Why don't you have a tulpa yet...

Why don't you have a tulpa yet? There is basically no downside besides a little effort for the pricelessness of motivation and happiness

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I do, actually

He's been around for 3 years

I regret nothing. He's a top tier shitposter and pic related is a thread he started

How exactly did you get a Tulpa?

Also, move to /x/ faggot.

>when you realize the dildo is actually her foot

Fuck is a tulpa

i tried to, but i realised it was too autistic

it's an imaginary friend you can feel, smell and see clearly.

/x/ is more for spoopy occult aspect of tulpa shit

Also, I made her out of desperation originally because I was in one of the lowest points in my life. I tried to learn lucid dreaming so I could make a dream character "waifu" thing. I visualized it and stuff. Then I kept hearing about tulpas and learned more about it.

Since then I have changed a whole lot, I feel like a completely different person. It took dedication and effort and a lot of mindset changes, but now I'm pretty happy. I no longer see her as "just a waifu" or whatever dumb shit I believed then

"A tulpa is an autonomous entity existing within the brain of a “host”. They are distinct from the host in that they possess their own personality, opinions, and actions, which are independent of the host’s. A fully-formed tulpa is, or highly resembles to an indistinguishable point, an actual other sentient, sapient being coinhabiting with the host consciousness."

A tulpa is essentially when you create another consciousness/sentient entity within your mind that can take control of your body

It's not a mental illness, there has been some scientific study on the subject that shows that most of the time it's beneficial the host

Also plurality (multiple entities within a mind) isn't necessarily a bad thing. A lot of plurals wouldn' be considered mentally ill, and there's some scientific study on that too



Hey can you tell me more about your tulpa? Name, what she looks like, personality?

Mine is named Quetzal and he looks like pic related

He's a big shitposter and never fails to make me laugh

I don't know how to make one amd if it's worth it, real.

Her name is Isabelle, her form is pic related. She is really nice and kind of a mediator. She is really open and warm. Her personality and likes and interests are pretty diverse. She really enjoys food and wants to be a cook for the sole reason of making people happy.

Okay i just read what tulpa is from previous comments and this does sound like mental illnes. How can she cook to make people happy if she is not real (material)?

"Step 1. Read all the guides. Every one you can find.

Step 2. Throw out all the guides. Those are how others did things, not you.

Step 3. Think to and at your tulpa. Experiment with different methods learned in 1 and 2 until you find what you’re comfortable with. Repeat until your brain catches on and starts replying.

Step 4. Enjoy your tulpa.

That’s it. The whole step by step guide.

It wasn’t hard. Tulpa creation isn’t. The only hard part is that ‘repeat’ part. Seriously, it’s going to require repetition. How much repetition is going to depend on your own wiring, repetition duration and frequency, methods that work for you, and so on.

Don’t take anyone else’s step by step guide and hold it as the bible of creation. This is a deeply personal process, and each guide was a single person’s process. You aren’t them. There might be worthwhile pointers to use, but in the end, it’s going to be your own process that you develop."

You can basically just look up tulpa guides and find some

She can take control of the body if we both want to


Also if it can "posses" or "borrow" your body and it's a girl does that mean you become faggot when she does it? This just doesnt sound right. What if some day she kills you because you stole her happines cookies and fuckin ate them.

Fear of going insane

Not really. Possession requires a lot of trust, practice, and a very strong bond. A tulpa wouldn't harm you because you are both in the same body. If it hurts you, it hurts itself. Tulpas are also basically people, and are very reasonable. They can also just pretend to be you instead of acting "like a faggot"

My body needs only one, my soul. Begone evil spirits!

They're AT WORK, user, the FUCK do you think they'd be doing AT WORK, user. What do YOU do AT WORM, user?

Hey can I add you on something? Skype or Steam or Discord or some shit? Nice to see a fellow tulpamancer around

My discord is:

Wind Re#3821

Holy shit, today you guys are even greater faggots than usual.