New ylyl

New ylyl

Other urls found in this thread:



Sup Forums meme

is this what all goes through the heads of nra supporters?




Fucking lost

This is hilarious



Kys nigger



Yes everyone who supports gun rights believes in this way to go



OP is a faggot.
got anythin good ???


Please die. We won't want you here anymore. We've been enduring your banana shitposting for two whole years now. Think about that for a minute. Do you realize what can occur in two years? In two years, a baby can be born, learn to walk, speak, and, if it's advanced enough, even be potty-trained. The very fundamentals of motor skills, human interaction and sanitation can be learned by a mere infant in a span of two years. That's the amount of time you've spent ruining YLYL threads on Sup Forums with pictures of bananas. While there are babies out there opening their eyes to magic of their own very existence, you're sitting in your room crying yourself to sleep, muttering "Thanks Lori" in between gasps of air while realizing that nobody loves you. And it's your own damn fault that nobody loves you. You've shunned everybody you've ever known, turned them away in favor of a meme. Your mother is heartbroken that she'll never be able to see you get married, she'll never be able to be a grandmother, all because you'd rather spend your time telling anonymous message board users to "save it, it's all yours my friend."

You're a fucking wreck and I think I speak for everybody when i say that we've had enough of your shit. Maybe it's time for you to pull your head out of your ass and realize just what the fuck you've become. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, with enough work, you can turn your life around and become somebody worthwhile. At the very least, you can die saying you tried to do something other than waste everybody's time with a stupid fucking picture of a banana.



I really really really like this post.

some new copy pasta

Oh shit does anyone have the beanboy story


Comedy gold.

GEt the fuck off Sup Forums lex you cunt



This should be an oc thread, I'm tired of seeing the same shit over and over again.


make some OC then, faggot


right if you just put "oc only" in the OP you'll get nothing but oc



yeah, gaggot, maggot, faggot.


fukken kek



I just did. I'm op


Bait nigger.




lost to filename


Fuck she be sick dawg, y u gadda do dis 2me

fuck u

fuck u u dirty kike

glad it was just a banana... didnt want to read that long greentext

Can i fuck her?

>tfw a well known YouTube celebrity comes to us for laughs





I watched that, but what board is that from? I cant find one that is around post 10m that would have a ylyl thread



you stupid nigger


Fuck you nigger



Fuck like the third one I've seen in 10 minutes

It was in /gif/



an oldie but a good one


I don't know what are you talking about,user. The only thing I see is a greentext of a guy fucking some feminazis and whiteknights over.





He did it one fucking time for a shit video. That doesn't mean he will come back. Maybe.



You know, it's kind of frustrating to imagine this kid getting bullied to the point that he just snaps, and goes full retard on a couple of cunts, just to have the media twist his story into a "look at this crazy kid". He doesn't look retarded. He looks like a normal dude, and normal people don't just freak out and hurt people for no reason. I'm not trying to justify his violence, but there is more to the story than what is portrayed, but he will go down as just another crazy fucker.




that wasn't the first time

hers ur (you)

c'mon man



Keep it classy, LA
Definitely taking the high road.

no family pets, plus i have immunity.



