a whole day.

Vyvanse is the real fun one. Addys are better than ritalin but vyvanse will fuck u good. You won't wanna stop going for 18hrs.

Sounds good, also tried speed, really liked it.
But i use it most of the times before fucking at night so I want to sleep after.. With coke i have no problem sleeping and with speed i do ofc..

But will try adderrall, tyvm

Agreed. Vyvanse is more euphoric in my opinion.

Seconded. I prefer vyvanse over coke over addy over rids. Plus its the cheapest one.

No problem dude. I used to be hella addicted though, so watch out for that. After you spend 24 hours jerking off the most grotesque porn you can imagine, its sort of addicting.

I think you missed the point man,
I mean i like the drugs and shit. But i dont really want it, i just do it for the sex. The rush is amazing though.

HAHA no fun in having blisters on ur cock from a wankaton

If i want the reall rush i will just go for real ice :)

Yeah man just seems like the word about Vyvanse hasn't gotten around. One night my friend has mad ADHD and was like "man, these things don't do shit for me" and gave me 3x70mg of Vyvanse. Ate em at like 11pm when I had to work at 7am and was like "as long as I'll be able to wake up for work, I'm straight." My other buddy who was there was like "Don't worry, you will be up for work ;^)" so I told original dude to give me two more 70's just in case. So I had been up that whole day, took the 210mg at 11pm, was geeked as fuck all night and through the next day, then was losing the buzz but still wide awake that night, took the other 140mg, stayed geeked another 24hrs and finally crashed at like 9pm on day 3.

haha the meds they give kids these days. Crazy

Yeah if you only take one you get a decent 12 hours of energy without the super crash the others do