Am I the only one?

Am I the only one?


ur waifu is literal shit

Find me another girl who can kill a high level VIP target in 5s while pretending it's an internet prank while unironically wearing a LOL shirt

I'm witchu

I love that pic. It's like something from the cold war era.

Whut's this about?

It was just a prank

she killed a fat chink

Oh, okay.

>pretending it's an internet prank
>unironically wearing a LOL shirt
what are you, some kind of faggot ?

She killed Kim Jong Un's brother

And there was also a guy dressed as a woman, poison stronger than ricin like some comd war shit, a viet girl who said she thought it was just a prank and then suddenly was arrested for being involved in a high profile assassination, people from lime 4 countries

Buncha crazy shit

10/10 would watch the movie


What's the motive for the killing? Or is that secret?

kim jong un's paranoia


Who knows. One of the guys arrested was confirmed as North Korean, and the method was James Bond tier

Kim probs sent his gook version of kgb to kill his brother cause reasons

Delet this

Kim Jong-un | A history of executions - family, allies and rivals
Kim Jong-nam
The half-brother of the North Korean dictator was assassinated at an airport in Malaysia in February 2017 having apparently been attacked with a chemical spray

Ri Yong-jin
North Korea's top education official was executed in August 2016 with a high-caliber machinge gun for falling asleep during a meeting, according to reports

Hyong Yong-Choi
The defence minister was shot by anti-aircraft guns in front of hundreds of onlookers in April 2015 for falling asleep during an event and not carrying out instructions, according to South Korean intelligence officers

General Jang Song-Thaek
In December 2013, Jang, Kim Jong-un's uncle and a leading general, was accused of being a counter-revolutionary and executed. There were reports that many members of his family were also killed

Kim Kyong-hui
Jang's wife and Kim Jong-un's aunt, was apparently poisoned in May 2014 after complaining about her husband's execution, according to defectors

O Sang-hon
Jang's ally, the deputy public security minister, was executed with a flame-thrower in April 2014, South Korean media reported

Kim Chol
A vice minister in the army was apparently executed with a mortar round in April 2014 for drinking and carousing in the official mourning period for Kimg Jong-iI's death

Chubby doesn't fuck around

best korea

Execution by mortar

Alright then


better not fall asleep during any meetings then