Is she chubby?

Is she chubby?

Thoughts on her?

I can see a bit of a belly and love handles in that dress. Most guys would fuck her as she is, so the question is irrelevant.

>little chubby
> kinda ugly
>would still fuck

she is cute as heel post more

How? She's got a cute face

imo very fuckable, I do see some tummy but I dont see chubby.

that said, post more

Where are the love handles?

post more pics of her so we can further analyze.

>love handles
I do not see


Fat, weird chin, weird eye shape

Now I see why your picky ass is a single fag

>literally you

chubby tf?

That belly's sexy af i'd bang everyday lol

What belly?

>being this mad that ur crush is a 6/10

Im just telling u why she isnt as cute as u want to believe she is

>Also believing that im too ugly for girls who arent ugly


Are niggas this dumb.

Id smash, i just gave my explanation as to why whe has an "ugly face"

aww so butthurt :)
You watch too much porn friend

It's ok

No girl would ever have sex with you anyway

Is it weird that id like to fatten her up?

she's cute. 7/10

What, this is backwards lol

That face is pretty fucking ugly dude. if this is all you have to work with where ever you're from I honestly feel bad for you.
Or you're pretty ugly too

dude,,,, shes perfect to me

i bet her tits are chubby. you should post her tits.

she's ok for a temporary fuck.
I can tell she'll balloon out pretty fast at around 30.

Fuck her while she's young but be sure to get rid of her long before the cut off.

Also if she gets pregnant she'll also balloon out. It happened to my EX-wife and she was only 22

Luckily I am now childfree and marriagefree and the bitch can fuck off.

>I can tell she'll balloon out pretty fast at around 30
>Also if she gets pregnant she'll also balloon out

What? How can you tell?

Bump for answer

I know that body type.

plenty of bitches from college had it, including my shitty exwife.

they look like shit once they give up or hit their late 20s.

Yeah but what about that body type tells you that she'll get fat?

She's chubby, but not in a bad way, it sort of suits her body frame

I'd definitely get with her

Think she's got a belly?

A bit but she's not fat by any stretch of the imagination

She's cute but about 3 years away from a swamp thing.

Are you sure it's not the way she's standing or something?

Why do you say that?