This just happened

this just happened

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no it didn't

how the fuck can a rock happen anyway, it's a thing, not an event

That's debatable

my rock is far better

It's not a rock it's a large stone you dumb fuck

Thats a fucking boulder you dumbfuck. Nondebatable.

as if

Retrofuckingactively read this fucking post
And unfuckingtype that.

I disagree.

what if it's both debatable and nondebatable though?


I disagree. It appears to be an inselberg


Ha that's obviously a fat pebble

actually a boulder

You literally can't think that or did you not read this post
See the above.

fuck u


Nice Photoshop skills. Everybody knows that rocks don't get that big... Dumbass

This isn't even a picture


I'm not debating it, I'm just informing you that I don't agree with the statement.

It's a T. rex buried in the ground. It's only diguised as a boulder.


no its a rock its under 10.1 inches you boldurite

can't unsee

Delete a board

That's literally debating the validity of my statement which you CAN'T do in ANY form.

That's not important. The important question is: Is that rock natural? Than how did it form like this in the middle of nowhere. Was it moved there? Then why?

There was more time between the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex than between Tyrannosaurus Rex and you. The Stegosaurus lived 150 million years ago, while the T-Rex lived only 65 million years ago.


Do I need a girlfriend? It's been a while since I don't get in love with a girl mostly because of money, but there is a loli as my neighboor calling to destroy her brain out, BUT I don't wanna go to jail because of that. How do I say a gentile fuck of to this kid, it's hard to control myself

I disagree.

Whats the first thing to break when you give it to a Five year old?

that doesn't even say muhammad in arabic lol

Jesus Christ, is a mineral, you cunt

Boulders are not attached to the ground.

Her Hips!

she is 10, close to 11

>tfw too intelligent to call boulders "rocks"


It's a freaking monolith you blind cucks

What does it say? Many pardons, I am not fluent in Goat Fucker.

Go play in traffic.

It might be an Isleberg

my hips!, There most be another way

Bumping with the Official Sup Forumstard shoe!

No we won't.

That rock is probably a liberal who wants to take my guns and abort pebbles

This is the rock.

Your rock is FAT

Stop arguing and join our Sup Forums discord

its a bolder you shit head


>Resorts to rock shaming.


a picture of a rock maybe

You literally can't.

No need to apologize good Sir. It actually says:
'Fuck off white scum without Islam the Renaissance wouldn't have happened and you'd still be living in your own shit.'

I can see how that can easily be confused with how Muhammad is written: محمد‎‎

Honestly though, it's just the capitalized letters(M H M D) in reverse order. Whoever made that caricature didn't consider that Arabic is written from right to left.

I've seen the pic often these past years but I never actually paid attention to the writing

Debunked. That is a fossilized T-Rex.


so where did it all go to shit user?

that is a boulder


I'd call that a boulder.

I have never heard anyone say there were going boulder hunting

I studied Geology at Uni, you are all retards, it isn't a rock, boulder, stone etc.
It is not free standing, it is connected to the larger structure of the local strata and therefore is rock.
Not a rock, but just rock.

Fucking dumbasses, I got my Bsc & PhD, this is the first time I've had to use them since I left Uni 6 years ago.

Thanks for clearing that up. And it is really quite hysterical how he is depicted in a drawing moistening his lips in preparation to give the best blow job a Deity could possibly muster. Hilarious and quite the fallacy I'd say old chap. Would it not be more accurate that he would be depicted hovering over a pre-pubescent little girl, drooling and grunting trying to get his adult male sized goat probe into her virgin 9 year old body? How old was that guy when he fucked her the first time? Nice religion btw. Calm down pedos. And no, this should NOT be green texted either.

Same guy here, I think 9 years is correct, though some scholars argue that it could've been as old as 13 or even 17(very unlikely).


The messenger of god is not a deity himself, there is only the one god in Islam.

It went to shit when the Mongols invaded, though if we're honest, all Empires eventually come to an end.
Also crediting only Islam with the eventual progress of the west is a little disingenuous. One of the most important services Islamic scholars did to the world was collecting and essentially reviving the lost knowledge of Ancient Greece plus faciliating information flow from further East, i.e. India.

That's the whole point though. Reducing Islam to what we see today is just as stupid as saying all white people are worthless scum because for a long time basic hygiene was unknown to Europeans.

No it's not

I'm sorry you're still hanging out on Sup Forums ater getting your PhD

Why do you not capitalize God? Are you retarded or just extremely uneducated

This is a picture of stone. Ya'll so stupid arguing when you don't even know what ur looking at

Wtf is a bolder? Are you saying it's more bold in text or character?

Don't you mean a boulder? Also if it's a boulder tell me what a boulder is.


Yeah it's a rock

It's a mineral, Marie!

its a boulder

This my friend is an anti-hole. An anti-hole in the ground. Just like you penis is an anti-pussy, pussy.

In geology, a boulder is a rock fragment with size greater than 25.6 centimetres (10.1 in) in diameter. Smaller pieces are called cobbles and pebbles. While a boulder may be small enough to move or roll manually, others are extremely massive.
Boulder - Wikipedia

I don't agree.

That's a boulder, dipshit.

>Atheists: 1
>Religious fuckheads: BTFO