Their best album

Their best album

>Their best album
>Not even one hit

you could tell melon wanted to put this as #1 but decided against it last minute

Yeah this is obviously better but had to go with OKC because "muh impact"

Idk, songs on it kinda feel lifeless, too plastic... They have good beats and sounds and all that but leave kind of an empty after-taste.. While OKC gives me the absolute chills every time

Their actual best album

Well he did say in the video (or description?) that he will try to take into account both his personal opinion and the impact of an album, and in that case OKC wins

Ok computer is their best album retard. This is their second best followed by Kid A. Just MY OPINION though.

Agreed, Kid A followed by Moon Shaped Pool and Hail to the Thief.

>not even mentioning the the bends
post-rock fags pls go

No no user, The Bends would come right after Hail to the Thief on my list, which would be then followed by Amnesiac, imho

In Rainbows (both discs) > Kid A > TKOL=The Bends > Amnesiac >A Moon Shaped Pool > Ok Computer > HTTT > Life Of Pablo.

Httt rules supreme, then its Pablo honey

Don't know if it's their best, but it's my favorite album.

This is my way of saying goodbye

king of limbs is objectively shite tho

In Rainbows > HTTT > Kid A > Amnesiac > Bends > Moon Shaped Pool > OKC > TKOL

In a world were these two didn't exist maybe.

Kid A > OK Computer > In Rainbows >>> HTTT > Moon Shaped Pool > Bends > the rest.


The Bends is by far the best. Every track is solid.

Is this what contrarianism looks like?

this.comment == true

In Rainbows
Kid A





literally their second worst

OK Computer
Kid A

The Bends

In Rainbows
Pablo Honey



Amnesiac > OK Computer > TKOL > The Bends > Kid A > AMSP > In Rainbows > HTTT > Pablo Honey

... is Amnesiac

Not even Coldplay's best album

>ok computer is their best album retard
>JUST my opinion though

>not TKOL
>le radiohead and coldplay and muse are the same band meme XD

Amnesiac > OKC = Kid A > AMSP >= The Bends > HTTT > TKoL > PH


Sure, if you like butt-rock.

Its a flat midlife crisis cliché album (by radiohead standards) with a couple of standout tracks. This and AMSP are their worst output since 1995. At least AMSP tried to do something different.

Its still a solid 8/10 in the grand scheme of things either way. But only people who were faggy "indie" kids when it released hold it dearly.

His best album

Forgot IR-- that goes between The Bends and HTTT

okc > kid a > amsp > in rainbows > amnesiac > httt > bends > pablo > tkol

Holy shit, you might be the first fucking person to acually get it right. I could change limbs for hail, but it would depend on the weather honestly.

Why are you so mad brah?

Holy fucking shit, someone else gets it. Perfect taste user. Goddamn

OK Computer is great but I don't know why it's just accepted by a lot of people as their best. I could easily argue In Rainbows is better for the fact that it doesn't have any wasted tracks.

People who think this is their best don't like "albums". They may like music, but don't appreciate works as a whole. These people include this asshole who thinks OK Computer "wasted" tracks.

In Rainbows is a mixtape of great fucking jams that have nothing to do with each other. The only other less cohesive album is Pablo Honey. Every album has a theme and texture but In Rainbows (even if it may have the best tracks individually)

it's very cohesive actually. it's a love letter to kraut rock

>you don't appreciate albums as i define them



Official Patrician ranking

In Rainbows
Kid A
The King of Limbs
A Moon Shaped Pool
OK Computer
Hail to the Thief
The Bends
Pablo Honey

why are you so unfunny brah?