New phone means new reaction gif folder. Any gifs helps

New phone means new reaction gif folder. Any gifs helps.

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Bumping with T&A




Want to enjoy your memes with minimal fucking outside fucking bullshit?

Fund this shit.

Muzo is an anti-vibration acoustic device that generates anti-phase vibration towards an attached surface.

The TPE material allows muzo to be stuck and reposition on any surface.

Muzo includes 3 modes: serenity, secret, and sleep.

In serenity mode, external noise is reduced and cancled.

In secret mode, Muzo is capable of keeping public conversations from external eavsdroppers.

In sleep mode, external noise is minimized and allows the user to use one's personal sound field.

Hi-Tech Hd Video on Muzo




Fuck you!




fucking stupid idea, don't blame me you're an asshat

Thank you



I can't fucking sleep, bitch ass mother fucking cunt! Do you fucking know how mother fucking important fucking getting enough mother fucking sleep is?
Not getting enough mother fucking sleep makes you literally fucking stupid! Not getting enough sleep takes your mother fucking ass energy! Not getting enough sleep fucking fucks up your overall neural health in the long run, making you a lot more vulnerable to Alzheimer's and whatever the fuck else not! Not getting enough sleep increase your risk for heart disease! Fuck! Not getting enough fucking sleep will fucking make you fucking die early!

No thank you
(Nice dubs)

Keep it up

Your mother fucking birth was a stupid ass fucking idea, cunt ass mother fucking dick hole ass faggot! I don't blame you for your asshattedness, faggot!

Sorry bud I'm fresh out of gifs

Sooooo gif? No gif?

full of bawwwwwwwwwwww

That's ok, thanks for stopping by though.

Shit gifs


check out this delusional newfag

All gifs are shit gifs if used incorrectly.

mongoloid draino eater got some good cumbacks breaking out the newfag big guns

Here's your mother fucking gif, mother fucker!

Thank you buddy!

big words coming from the newafag who's only ammunition was the samefag bullet

He paid the gif tax. Have you?

Wtf is wrong with her face

1. Mother was raped by a sloth.
2. My cum in not on it.

this is charity from my kind and loving heart

Hah. That's a goodin.

Guess that's it?



Hah thank you kindly





