Hardcore rekt thread

Hardcore rekt thread

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my friend is getting quite sexual messages from some guy and i want to harass him for it



OP post shit



Story? Looks like he was about to be interrogated


>One last sip before my eternal rest.
>Oh, shit! It stings.



This Thread is gonna get FUCKED

>Can't Wait

Its on youtube newfag


Anyone have a link to the Grifter?


This is one of the most posted rekt posts everyone knows the story



She ded

What is happening here?


Terrorist attack bombing, 743 people dead


how does that never get old to you? don't you get sick of seeing the same shit and posting the same stupid shit?

fuck off.


He just found out his in laws are visiting for 2 weeks

a must post in every rekt thread

Bitch I paid a lot for your lunch you better suck it back up!

Oh god, the pain.


the fuck


Fuck dude

rat poison, or so i heard

Not asking who knows about it I'm asking for the story

Why?Just why?



god doesn't exist.

lol, what is god?

>create content for Sup Forums

>those days are over

>kids ask why

rip in peace Sup Forums

I can handle seeing people get run over and shit but I can't watch a child suffer. I think everyone has a line they just can't cross.

story II ?


is she vomiting up bile? what would cause that?



newfag detected

heart/lungs and thorax deformity, nice dubs by the way


installed a turbo without the wastegate, it was fixed in the next production model.

If Sup Forumstards were lions...

Oh god my eyes, too much!

fucking nerve gas


so edgy.
how's eight grade going?

Chilean lady, vomiting black vodka.




cry more. god doesnt exist


Anyone got that one with the goet running down the street?



Its only 116kbs

this is a chilean video, she is drunk af, if i find a link to the complete video i'll post it, and is not rat poison

Is this supposed to loop at like 10 seconds in or is it just me

kys faggot white knight

>how's eight grade going?

how's living in the deep south and not knowing till you are 55yo changing tires for a living that an education was a good thing to have?

how is she not raped?

Loops for me too

That's horrible user, you savage

nice brun you faggot, have fun being a liberal

>fucking democrats



Final Stand sucks

shes ok, russian girl hard her heart on the outside of her ribcase its been put back in and shes doing fine

>taking Sup Forums seriously
>not a dunce


>eight grade
something you didn't pass.

>Guy's about to be interrogated
>cops forgot to search him
>Guy takes a sip of water
>puts the cap back on the bottle of water
>pulls a gun from his pen0r
>puts a hole in his noggin
>cops are mortified

wasnt that one of those "shock" video back in the days like meat spine or lemon party?
something like kidsandbox or something like that

laced weed joint?

>thinks only liberals are anti-trump


We'll get back at that snooty cat.

>and he is a vegetable to this day

leave him alone. what's edgy about that?

that video is horrifying, it likely exposed him to a level of distress and horror he never even fathomed was possible in this life.

he might have been genuinely shaken, and lamented that god doesn't exist, because there are things like that in this world.

That poor kitty..

She has consumed many different colored Jello shots. The colors combined make black/gray. She simply threw up and passed out

probably snuffx

Lucky guy. A tooth abscess with nowhere to drain is really painful.


That filename


Some people really do just want to see the world burn




I can't believe people actually think you can die this way, you cant! It's water, it's not like you are hitting concrete.The only way you'd die is if you didn't know how to swim and drowned, fucking retards


Typical Mexican worker

You are a retard