What do you say to people that go on and on about cultural appropriation of "black music"? I can't have a normal conversation about music with my friend without him going on and on about how I shouldn't listen to Elvis, The Rolling Stones, etc. because it was all "stolen" music. Is rock music even as deeply rooted in black culture as people make it out to be? Why should it matter so much anyway?
What do you say to people that go on and on about cultural appropriation of "black music"...
Rock music is deeply rooted in black culture, but that shouldn't matter. Your friend is retarded
You disregard them like the worthless insects they are. Anyone who cries about cultural appropriation isn't worth talking to on a serious level.
Guess what: different non-warring cultures in the same area will naturally accumulate traits of one another due merely to increased contact.
Cultural appropriation has got to be the stupidest fucking thing. Imagine if cultures didnt share things with each other because MUH RACISM. Stop eating pizza and sushi if you aren't white or asian
>white rock musicians take influence from black blues musicians and take the genre in new directions
>black hip-hop musicians take parts of recorded songs by white people and talk over them
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It's pretty ridiculous. The only credibility I can see in this argument is how it's linked to white musicians popularizing genres made by people of color. But even then it all evened out over the years and artists of color got the credit they deserved.
Led Zepplin LITERALLY did steal from several black blues artists and did not credit them. Most notably on their debut album, many of the lyrics are lifted/altered blues lyrics from then unknown blues artists, along with some riffs even full on songs are covers more or less.
Ignore you're friend, music should not be owned by a single race that's really kind of disgusting. Culture belong to certain ethnicities and should be respected, music is part of culture, but I feel like it's more universal and should be shared between all people.
Haha, I dont know, I dont have any retarded friends.
I realize that he's being ridiculous but what am I even supposed to say to him? In my opinion rock music has undergone so many changes since it's inception that it's become unrecognizable from shit like Little Richard and original blues music, so who cares
Is your friend white or black, actually kind of important
he's a white liberal guy. Even if he was black though, does that really add credibility to his claims?