Join Charlotte Humans for Positive Progress in our peaceful demonstration against the current administration and its...

join Charlotte Humans for Positive Progress in our peaceful demonstration against the current administration and its policies. Bring a sign, your family and friends, and join members of the community as we rightfully assemble.


Donald Trump is literally our President, but figuratively, he has attacked every value we hold dear and does not represent our interests. We will be staging a rally at First Ward Park in Charlotte to protest the policies of the current White House:

- He wants to use our tax money to build a wall that no one wants.
- He threatens us and our neighbors with unethical immigration raids.
- He attacked our Muslim communities in instituting an outrageous and Islamophobic religion ban.
- He approved a pipeline that threatens to destroy sacred lands.
- His administration opposes women's right to choose and purged the White House website of information pertaining to police brutality and LGBTQ rights.
- His party doesn't take climate change seriously and undermines efforts to combat it.

Donald Trump stands against the progress we have worked hard to enact. He does not represent our interests. He was voted in by a minority of the American public but governs as if there's no resistance. But there is -- and on February 20th at 12 noon, we will honor previous presidents by exercising our constitutional right to assemble and peacefully protest everything Donald Trump stands for.

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I like how OP thinks he/she has the authority to speak for everyone.
Drop the bullshit, you do not.

kys fgt

Wall's going up (10 ft higher as of this post), ICE, INS and police gonna enforce the law (about fucking time), Muzzies will be fine even though they're a drag on the state (even though Christians were disproportionately affected by the ban that was overturned), pipeline is 80 miles away from where DAPL dipshits were protesting, most LGBTQ friendly pres & only one openly supportive from the outset of his presidency, climate change - i'll give you that one.

tl;dr troll harder, but sterilize yourself 1st pls

wow, totally. fuck the 60 million people that voted for DRUMPF right. they are fucking CIS WHITE MALES. fucking OPPRESSORS and COLONIALISTS. minority votes should count as 2 WHITE MALE votes

>a wall that no one wants

Gonna need a source on that bud

>He was voted in by a minority

?? He had a majority of 77 votes, it was approaching a landslide, are you American?

OP thinks their interests and wants represent all of the US. Kek.

He speaks for me.
Fuck you.

I want the wall. That alone is proof that OP is wrong.

>it was approaching a landslide

You isn't everyone.
Learn basic English.
Oh, and Fuck You, too.

>I want the wall.

fucking commie

At least try to disguise your bait so the thread ia entertaining.

Stay triggered snowflake lol

>wanting a colossal waste of money
what a patriot. leave the country

So what? We're two more faggots than you.

why thank you

fuck you
stay out of my city, worthless scum
start destroying my property and you're going to get a .40 through the chest


This. Millions want the wall the same as millions want mudslime savages banned, think OP is a faggot/Hillary voter

>purged the White House website of information pertaining to police brutality and LGBTQ rights.
fake news

Also that pipeline is going nowhere NEAR sacred lands. Are you dumb?


While your stats are wrong, the fact that you admit hes the president means you arent totally retarded. I disagree with you but protest away it is your right

>fake news

It was on CNN

>the pipeline isn't on the Reservation


Awww....little pussy is scared he can't compete.

hahaha lets see here, you fail basic math too.

you + op = 2

me =1

2 is not 2 more than 1.
go back to school and learn the basics before you try to comprehend politics.

>let me whitesplain indian shit


compete with what, exactly?

>snowflake confirmed as trigger word

:) Will double down, thx snowflake lol

>- He wants to use our tax money to build a wall that no one wants
Lol speak for yourself faggot.

>> we will honor previous presidents by exercising our constitutional right to assemble and peacefully protest everything Donald Trump stands for.

But he stands for what the past successful presidents have stood for, soo... I don't understand...

yeah, I mean, the 20th is a Monday so... competing against the unemployed, uneducated niggers?

not really
I am one more than you
he and I are two more than you.

Sorry trumpfag

This is my city too stop crowding the butthurt around. Some people need to work

>t. snowflake

Reservation does not equal holy lands...

- He wants to use our tax money to build a wall that no one wants.
The wall is good. Prevents illegals. Theres gonna be a gate in the wall to let pwople in legally.
- He threatens us and our neighbors with unethical immigration raids.
How is tracking down criminals unethical? I'd say it's unethical not to turn in your illegal buddies.
- He attacked our Muslim communities in instituting an outrageous and Islamophobic religion ban.
Its not a religion ban dipshit. And islam as a religion is objectively evil and should be banned from all countries with liberal values.
- He approved a pipeline that threatens to destroy sacred lands.
Sacred land? Hes using that land profitably, not being a faggoty ass nature child.
- His administration opposes women's right to choose and purged the White House website of information pertaining to police brutality and LGBTQ rights.
He was the only candidate supporting gays in the orlando massacre.
- His party doesn't take climate change seriously and undermines efforts to combat it.
Only valid point you have.

>build a wall that no one wants



Guns are for pussies with small dicks.


knowing this much about how i voted.

wow, you are full of fail today, quite while you are behind.

>still using snowflake without irony
I don't think you know what "trigger" means

>Obama’s was switched to a new domain name at, just as former President George W. Bush’s is at

>The Bush site shows that when he was president, there was a page titled, During the Obama years, going to that site would bring up the same 404 error as can be seen now. Reporters did not suggest that Obama hated children.

Nobody cares what you and the Republicans want faggot

Yeah it does. The location is a traditional sacred site. Keep whitesplaining faggot.

Thankfully, only Republicans are in charge this time around. So they all care what I want.

>He attacked our Muslim communities
>Muslims never attack anyone

whitesplaining is not a word

Yes, build a wall.

Because ladders and rope aren't things.

whatever you did last Nov 8, it helped Trump get elected
do not even be a faggot about this
you will lose

>t. triggered snowflake


>what are armed guards, security cameras, motion detectors and the like

Nobody cares what you andbyour illegals want, communist piece of shit retard liberal assmunching cocksleeve shitface assrapist cumslut dickhole sucking shit.

Climb over and get shot.

It actually describes what you are doing--being a stupid white man.


I'm subsaharan

still cringing faggot

So is there any 704 fags here? Whatcha up to tonight. And fuck butthurt voters no one cares around here

>pipeline that threatens to destroy sacred lands

Don't buy into the fake news hysterics Bro, where did you read that? CNN?

You understand that the goal was to make Clinton NOT win?

>build a wall that no one wants.

Wrong. Build the wall.
Ignore the special little snowflakes.

Just in, bad Liberals are anti-MAGA.

>sooooooo triggered

What is "very expensive"


Still no.
Reservation = plot of land alloted to a people by gov.
Sacred land = plot of land determined to be holy by a people.

And another point, why are they allowed to define how their holy land lays? If my religion said all of America is a holy land is no one a allowed to build anymore? Is it the land itself that is holy? Can it not be relocated?

gen z is already the most conservative since 1945, so by all means, keep doing this Balkanization faggotry. get really fucking crazy with it. you're just helping us. no doubt you will all be in camps in my lifetime.

>build a wall that snowflakes dont want.

FTFY :^)

>wants to use our tax money to build a wall that no one wants

Obama doubled the debt from 10 to 20 trillion... what exactly did you get that you wanted? Bear in mind that he could have just handed every taxpayer $81,000. Show me what you got apart from debt.

Even doubling the federal estimate on the cost of a wall, Obama could have built it 600 times.

>threatens us and our neighbors with unethical immigration raids

Illegal immigration is unethical. Enforcing the law is ethical.

>attacked our Muslim communities in instituting an outrageous and Islamophobic religion ban

He didn't ban anyone from the top 5 most Islamic countries. He put a temp ban on travel from most of the top terror-sponsoring ones... using a list compiled by the Obama admin.

>approved a pipeline that threatens to destroy sacred lands

Google "pipeline". Have a look.

>administration opposes women's right to choose

Where is the abortion ban? Show me the plans. Protip: There are none.

Kill yourself, OP.

doing the white nazis' work?
double useful idiot much?

With all sincerity, fuck off and die

>the goal
>the reality

you fucked up faggot
big time

I am very mad.

the wall is retarded

it doesn't matter if you hate mexicans or just love walls, it's the most expensive and least effective way to solve any problem imaginable


still whitesplaining

>expecting libtards to back up their tinfoil bullshit with sources

You'll be waiting a while user lol

Cry moar, faggot:

autocorrect says whitesplaining should be windowpane

i no bro pizza gate is totes real


it is kind of like inhaling liquid acid

Nah nigga. It was for the best of mankind that Hillary lost, even if we fot stuck with Trump. Hes ths lesser of two evils never mind what cnn and msnbc and basically everyone that donated money to her canpaign told you.

lol someone's a triggered little snowflake!

>faggot english

no wonder Trump won

Still butthurt

>Enforcing the law is ethical


Oh the ironing, if there's any evidence of Putin tampering it's the brainwashed anti-Murrican protesters.


>liberals trying to start war with russia

The hate intensifies... completely unhinged.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I hope your mother gets raped by an illegal.

man, it was so nice if we could such an open diverse society like all moslem countries have

Very much this, thank God Clinton didn't win, she would have just been more of the same. You only have to look at how Obama practically wrecked the country in only 8 years to see she was not a option.

Except Putin didn't get to us. We voted for Clinton.

You were the useful idiots, faggot.

>voted for a loser dipshit like trump
>accuses others of having a "mental disorder"

Only illegals and left wing snowflakes voted for Clintdung.

Patriots all voted for Donald.

Lol LGBTQ friendly. He doesn't even like women, let alone women that want to be men, or men thar want to be women. The rest he wouldn't understand.

As for he's best buds with the most famous tranny on the planet doesn't mean he likes or supports them. Jenner and his family are damn near rich as he is.

If you were a black Muslim he'd like you well enough as long as you were loaded and wanted to keep the rest down.

You do not understand how american elections work if you think that.. I live in a solid blue state, it was going for Clinton no matter what i did.

Learn how it all works before you bitch at me about it.