Women are people. Some of them are worth it

Women are people. Some of them are worth it.

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Moar like this


Yes. True. And?



one mans trash is another man's daughter

social experiment failed. White Knight rate over 9000

this is how you were supposed to react:

If you are looking for selfless, altruistic, smart and confident people, then nah, id say about 1% of the population fits that bill.

daily reminder that men cheat more often than women

Worth it? Not for everyone.. Only for those seeking romance and companionship. The girls who are worthwhile rarely come without commitment.. which for me and probably a lot of other dudes, is just not an option.

>according to a Sup Forums faggot

i truly do believe that, all my friends always talk about the chicks they are banging, even though they are in relationships.

It sure is easy to just go on the Internet and say things whether or not they're true.
>only dates men
>men cheat on you
>therefore men cheat more

That's a total lie, women cheat so much more often than men

Women just don't brag about these things since society encourages men to be slutty, but discourages women. Both genders are sluts. Both genders cheat. One is just allowed to talk about it more.

Women are people.
But it feels like women are kinda more normal.
Men are very volatile. The best people are men. Like Da Vinci, Napoleon, Newton, Tesla. And the worst people are men. Like Hitler, Stalin, Ted Bundy et virtually every serial killer/rapist.
Woman are less extreme.
Some of them are beautiful and smell really nice. Damn the smell of a hot women is nice.
Not like my fucking stinky dirty armpits and ass crack.

no, they're not. society makes them all fucking narcissists

Dude like women cheat more cuz r9k told me!!!!!

I'm going to space Murph

i know that both men and woman cheat, but i believe that men do it a little more often because of how our society is.

men dont get as much shit when cheating as woman do, which in turn makes it eazier to cheat for men.

i mean none of my friends even bat an eye when they talk about the woman they sleep with.

Honestly? Girls cheat a lot more than men do, they just keep it secret..

How the hell can anyone really know this? There's so much women good men bad propoganda out there that this reeks of more of the same. One thing I would bet on is that women probably cheat just as much if not more only they keep more quiet about it.

women just care less when men cheat, they can't be unknowingly cuckolded (i mean that in the evolutionary sense)

Not only are they more secretive about it they rationalize it more. They are world champions at that. It didn't count because I was in another country. I was drunk so it was rape etc.

Dude this is totally tru and definitely not just what roosh v told me!!!!

My life, Has been nothing but betrayal from women. I have a feeling, I let that be the fact with me thou.... But how do you tell someone secret shit you think you would just tell your wife... now that your looking at a future, this person ruined my life.

Anyone who's had a little bit of experience with them would know this.


Women are snakes. Always be on your guard.

Some, but very few.

Sup Forums discord here:


Most men aren't like that either.

go fuck yourself retard

its probably harder to find a man that isn't like that

Friends and I concluded that men are less variable externally, more variable internally. As a result, the smartest and the dumbest people you know are almost certain to be male.

Conversely, women are less variable internally, and more variable externally. Hence, beauty is almost exclusively the domain of women. Also, men are more likely to "all look the same," and women are much more likely to be cognitively average than men.