Can someone send my an encrypted message without my public key?

Can someone send my an encrypted message without my public key?

I dont think you understand how public key encryption works...

No i dont. And i got a message from a vendor that's encrypted and i have not posted my public key on my deepweb profile and I have no idea how to decrypt it. Wanna help me out?


Yea that makes no sense to me

>Can someone send my an encrypted message without my public key?
>Can you read it?

Why isn't your public key on a public key server. That's what they're for...

Then why would he send me a encrypted message without my key?
Or is it possible that he encrypted the message with his own public key?

idk man, i usually dont use this shit

Buy a Mac. You're the target market.

Use their public key to decrypt. Encrypt with private, decrypt with public.

no idea, lets make this thread a muscle girl thread



And how exactly do i do that in gpa?


You need to take a step back

If you don't understand how this stuff works and you're posting on Sup Forums about it.. just stop.

Yes. But you won't be able to decipher it unless they send you the key.


Stop being a mong



fagots just tell me how to read the message, i dont care for your opinions. Im not ordering anything illeagal anyways

