ITT albums only normies praise

ITT albums only normies praise

Any album ever

Music sucks

any bowie album



nice meme

pic unrelated



Stick to the thread title you fucking memers

But most normies don't even know of 'Low.'


shit sorry my bad

Those who know it is the only people who praise it

>albums only tryhards don't praise

This piece of shit right here





Are you waiting for someone who never leaves their house and poops in socks to say it's good? Who is a normie to you?




Considering what normie means for you judging by this post, and considering that fact you seem to disagree with OP you're probably a normie yourself



I'm a 21 year old virgin NEET. Again, who is a normie to you?





tame impala
flaming lips

>being a virgin neet you can't be as close minded as normie that you imagined in your close minded virgin neet head to think that the album that is unconventional JUST ENOUGH is the greatest piece of music ever


>32 posts
>14 posters

some bowiefag got mad

Get the dick out of your mouth.

This reply just proves how shallow minded you are
You may be a virgin neet, but you're as smart as a normie

Keith Richards on Bowie
>It's poses, all fucking poses that have nothing to do with the music, and he knows it too.

delete yourself

that's rich coming from fucking keith richards

Reread that fucking post, jesus christ. What the hell is that shit? Are you barred out?

Every Nirvana album ever.

i actually listened to the whole metal machine

it's legit horrible

how can the same guy who made loaded make something so soulless

was it just a giant fuck you to his label ?


you can listen to a giant pile of audible shit for over an hour but you can't google for 20 seconds

what's the deal with all the nonsense words on the cover of this? what the fuck even is the anime beta ring?

says some shit tier establishment sell out? fuck this retard degenerate.

You know it's true.

If you can't understand the meaning of that post you might be legitimately retarded

This is actually WAY better

You can make the same post you just made in a matter of seconds but you decide to waste a few more seconds putting in a shitty niggerfrog.


you're so wrong it hurts

When someone brings up The Dead C I immediately scream at them for being a dirty drone normie. Basic shit

His album before that "Sally Can't Dance" was a big hit and his label wanted him to rush out another album right away. But Lou didn't like Sally Can't Dance because he barely had any involvement in making it, the label was interfering with it too much and it pissed him off. So he made Metal Machine Music to make sure he wouldn't become the popstar RCA wanted him to be.

>starts a troll thread
>gets mad when it gets nothing but troll posts

except that OP is definitely not a troll post


pic unrelated

But it literally is, just using the word "normie" is a troll in itself. And posting Bowie's least poppy and mainstream album...

this, it is objective that there has never been an album over 5/10


t. normie

>Bowie's least poppy and mainstream album
t. fucking idiot


Found your Kill yourself, you edgy alt-right teen.

pretty good taste if you ask me

I hate all those normies singing along to those instrumental eno songs.

All mucore, all of pitchfork nbm, all albums given a 8/10 by the needledrop and all RYM albums over 3.40

how are you rating these albums then? ratings are, by definition weighted based on other albums...



A second thread, user?


>ITT: normies


>Normie posting this in the hopes it gets on roddit for le upboats

normies couldn't name a single bowie album