Ugh... I hate to do this but old fag here in need of desperate help and you Sup Forumsros are my only chance at it...

ugh... I hate to do this but old fag here in need of desperate help and you Sup Forumsros are my only chance at it. I get out of working a 12 hour shift to find my car broken into and all my rent money, phone,cards, and other shit like shoes clothes missing. not to mention 2 broken windows. so if any of you could help me at all even a little id greatly appreciate it.. paypal [email protected]
pic is just some nice tits

im looking to be about 600 short on everything even after clearing my bitch savings out. not that i need that but just so no one gets too generous. not tryna make any money just not be homeless lol

>leaving your rent in your car
>leaving your phone in your car


hopeless bump:[

Your boss wouldn't understand that you may need some help?
You're saying that even if you prove that you're not trying to fuck with people, people around you wouldn't try to help you?
Come on OP, you're saying that you went home, saw a disaster area got on your pc (or phone, that wasn't stolen) and now you're asking for money online. Having a job and all.
Asking money from people that don't know who you are.
Really, that's not a smart choice.

Now... I remember a couple years ago, some user making a claim that he hadn't eaten in 3 days cus his bill pay schedule got all fucked up. I recall him being forced to show his practically empty fridge, with a timestamp, before anons would even THINK of helping him out.

So user... Long story short? Pics of broken in car, with timestamp, or gtfo.

i know....i was late too work and work on a good sign of town. im a fucking idiot i know.

shes so fucking hot dude.

i work for a corporation, my boss has bills to pay and kids to feed. he could care less. he was the one who actually brought it up to me "hey bud, i think your window is broken"

You do realize you have to post a pic of your car showing the smashed windows with a timestamp, right?

Put an add on craigslist offering to suck cock for cash. I'm sure plenty of faggots would be willing to help you out, in exchange for a little cock worship.


damn that takes me back

Do you live in your car?

been on the phone with insurance even though thats 500 bucks i dont have to have the windows fixed i still had to take a pic and send it to thme through the stupid app since it was a documented crime. here is one i took

time stamp or gtfo

i did out of highschool, but now i dont fortunately. been working really hard to better my situation but shit like this happens i guess.

sorry, my insurance didnt require a time stamp. but ill get one for ya

OP: I already made $200.05 sucking cock.
user: Who paid you the nickel?
OP: All of them.

Go cry to your gecko faggot

Best post in the whole fucking thread.

wish i could but the bitches want 500 to fix what im crying over

lol op is a begging faggot. but your just a stupid faggot with lame jokes.

fuckeking kek

what's her name again??


I want 3 large pepperonis delivered to my door, please loan me 50 bucks. Im desperate as op

Post your DVD collection. If you own a movie I really like, I will give you $100.

Kate's Playground

Ann Hiro


i do have a few dvds. you serious?

Yeah post'em

go homeless reatard, then you won't leave your rent phone cash cards in the car. fucking nigger

Just Smash the whole Windows out and Drive with open Windows. Its anyway better. If it rains Just get some PLASTIC Foil over it


the nuber of times i fapped to her back in the days

I call bullshit.
Side and rear windows shatter into a million fucking glass shards, i know i have seen it in accidents. The only window that breaks like that is a windshield. So fuck off with your money begging OP you fuckin faggot.

>being an 'oldfag' and.....
>paying rent in cash
>leaving rent cash in car
>leaving phone in car
>leaving shoes and clothes in car
>not having friends/ family that trust you enough to loan/ give you money
>not having any emergency fund for literally this situation.

user, you have way bigger problems than your broken window. If you're working 12 hour shifts, you damn well have enough money to be a goddamn adult. Look into Dave Ramsey. Get your life in order.

>plastic foil

Year, make, and model of car...
Approximate location (City, State or Zip code.)
Also, which windows are broken.

Do you have tools?

i moved 1,200 miles away from my drugged out family and have yet to make friends due to so much work. where i live rent for a room is 1,500 bucks. i am in a shoitty situations and all my "friends" are broke college kids

what is tint

not my collection but what sits by my tv

Why are you friends with college kids? I thought you were an old fag? What city you live in?

yes there was tint. this user just jumped to conclusions.

that fuckin broken window is not tinted dooshbag

nice try faggot

Miami. im 26 my 2 freinds are working on their masters right now. they dont have a lot to help. well nothing except some brews

yes it had the legal tint which was barely anything.

.....and even if it is tinted do expect me to believe that fuckin plastic and adhesive is going to somehow change the way that window broke? fuck off with your money grubbin, pathetic bullshit.

The story gets more and more elaborate just like every other lie. Timestamp or kys OP.

Anyone want give me money? Im student, poor and lazy but im not a liar like OP

OP. Sell your possessions on let go app. All of them. All your game consoles and games go straight to gamestop. Do not pass go. Do collect the 100 dollars that gamestop will give you for your consoles. Sit on a street corner with a sign that says "will work for money". Get to a blood center and donate for money. Jack off at a sperm bank for 50. Donate plasma if you can for 80. This is a desperate situation and calls for desperate measures. If you can, find your local glory hole and donate your "handy work" to it. Sell your car for as cheaply as possible and spend the next month rebuilding your life. College is overrated and you're stupid for having 1500 dollar rent as a college student. Tough love is what you need and what you'll get from me. That nigger that broke into your car is livin' large with the booty he swiped from your car. Think about that. Do anything humanly and legally possible to recooperate the funds. Don't forget. SELL ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS MATERIAL OBJECTS if you're serious about paying that ridiculous rent amount. Or, live on the street. Up to you mang! Good luck!

I smashed OP's windows and stole his shit. If you're asking why, it's because user is a gay nigger.

I'm accepting donations:

$500 - shit on his porch
$1000 - cum in his ear while he's sleeping
$2500 - rape him
$5000 - livestream the rape

Man that's not nice, saying things like that are the reas- HOOOOFF

hm I still see no timestamp

and you never will, because op is a lying cunt

Dude.. Your movies are foreign. You're lying to us all. You're not in Miami. Your just some broke bitch that broke his own window to get some attention. Fuck off.

Look at that shit Star Wars trilogy in the background. All I can think about is how the new edition was simply RUINED by George "Special Effects" Lucas. Fuckin pisses me off.

These are Canadian movie jackets. Miami my ass.

Anyone who believes the panhandling nigger that made this thread is a fucking retard.

I've worked for a corp and got a paycheck advanced before. Him having mouths to feed means nothing, he's not giving you money, the company is.

trips have spoken.

pics or it didn't happen, faggot.

Respond retard. Why have canadian movie sleeves if in Miami?

I'll think about donating if you timestamp your car.

You are lying though. Would have put up a timestamp right away to get the $.

Why the fuck do you pay your rent in cash? Have you heard of a check you absolute moron?

I'm a poor student myself, but I'm drunk so I'd help if you could provide some sort of proof ?

Don't help him. Never a good thing to drink and be loose with money, unless it's to buy drinks for friends at a bar.


>says is old fag
>newfag detected

lol so much lying i cant even

thanks, yea

enough internet for me