Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

What sites do you use to hook up with traps?

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None, cause they'll all just be cross dressing guys who are completely male in appearance.

buttholes are gross tbh
coming from a gayfag

That's a shame. :/ I like Traps/Sissies.


her name is "Google Images"

I live in a big city and use Grindr and there are still only like 3 of them

dude, you have better than me, first trap i see in grindr is two countries away

a lotta people use grindr. ymmv though..

You're never gonna find a passable trap to hook up with unless she's a prostitute, in which case, all the power to you.

I use bing

i'm not really into masculine men though and i'd be worried gay friends that my sisters know (therye both libtards crazy into lgbt rights) might be on it and see me. what do?

don't use your face..?

don't use your face and don't get catfished. easy, how else do you think the Republican base does it?

grindr, but theyre rare. but traps in general are very rare to encounter. (or at least the ones that are open, a lot of trans girls dont wanna tell anyone about their girl penis so you cant really filter them out)

well i just thought it'd be like tinder, where if you don't see a face you don't swipe right

There's an app called Surge that's like that. But Grinder gives you a screen like this.

Moar like this

that makes sense. in the US, traps are .6% of the population. only a portion of those are ftm, and then you gotta think a fraction of those are open. then you gotta find one that lives near you AND passes.

try and talk to a girl once before you give up

trans* are