New celeb thread!

New celeb thread!

Other urls found in this thread:





Lewd Kendall boys here?

Want them in my face

I don't like getting lewd here


newfags literally not joining the rabbit room cause they think its a virus, LMAO

Sup Forums was never cutting edge. And Sup Forums certainly fucking isn't, I'm so fucking tired of fucking alt-right autists like you that think you're actually counter culture by supporting the fucking old school establishment like the pathetic fucking pieces of shit sheep you are.

Grow the fuck up.


I hear drinking bleach cures autism.


Fuck off faggot. ITT isn't mental breakdown.

Is there a good rabbit going right now? Link?

Wrong thread?


Its from the last thread

>herpa derpa lurk moar faggot

is it just me or does that bikini make it look like she's leaking period juice?

M-My m-mistress Jessica Alba i-is a very beautiful celeb and I'm very l-lucky I-I have her...

>missing 1 thread
>need to lurk more

Don't ruin it

Abandon thread confirmed

Is that so? Where?

Still don't really see it. I mean I get it, but I don't see it.



Too late for damage control now faglord, go be rustled in a trump thread.

Moar like this



I would eat that thing. No questions asked.

I just found it amusing that someone aperrently posted in the wrong thread - is there anything wrong with that?

On kik sometimes






Holy shit when did this happen? How old is she now?


I do as well all the time, i'm interested... :3
Go on.






>best celeb




I-I know I-I don't d-deserve h-her and sh-she has t-told m-me numerous t-times I-I barely s-satisfy h-her... She t-tells m-me she d-dreams a-about h-having a-a real m-man... L-Last w-week sh-she w-was g-gone f-for a-a few h-hours a-at a-a business m-meeting and I-I grew w-worried abut h-her... When sh-she g-got b-back I-I jumped t-to the front d-door a-as s-soon a-as I heard h-her c-car d-drive up the driveway... She s-saw r-right away h-how d-distressed I-I was and r-refused t-to tell m-me straight o-out h-her whereabouts; t-tormenting m-me w-with a-a smile o-on her face, saying m-maybe she f-found a-a real m-man, they hit i-it off and sh-she d-decided t-to have a-a few d-drinks... I-It w-was o-only after a-an hour when sh-she m-made m-me b-beg like a-a dog o-on my hands and knees d-did she t-tell m-me the t-truth: that m-my pathetic a-ass was safe, she h-had an unscheduled m-meeting t-to attend o-on short n-notice... I-I thanked h-her profusely and sh-she m-made m-me l-lick h-her d-dirty f-foot s-soles o-off a-as a-a sign of her dominance o-over m-me...



Crazy dyke. She's turned so many starlets into lesbians.

Well then night!

Tay Tay


fucking kill yourself typing like that you fucking autistic living cringecunt

you like man feet with bunions?

Stutterbro isn't the worst thing itt

fuuuk that ass

she turns women daily, that's what happens when you're the definition of female perfection
this user knows,


Keep going


Tay is beautiful and sexy.



Keep talking. Her feet are great.



She sure is! Flawless goddess



Perfect body

Yes Goddess?

Do you like to fap to this goddess?


mmmmm Karen

Mhm yes fuck








I want her pale Scottish thighs around me NOW.

The best celeb



we can all agree to disagree.


yes that would be a good way to spend an afternoon

She'll ride me in every room in the house

Dem legs tho

best celeb of all time!!!

Yes of course, and to no one else, only goddess Tay

Only if your name is All.