Ylyl thread no Cancer

Ylyl thread no Cancer



>No cancer
>First 3 posts cancer

This place is dead.












chuckled cuz it's true



ayyy lmao








Was air force....

>all the benefits of being military
>get treated way better then other branches
>mlre money

I still think the other branches just salty. I got to travel and actually see countries and tour n shit.








wtf is that thing?

I'm an active duty Marine. I've been to Nellis, you guys have everything better, except for uniforms and bragging rights. After I get my DD-214 I'm planning on go Air Force

More like this pls


I want to be that cat, right after they took that shit out...like a huge shit...ohhh...the feeling of relief!


Dont be an MP. I was and its the lowest of the low. Sit on gates scanning IDs....occasionally fight a drunk and have to write reports out the ass.

Medical....all the hoes are in medical.

mfw accurate representation of Refugees, America, and Trump ridding America of them.


Yeah, I'm a 4641, looking to do something similar in the AF or National gaurd


I fucking love David Thorne



These are never funny

This is great


The world can only wonder


you were stationed at nellis? what's the real scoop on area 51?





Nice quad dubs!

Hits to close too home.


Nellis is just vegas man.

And I wasnt stationed there buf Groom lake is privatly contracted now with mostly mps who qualified for yankee clearence...

So if you can stationed at andrews afb and be around air force 1 then theres a good chance you can get hired for some secuirty position at off sites.

I didnt get any clearence above secret which is literally the most general clearence you can gst...

Only did 6 yeRs though.

Plenty of stories from dudes thst use to protect nukes n shxt...everyone fears going to minot...its the equiviliant of security forces hell.

What about Navy?

I wasn't stationed there, I was on assignment to take pictures of the f-35's they have there.



holy shit is that a boat fly larvae? I bet it purred it ass off when it was out.

Holy shit quad dubs

It's like being at basic training your entire enlistment.

And what I mean by that is, you sleep in a room with 40+ guys every night.


I've always wanted to lick the blondes cooter

My ex gf joined the Air Force. Can confirm it's a fuckfest.

Air Force 1N2 ship out in two weeks.

nigger what
its a "cat"erpillar
i feel bad for making that joke

HAHAHAYHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA hope you enjoy working nights the rest of your life

Yeah, a "boat fly"

i get it


What's wrong with that? That's actually better to me. Plus if I get stationed at Hickam, Intel has 9hr Panamas.



I laughed more than I should have

>Matthew Obara
Read that as Michelle Obama

Lost it


What's red, 6 inches long, and makes my girlfriend cry when I feed it to her?

her miscarriage.


That's just a dumb, nonsensical version of the actual joke

>What's 12" long, stiff and makes a woman scream in the morning?

>Sudden infant death synndome


Hard to laugh at that one. That's one of the most pathetic pictures in existence.

This one is so funny

Reminded me of this one, also checked

Another fucking "mother will die in her sleep".

How funny.
How original.
How could I expect anything less?




Fresh from the latest raid





side alert!

>These are never funny
alright smarty pants, post something funny for us. You funny guy you