ITT reasons to break up with your girlfriend
ITT reasons to break up with your girlfriend
my wife would like it
I broke up with ur girlfriend last week
if your threads are doing iron man numbers.
She cheated on you.
Qt trap is trying to move in with you
Hey... I remember that thread
I actually edited those two images together
>time to leave Sup Forums
If you find out she plays an autistic kids game like league of legends.
League is fun tho, back up little nig.
why do spergs think it's cool to lie about the dumbest things.
>expecting to me to fight during breakups
man, I hated that in high school
How's bronze 5 treating you? :^)
Frequency of sex died down to like once a month
What an hero
I mean, if you're 12 or autistic.
I'm an adult, I don't know what that means. Fedora language?
Because she's inevitably going to kill herself.
It's quite possibly the only game it's fun to win but not fun to lose. There is no enjoyment in 40 minutes of losing. It's got the lowest ratio of fun:not fun, because all that losing makes your wins feel much higher. It's artificial and bad.
I'd rather quick rounds of kicking ass than half hour rounds of inching victory
Sooo british?
Did she bring two axes? Or did one get stuck and she's like "fuck that I'm not done" and went to home depot for another axe.
>cringelord detected
>needing to lie about something this dumb and trivial
this is Sup Forums man, and most of us have been here forever
it's not that difficult to believe
League of legend is only played by fat, lonely neckbearded manchilds who live in their mother basement. You are the autistic one, bruh
That's the thing though. In ranked you'll be matched with people on your skill level. Meaning the possibility for a come back is enormous.
You have to keep a positive mindset and remember that League isn't a game like call of duty in which you can play with all your stoner buddies. It requires teamwork and practice. Something people always seem to forget about.
I don't know if you're parroting what you hear about League, or if you're speaking from personal experience but most people I meet in game are pretty cool.
Quit being a tool.
Or maybe the last thing she did was stick it in the car?
>people I meet in game are cool
>this somehow proves they aren't neckbearded manchildren that live in their mother's basement
They seem cool to you because you're 12 and they act spergy and gay just like you.
You trying to defend your autistic and fat friends, while insulting me by calling me a tool, further proves that League of Legends is an game that is only played by lonely neckbeards.
You're using gay as an insult and I'm the child?
I don't need to defend anyone. You're the one who actively shit talking it. I was just trying call out your bullshit.
Yes you're gay and so is league of legends.
Okay, bud. Have fun posting dank memes.
There's two axes though.
By disregarding everything I say as bullshit you are proving that what I am saying is the truth and League of Legends is a game that only lonely virgins like you play it. Furthermore, instead of having a healthy discussion, you are just resorting to name calling, which proves that you are just a lonely fat virgin and has no inteligence to prove his point, besides name calling others.
If she reads Cosmo or anything else like that.
Haha, dang! You got me.
I'm such a cunt.
So, yeah go play, outside. You might become a decent human being, instead of lonely fat virgin.
beware everyone, we have a gay superfaggot over here
I'll break it off if I find out they have a really bad sexual history or have done threesomes and such
haha, nice
>just resorting to name calling, which proves that you are just a lonely fat virgin and has no inteligence
dude you are a fucking retard
You finally have a career, money, prospects, and therefore much better game.
Jfc those bitches should definitely get punished for pulling that shit, if anyone did something even close to that to me they'd be already in a brand new labor camp, workin' hard every day to bring sandwiches to men.
Someone is underage and angry...
American girs are the worst
I am not a retard. I just stated a fact that you are a lonely fat virgin. You calling me a retard just proves that your intelligence is only capable of name calling others.
She won't leave her husband
She won't do anal
She won't have 3 way with her sister
She doesn't make pancakes
She has a kid
She is a nigger
Personal insecurities.
>female leaves her husband for her side fling
>cheats on her side fling at some point
gee what a surprise
Play the featured game modes on the weekend that last only 15 minutes or so
That is not true, user. Why would you lie on the Internet?
You become gay.
LoL is for little kids and autistic manchildren, kys.
I mean if you're on NA I don't know but on the EUW server the game is full of touchy, cancerous children.