Are any of you guys over 23 and fell in love with a 15-16 year old? I'm 32, and I think she feels the same after we made out the way we did. And I'm not normally into young like that. Is it wrong? What do I do?
>I was her first kiss
Are any of you guys over 23 and fell in love with a 15-16 year old? I'm 32, and I think she feels the same after we made out the way we did. And I'm not normally into young like that. Is it wrong? What do I do?
>I was her first kiss
Bumping with ex gf tits. Recently left her for my new fair maiden
Boi, you're finna get v&.
Shameless self bump
move to europe, so you are no longer a criminal
>I'm 32
Lol Jesus
ExGF Age? lol
Not in love, no. But i do love to fuck underage girls.
Jesus Christ OP.
She's 24
You goofed.
>I'm 32
>think she feels the same after we made out the way we did
you're either pathetic, a complete idiot, a virgin, or all of the above.
seriously get the fuck over it you little bitch.
You're in love with being in the driver's seat. That is all.
Damn. That's insightful
Ok I'm in a relationship with a 15 year old.
The first few weeks is the greatest thing ever. She will think you are a God. Then her interest fades. I'm surprise she still considers me her bf but yea, like her close friends know. Honestly it's going to go from scary to annoying, especially if she's a virgin and has stupid fears of sex.
I'm 3 months in... I would marry her if she shown more affection. If not, I will just try to snatch her cherry and call it.
>15-16 year old?
>think she feels the same
>first kiss
nigga girls that age don't know what the fuck they feel never mind about the first person they kiss
you're either lonely and really want to fill the emptiness with something or you're attracted to the excitement of someone who makes you feel young again
that or you're an ephebophile
either way she's never gonna be mature enough for you bro. you like your idea of her not the actual her. it won't work out
The reality is, regardless of how you two feel or your personalities, you are dating the most self destructive, insane, unsure, hormonal demographic you can. That shits going to blow up regardless of anything else. Go find someone who is more mentally stable.
I met my GF when she was 16 and I was 26.
Nine years later we're still together.
If shes 16 then its legal. Enjoy you lucky bastard lol ^^
dad pls take this down
>implying there's something wrong with fucking 16 year olds