Hey Sup Forums what is wrong with these leaves? Potassium deficiency? If so, how do I fix it?

Hey Sup Forums what is wrong with these leaves? Potassium deficiency? If so, how do I fix it?

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why are you flowering so early ? doesnt even look like its a foot tall.

how old are you lmao

Get a fucking job you hippie.

you grew one bud congrats.

I started about 3 weeks in

looks like bad lighting from my past experiences

give it a banana

Nitrogen deficiency for yellowing leaves.

More than 10 degreeF difference between lights off/on for purple coloration.

12/12 from seed causing to flower premature.


using 4 2100 lumens CFL's

waste of time tbh. let it grow 1ft tall atleast. normally when the leafs fade during flowering is because of the flush the grower gives it cleansing it from the salts that build up from the nutrients. Just keep feeding her until the last 3 weeks of flushing.

you'll be lucky to get this much.


so early stage potassium deficiency?

just toss it and start over. youll be lucky to get a gram off that plant, kek.

well, I'm already in. Should I stop and kill it or keep going?

You need to top that and feed it under 20 hours light cycle, it can recover if your aren't fucking stewped. Bloomed it too fucking early.

this or

Mix 3 parts water to 1 part molasses and use it twice a day to water the plant

Not sure, grow it to term, dont listen to the blind and greedy.

Have fun and learn.

Some sprouts have colour in their leaves, nitrogen, iron and potassium *could be the issue though.

It's been topped already, here's the whole plant

You're saying like 18 hours or so of light and some feed?

just start over. sucks i know but just start over let it get about 1 to 2 feet tall, then flower it.

There are sights and communities which specialize in growing plants.

420chan exists too if you want a chan, otherwise type "how to grow marijuana" or "marijuana growing community" into a search engine.

well, the box it is in is only 30 inches tall, minus maybe 5 for the lights


Don't start over, just plant more and change up what you've done a little bit and see if that plant is smaller or bigger. Science that shit. Also this
and this
Just don't tell 420chan you came from Sup Forums or act like a cunt.

Top it again and force it back to growth. Feed it. 20 hours light. Then when you switch to bloom rinse the dirt out like cray so it starves. Cold water! Yellow light 12 hours cycle. Make that shit red. Then 24 hours darkness before harvest for extra sticky.

then grow it 12inches and start flowering it


Fuck starting over, you know you have a female just rebloom it. Other fags are fags.


Moar like this

Start over, would be quicker

yeah u can do this op. dry whatever u cut and smoke it i guess.

Top it by cutting the buds off?

The CFL's skew to the blue spectrum - change the lights to the more yellow kind?

No shit about the molasses?

>change the lights to the more yellow kind
theyre called hps lights dipshit

>No shit about the molasses?
this. molasses creates beneficial microbes in the soil.

Dude... you... yeah cut the buds. White light for grow, yellow for bloom. Did you research anything? I could write you a book but I'm not going to.

you can just use hps for the whole grow and it works just fine.

This is where molasses comes in. While molasses is quite rich in nutrients, it is primarily used as a carbohydrate source for the organisms in your soil, effectively feeding the soil and improving it as a foundation for your cannabis. The microorganisms found within the soil play a vital role in the growth of your cannabis, and they also require the right nutrients to thrive. By giving them molasses you ensure they have what they need, and subsequently boost the structure, moisture retention, microorganism content and efficiency of the soil – which in turn benefits your cannabis. In addition to improving the base quality of the soil, using molasses to irrigate your crops can also help prevent the build-up of pathogens that will potentially harm your plants, as well are reduce salt build up that can cause nutritional problems. Molasses contains a good amount of macro- and micro-nutrients, all of which are essential to cannabis health to one degree or another. As both macro- and micro-nutrients are not required in huge amounts, it can sometimes be quite hard to diagnose a deficiency. By regularly adding molasses to your grow you can ensure your cannabis has everything it needs. It is important to obtain organic molasses suitable for garden use. However, some garden stores offer molasses for agricultural use, which is perfectly fine for cannabis.

There are two types of molasses: Sulphured and unsulphured. sulphured molasses actually contains SULPUER DIOXIDE, which acts as a preservative and anti-microbial substance. What this means is that sulphured molasses will actually kill the microbes you are trying to feed. Unsulphured molasses only contains sulphur, not sulphur dioxide – so it will feed your cannabis without killing the beneficial microbes in the soil. So make sure you get unsulphured, organic molasses.

The leaves are turning due to too much salt in your soil. Try the molasses

I'm using CFL's because of the size of the box - the heat build up might be too much, the cost of the CFL's and CFL's don't use as much juice

Yeah but it's not as efficient and the growth isn't as tight or you burn your tops because the light has to be closer to get the lumens.

Will top, go back to 20 hours, change my lights and try the molasses
thanks anons

You not blowing air through? God damn I am almost done with this thread.

you got alot to learn. rollitup has tons of info for noobs.

I would say cffl's might make it grow a little faster during veg but its not that significant.

Two fans, one intake at the bottom and one outtake at the top, with a carbon filter.

Try 5000K CFLs, they are more towards the yellow end of the spetrum.

I never bothered with cfl, too low output. Metal halide and hps only.

>I am almost done with this thread
It's not falling on deaf ears user - i am taking in all this advice

ya if your planning on growing anything over a foot youre going to need some powa.

Also 4000 to 3000 K is even better if you want more towards yellow/red light.

Actual LOL


Yeah, sterile razor

I'm using the ones that put off that harsh blue/white light, like that give you a headache after a whilr
I have some that put off that warmer yellowish light, like you would use indoors

>you're the pot head
>calling me stupid

Get a "daylight" bulb. They mimic natural sunlight. Adding one of them will help.
Don't be in such a rush to flower next time.


CFLs are ok for veg, but you can't flower under them.

Protect the roots from heat and lower the lights to 1 inch from the tops, you want tight growth not twiggy shit-weed. Light height should be adjustable.

why would you flower that tiny thing???

>flower it when size of penis they said

Keks all 'round.

I read about people starting flowering right away. I was about 3+ weeks in and decided to give it a go. Plus I was worried about the height of the box. I grew one to bud once successfully once and had to tie it down because ti was growing taller than the box.

Nobody gets it all right the first try, just keep trying

Because your lights are too far away. I keep telling you this.

don't believe any of this scientology-like molasses bullshit and just buy a decent led light panel that uses 3w leds or better that's your best bet

You're a fucking liar! I got it right the first time.


ditch the soil too and go dwc ftw

>using soil

Are you me?

What do you use?

DWC from the very 1st.

lmao, using rock as a medium. If you're doing DWC, you might as well go full hydroponic and use an NFT system.

when I go back to grow stage, should I stick with the bluish cfls, then switch to the yellows for flower?

This nigger is using CFLs and was successful

google the >marijuana growing bible

Are you fucking dumb? Lights 1 inch from the plant tops will roast the shit out of them. 5 amps at 400w of HPS and just leave them in place like 5 feet above the plants. If the buds have proper exposure then they will be fine. Distance isnt much of an issue unless you're using shitty lights.

Looks like Nute burn to me. You can start flowering early from clones if your doing a Scrog but not like that. Molasses is good during flower but only if having trouble taking up nutes. You fuckers are amatuers.

After 17 years, why change what's perfected already. I don't have to touch shit any more than once a week. You fully automate everything and sit back and shitpost all day.


Are you fucking dumb? Cooled lights and glass and they are fine. Learn physics, inverse - square law.

I'd rather use soil. Not near as much work. And what? U can harvest a couple weeks early with hydro, so what. Soil will put out the same quality. Fucking amateurs. Good soil and the sun is all u need, plus genetics. And who the fuck needs to read nine paragraphs on here about fucking molases