Hey /b, do I look like a Trap?

Hey /b, do I look like a Trap?

You look like a local high school feminist.

You're a shit trap but you're a trap.

the fuck you think bitch? or guy, whatever the fuck. piiiics

You look like a trap I knew in high school, take some hormones lad and you'll be a pretty girl

Post dick and ill tell you if you are or not

that does not answer the quesion.

what do you think ;)

No you look like the grinch.

>asking Sup Forums if you look like a trap
Nu/b/ can't tell the differrnce between male and female cause all the faggy twinks and crossdressers tgat post in trap threads.

Traps are trannies. If you're not on mones you're a cd.


not sure what cd means

Cross dresser.

thank you for clarification

yo i've seen this before, like twice wtf did you actually post the same thing again, or is this some fag trying to replicate

i did post this twice, just trying to get more responses this time around

Nice copypasta.

either way OP is a cuck

Some replicating fag.



wow 5 away from Quints

Autism Speaks kek

Grow your hair very long and get on hormones and you'll be qt

Are we all gonna just ignore that t shirt ?