Only one person in 63,000 has sufficiently sensitive color perception to make out what is written in the circle.
Only one person in 63,000 has sufficiently sensitive color perception to make out what is written in the circle
So then what's it say?
it says
>OP is a faggot
I can very clearly see it says, "Niggers aren't people"
Can confirm
>1 in 63000
Post study or drink bleach.
A tetrachromat might be able to see something. But they are far rarer than 1 in 63K.
Don't know if this means anything or not, but I just tried running it through some color filters in my photo editor and couldn't find any message. Maybe I'll try some more.
It says OP is a fag
There's nothing there to see.
Tell me user, what does 5 say?
Or is that just your way of calling someone a faggot?
I didn't think so since I've never had trouble with the colorblind circles before, I just wanted to confirm OP's faggotry.
Its a penis
I see 84
It's supposed to be a number
Show me.
I see what you did there, you sick fuck
>totaly agree
true good sir
It says Brownian motion is the devils work
I have perfect color vision. I won't spoil the joke. Very funny, OP.
85 or 35
Doesn't say shit
Its so cool how I can see 2 perfectly well.
Can't read Nr 1. What does it say you fucking prick!
Tell me now!!!